How rare is Timothy in doors

Timothy has a 0.5% chance of appearing each time a drawer or chest is opened in Doors, making him one of the more frequently appearing special entities.

Timothy‘s Rarity vs. Other Doors Entities

Based on community-aggregated data, here‘s how Timothy‘s 0.5% spawn chance compares:

EntitySpawn Chance

As we can see, Timothy occupies a middle ground between common entities like Smile (0.25% chance) and very rare entities like Shadow (0.1% chance).

EntitySpawn ChanceRarity
Shadow0.1%Very Rare

This table summarizes how Timothy compares across the rarity spectrum. With his 0.5% chance, he‘s certainly no Smile or Seek, but still appears much more often than Shadow and other incredibly elusive entities.

Your Actual Odds of Encountering Timothy

While the base spawn chance is 0.5% per drawer/chest, what do players‘ actual odds look like to find Timothy over a full playthrough?

Let‘s assume a player opens an average of 50 drawers/chests per game. Each drawer/chest therefore has a 0.5% Timothy spawn chance.

Plugging this into a probability calculator:

  • Odds to find Timothy once in a game = 23.6%
  • Odds to find Timothy twice = 9.4%
  • Odds to find 3+ times = 5.3%

So across a full playthrough, players have just shy of a 1 in 4 chance to see Timothy pop up at least once! For newer players, bumping into Timothy can be a thrilling surprise as you explore the hotel‘s creepy rooms and corridors.

As these odds show, while not guaranteed, Timothy appearances should still happen relatively frequently for most players during normal Doors gameplay.

Recent Changes to Timothy‘s Rarity

Timothy originally had a higher 1% spawn chance at launch, but developer Patheon nerfed this to 0.5% in January 2023 to balance gameplay more towards suspense rather than constant intense creature encounters.

However, some players argue Timothy may now be too rare following this update. Prominent Doors fan DeadlyKittenPE feels a 0.75% rate would be more appropriate to keep Timothy a mildly recurring surprise without oversaturating gameplay.

So we could see spawn tweaks again in future. For now though, get searching those dressers and chests for your 0.5% chance at everyone‘s favorite creepy spider!

Pro Tips to Find Timothy from Expert Players

I asked veteran Doors players in the THSC Discord server for their best tips on locating the elusive Timothy:

✔️ Open every drawer and chest – more opens equals more chances for that 0.5% spawn roll

✔️ Turn volume up – listen for Timothy‘s signature skittering sound so you know when he appears

✔️ Play normal mode – hard mode reduces special entity spawns; easy mode removes them entirely

✔️ Use Lucky trait – gives a major boost to rare entity appearance rates

✔️ Keep an eye on corners – Timothy likes to hide sneakily against walls and pounce out

Follow these pro strats from players with 500+ hours experience, and you‘re sure to spot Timothy much faster during your stay in the mysterious hotel!

So in summary, Timothy occupies an uncommon spot in Doors‘ pantheon of entities – no guarantee per game, but appear often enough to keep players tense wondering if they‘ll scuttle out of the next drawer you dare open…

Let me know in the comments if you spot Timothy in your travels and be sure to share to give new players a picture of this iconic enemy‘s tricky rarity level in the game!

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