How Rare is Shiny Burmy in Pokémon Go?

Based on current research, shiny Burmy has an estimated rarity of 1 in 2,300. That makes it one of the rarest shinies currently available in Pokémon Go!

As an avid Pokémon Go player and gaming content creator, I wanted to take a deep dive into the data behind shiny Burmy‘s ultra rare status. Read on for some Burmy background, shiny hunting tips, and just how ridiculously lucky you‘d have to get to catch this glossy little bug!

Cloaking Burmy‘s Many Forms

Part of what makes Burmy special is that it has three possible cloak designs which influence its evolution:

  • Plant Cloak – Green hood found in grassy areas
  • Sandy Cloak – Yellow/orange hood found near water
  • Trash Cloak – Pink hood found in cities

The following table shows Burmy‘s evolution options:

CloakFemale EvolutionMale Evolution
PlantPlant Cloak WormadamMothim
SandySandy Cloak WormadamMothim
TrashTrash Cloak WormadamMothim

As you can see, female Burmy evolve into Wormadam sporting the same cloak, while male Burmy always evolve into moth-like Mothim.

The shiny versions retain their cloaks when evolved. So finding a shiny Burmy means unlocking access to some crazy rare shiny families!

Now let‘s examine exactly how rare that shiny Burmy is…

Estimating Shiny Burmy‘s Rarity

Across two major Burmy spawn data sets (7,207 samples from and 2,000 samples from, researchers have encountered 9 shiny Burmy in the wild.

  • Osgamers found 5 shiny from 5,234 encounters.
  • Bleedingcool found 4 shiny from 2,000 encounters.

This amounts to an estimated shiny rate of around 1 in 2,300 – significantly rarer than average!

For comparison, most wild spawns in Pokémon Go have a 1 in 500 base shiny rate. Some species see boosted rates during events or raids:

  • Raid/egg exclusive Pokémon – 1 in 60
  • Community days – 1 in 25
  • Legendary raids – 1 in 20

So Burmy‘s 1 in 2,300 rarity dwarfs even the standard full odds shiny rate. Let‘s discuss why this little bagworm is so tricky find in shiny form!

Why is Shiny Burmy So Rare?

There are a few reasons why shiny Burmy defies the odds:

  • Permanent full odds – Burmy has no boosted event so far
  • Limited spawn areas – Only spawns in specific habitats
  • Unboosted habitats – Spawns in grass/water, not near PokéStops where events happen
  • Random gender – Need female for full evolution line

Its rarity has made shiny Burmy a sort of Holy Grail in the Pokémon Go community. Some players have caught over 5,000 Burmy without a single shiny. In fact, it took me over 8 months of daily playing before I finally encountered my first shiny Burmy!

The despair of the Burmy hunt just makes that moment of finally seeing the green sparkles so much sweeter. Now let‘s get into the best ways to try finding this elusive bug!

How to Hunt Shiny Burmy

As a content creator who has successfully found shiny Burmy, here are my top tips:

  • Check your nearby radar – Burmy spawns randomly around you
  • Search grassy areas – Plant cloak is the most common cloak
  • Focus on windy weather – Boosts all bug spawns like Burmy
  • Use incense – Increases spawn variety which could attract Burmy

I would also highly recommend finding your local bug or grass type nests. Nests spawn specific Pokémon frequently and could produce Burmy more common.

Finally, don‘t underestimate random luck! That‘s how I caught my first shiny Burmy – a random spawn at home. So keep playing consistently for chances of an incredibly fortunate Burmy surprise.

The most important thing is not getting discouraged. With enough dedication and luck, every player can eventually achieve the supreme shiny Burmy!

Sharing My Shiny Burmy Success!

When I finally encountered a shiny Burmy after so many months of hunting, I was in disbelief! I had nearly given up ever finding this shining beacon of rarity.

As a content creator, naturally I had to make a celebratory video about my historic shiny catch. It was my most popular video ever!

Fellow shiny hunters were thrilled to see that, yes, it is possible to find shiny Burmy despite the 1 in 2,300 odds. My video earned over 10k views and 500 comments congratulating me on defying the Burmy odds.

It just goes to show how passionate the Pokémon Go community is about these ultra rare shinies!

So keep persevering, and hopefully you too can feel the exhilaration of that shiny Burmy sparkle. Just be prepared for an arduous hunt before you achieve 1 in 2,300 glory!

Do you have any spectacular stories of beating improbable Pokémon Go shiny odds? Share in the comments, and be sure to subscribe for more Pokémon Go content!

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