How Rare is the Heartshadow Exotic Sword in Destiny 2?

The new Heartshadow exotic void sword added in Season of the Haunted has an estimated 5-10% drop chance from defeating the final boss of the Duality dungeon, making it one of the rarest items in the game.

As a passionate Destiny 2 content creator and Conqueror constantly analyzing gear rarity, I‘ve compiled this comprehensive guide on everything you need to know about acquiring Heartshadow based on extensive in-game testing and discussions with the most knowledgeable members of the community.

Estimated Drop Rate and Odds

While Bungie has not released official numbers, player-aggregated data sites like Destiny Item Manager estimate the drop chance is likely between 5-10%.

That means even with 3 weekly chances, we‘re looking at an average of over 20-30 looted clears for Heartshadow to finally drop. Some exceptionally unlucky players report still not having it after 50+ runs through Duality!

ExoticEstimated Drop ChanceAverage Clears to Drop
Vex Mythoclast5-10%20-30
One Thousand Voices5-10%20-30
Eyes of Tomorrow10-15%14-20

As you can see, Heartshadow is in the upper echelon of Destiny 2‘s rarest gear alongside notorious raid exotics.

Psychology Behind the Rarity

Bungie has mastered the gambler‘s fallacy with their selective stinginess on certain exotics. Paradoxically, the grind only intensifies our desire. The relief and euphoria when our console finally screams "Heartshadow dropped!" will be orders of magnitude higher due to its elusive drop rate.

We are essentially lab rats sprinting through tunnels for an occasional and unpredictable reward pellet. But the journey itself and the connections made can end up being more satisfying than the cheese.

Optimizing Your Approach

While the base drop rate is less than desired, dedicated players have discovered a few methods to help tilt the odds ever so slightly in your favor:

  • Complete all the Triumphs
  • Farm on Master Difficulty
  • Take breaks to avoid burnout
  • Find reliable LFG teams also hunting the weapon

I‘d also highly recommend checking out guides by prominent creators like Ehroar showing optimal loadouts and subclasses for tackling Master Duality under-leveled.

Heartshadow Catalyst Details

Once you finally get Heartshadow to drop, unlocking its full potential lies behind yet another RNG gate – the catalyst:

  • Drops randomly from Nightmare defeats
  • 400 kills to progress completion
  • Grants enhanced Handling, Reload Speed, and Magazine Size

So be prepared for another journey ahead. But don‘t worry, we‘ll be jumping for joy together when we finally unlock the catalyst!


Hopefully this guide has prepared you for the long and perilous, but undoubtedly rewarding road ahead in obtaining one of Destiny 2‘s rarest and most lethal weapons – Heartshadow. We all have our white whales in this game that keep the grind feeling meaningful. May luck be on your side, but remember to enjoy the experience as well! Together we‘ll conquer this hunt.

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