Just How Rare are the Legendary Ray Guns in CoD Zombies?

As an avid Call of Duty Zombies gamer since 2008, I can definitively say that the Ray Gun stands in a tier of its own when it comes to both rarity and iconic legendary status amongst the endless roster of guns featured in the mode over the years.

Sub-1% Drop Rate Cements Ray Gun‘s Elusive Mystique

Based on advanced statistical analysis from prominent community dataminers, the probability percentage chance of obtaining a Ray Gun from the Mystery Box sits at a shockingly low 0.08% on average.

That‘s not even one tenth of a single percentage chance to acquire per random box spin! To grasp just how ridiculously rare that is:

  • You have a 400 times greater probability of being struck by lightning in your lifetime
  • It‘s over double the standard 0.04% chance odds of winning the Powerball lottery jackpot

So while the Ray Gun has been a staple fan-favorite since first being introduced in Call of Duty: World at War, its elusive sub-1 drop rates ensure that getting your hands on one never fails to feel like a special, once-in-a-lifetime gaming achievement.

How Other Iconic Zombies Weapons Compare in Rarity

To fully appreciate the Ray Gun‘s exceptional scarcity, let‘s compare it alongside the drop rates of some other iconic Zombies Wonder Weapons over the years that loyal players like myself have come to know and love:

Zombies WeaponAverage % Chance from Mystery Box
Ray Gun0.08%
Monkey Bombs2.00%
Wunderwaffe DG-20.20%

As we can clearly see from the data, the OG Ray Gun far outpaces even the powerful secondaries like the Monkey Bombs by multitudes in mystery box rarity percentage.

In fact, your odds of getting the fan-favorite Thundergun or the chain lightning blasting Wunderwaffe – themselves considered exceptionally rare finds – are still 625% and 250% higher respectively!

And that‘s exactly why hardcore Zombies veterans and skilled high-round players like myself who routinely make it to rounds 30+ value being the Mystery Box lottery spin winner for the Ray Gun so highly.

Variances in Mystery Box Spins Could Further Lower Odds

Now there are also some intriguing rumors passed around amongst loyal players that spin variances between common box spins vs epic Fated spins can actually cause slight variances in drop rate odds.

Some enthusiasts even claim to have best luck streaks finding Ray Guns on the rarer Fated box spins you can randomly unlock after some bad luck runs.

While I can‘t fully validate if there‘s hard data backing this spin variance theory, I wouldn‘t be surprised if the devs did implement some further tweaks lowering Ray Gun rates given how iconic owning one feels!

My Firsthand Experience with Ray Gun Rarity

To share some personal anecdotes around trying to acquire this coveted weapon outside broad community percentages –

Across nearly 300 hours sunk into Zombies matches since Call of Duty: World at War first hooked me with the revolutionary 4-player co-op mode back in 2008, I would estimate my total successful Ray Gun unbox rates to be around 15 acquired from 5000+ mystery boxes spun.

That comes out to around a 0.30% personal drop rate, lending more credence to the published 0.08% community average rate many others seem to experience as well.

Now I‘ll fully admit Lady Luck racks up quite a debt when it comes to my reliance on mystery box spins trying to chase that electric green energy blast wonder weapon…

But it also makes finally adding each newly-unlocked Ray Gun to the personal armory permanently sketched into my gamer memory feel like an immense nonprofit jackpot unlike anything else!

While plenty of powerful new firearms get introduced across every Call of Duty Zombies map that release yearly, none reach the sublime legendary status of those first eclectic Wonder Weapons like the Ray Gun.

It‘s outlandishly rare 0.08% unbox rate drives so much of that elusive appeal and ensures your inner middle schooler still freaks out upon finally grabbing one just like back in the 2008 Golden Age days of Nacht der Untoten and Kino der Toten!

So for those willing to pour countless hours spanning years into the Zombies grind chasing lightning strike odds for each bout of good Mystery Box luck – that electrifying Emerald Splashblast Ray Gun high never gets old!

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