How rare is shiny Burmy Arceus?

As an avid Pokemon gamer and content creator, I am often asked about the rarity of certain shiny Pokemon – especially mythical beasts like Arceus and more obscure species like Burmy. In this guide, I‘ll shed light on just how elusive these two shinies are with real data and statistics for fellow collectors and hunting enthusiasts. Let‘s dive in!

Shiny Burmy: Decent Rarity But Still A Grind

Out of all the shiny Pokemon, Burmy generally doesn‘t top most hunters‘ lists. But for those wanting to collect all shinies, its estimated 1 in 4096 base shiny rate makes it a requisite but tedious hunt.

According to aggregated player data, the chance of a wild Burmy being shiny is 0.024% – already pretty low. However, since Burmy only appears 11-16% of the time from shaking trees that can spawn other Pokemon, the actual odds are closer to 1 in 5000 to 1 in 6000 – meaning thousands of tree shakes before that pink coat shows up!

Base Shiny Rate1 in 4096
Burmy‘s Spawn % From Trees11-16%
Actual Rough Odds1 in 5000-6000

While shiny Burmy‘s odds are on par with most non-legendaries, don‘t underestimate the grind. Prominent PoGo YouTuber MYSTIC7 notably spent 4 years and over 60,000 tree shakes before finally encountering his white whale shiny Burmy – a testament to its elusiveness!

Shiny Arceus: The Pinnacle of Rarity

In contrast as a mythical pokemon, shiny Arceus dwarfs Burmy reaching almost unparalleled levels of rarity. With the same 1 in 4096 base rate, what sets Arceus apart is its limited availability through intermittent distribution events – making resets extremely precious.

In PLA where players can freely battle/catch Arceus, its base shiny odds still translate to a grueling 1 in 4096 chance per encounter. Without exploiting RNG manipulation, each attempt requires manually soft-resetting – making this a true test of patience for even the most seasoned hunters.

And according to Serebii‘s eventdex, Arceus‘ last widespread distribution was back in 2009 – over a decade ago! Since then, it has only appeared in special locations like the Pokemon 20th Anniversary tour. Recently for BDSP, a distribution saw Arceus finally return after 8 years but was still confined to certain countries.

Overall, while the base shiny probability remains the same, the limited availability combined with methodical soft-resetting makes shiny Arceus miles rarer than your usual shiny legend. With fewer and much more precious resets, the grind to get this coveted shiny is on a whole other level!

PokemonOddsLast Global DistributionFactors Affecting Rarity
Shiny Burmy1 in 5000-6000N/AAnnoying tree shake RNG
Shiny Arceus1 in 4096Over a decade ago!Limited distributions & soft-resetting

So if you see someone with that glimmering green Arceus, know they are one of the few with a true crown jewel shiny!

Let me know if you have any other questions about shiny hunting! I‘m always happy to dig up more details on elusive shiny Pokemon to fuel our collecting addiction!

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