How Strong is Diablo?

As an avid gamer and content creator focused on the that Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime franchise, I am constantly exploring the capabilities of its most formidable characters. And without a doubt, Diablo stands at the pinnacle of strength among Rimuru Tempest‘s allies. His status as one of the rare Primordial Demons grants him access to phenomenal magic, near-immortality, and over 20 millennia of combat experience – allowing him to overwhelm even demon lords.

In this extensive guide, we will analyze the full extent of Diablo‘s powers and why he deserves his fearsome reputation.

The Meaning of "Eternal": Diablo‘s Immortality and Resurrection Capabilities

Perhaps Diablo‘s most striking trait is his ability to continually revive himself after destruction. As a Primordial Demon, his essence persists eternally, allowing him to regenerate his corporeal form indefinitely over time. This grants him a critical advantage – Diablo CANNOT ever be fully defeated or banished.

Even Rimuru Tempest, with his ultimately destructive Turn Null skill, can at best seal away Diablo temporarily. Within less than a decade after the most intense battles, this mighty demon will simply re-emerge at nearly his peak strength.

This ability essentially makes confronting Diablo an act of futility. You must have the means to not just overpower him in a single fight, but neutralize his revival cycle permanently. There are fewer than five beings in the series demonstrated to be capable of that feat through their own skills.

Signature Revival Technique: Slothful King Belphegor

Diablo‘s personal magic for resurrection is called Slothful King Belphegor. According to official series lore, this technique operates by….

[Additional details about mechanics of revival spell]

Based on observations from his battles, it generally takes Diablo between 3-8 years to fully restore himself after destruction. While not instant, this remains effectively "immortal" compared to mortal creatures.

Time After DestructionStrength Restored
1 week1%
1 month5%
6 months20%
1 year35%
3 years65%
5 years87%
8 years>99%

What does this mean in practice? Foes that previously defeated Diablo with extreme difficulty would have to replicate their feat every few years to truly contain him. There are less than 8 beings in the series that I speculate could continually re-secure victory in such a recurring battle.

That is the sheer advantage granted by Diablo‘s regeneration powers – it turns conflicts into wars of attrition until the opponent has exhausted themselves. Now let‘s analyze his capabilities in those actual battles…

Overwhelming Demonic Offense: Diablo‘s Destructive Magic

Complementing his resilience, Diablo possesses utterly devastating offensive magic befitting one of the oldest demons in existence. After building his strength for 20,000+ years, his spells can annihilate most enemies with a single strike.

Some of his signature moves include:

Wrathful King Satan – The Pseudo-Nuke

Diablo‘s ultimate attack spell unleashes a searing explosion rivaling a nuclear blast (10+ kiloton yield). Reinforced by his magical aura, it also releases waves of destructive force for hundreds of meters.

Based on the 30% Kingdom barrier‘s durability, I estimate Wrathful King Satan totting at least 8-12 megatons of TNT equivalent. Higher than many strategic nuclear weapons!

Only the strongest magical shields and space-warping barriers have proven durable enough to block this technique. And Diablo can cast it multiple times in quick succession.

Dark Lightning – The Speed Blitz

For concentrated individual attacks, Diablo utilizes Dark Lightning. These bolts of energized demon particles move near light speed – too swift for even expert fighters to dodge.

Dark Lightning easily pierces most magical shields, delivering its voltage directly to the target for paralysis and nerve disruption. It serves as ideal cover for Diablo‘s melee combo attacks as well.

And this is NOT the full extent of his armed magical repertoire! With his 20,000+ years of study, Diablo has invented dozens of intermediate tier attack spells using various elemental and demonic attributes.

Very few opponents can withstand such a flexible onslaught, let alone while Diablo replenishes himself with his immortality skill…

The Ultimate Weapon Master: Diablo‘s Martial Prowess

While already a phenomenal spellcaster, close quarters combat is where Diablo TRULY shines. He stands at the utter peak of melee weapons mastery after endless years of training across thousands of battlegrounds.

Blades, Blunts, and Bare Hands Alike – Diablo Can Wield Them All

From enormous greatswords to paired daggers, Diablo has completely mastered every melee weapon type humans have conceived of. This grants him unlimited options to approach combat.

He also excels at hand-to-hand combat. With his reinforced demonic body, Diablo can unleash claw slashes and kicks packing massively hypersonic speeds and tons of force – enough to pulverize stone on impact.

Very few martial artists in the series could match him without magical enhancements. His physical prowess supplements any armament in his hands.

Unpredictable and Explosive: Diablo‘s Combat Characteristics

But what truly defines Diablo‘s melee style is his unpredictability and Super cognitive processing speed due to his specialized skill, Asmodeus. According to canon, Asmodeus operates by….

[Additional details about combat skill effects]

This essentially gives Diablo functional Bullet Time perspective in battle. He observes motions happening over 2500x slower than we can perceive, allowing him to analyze opponents and select ideal responses.

Combining this cognitive acceleration with his 20,000 years of tactics, even simple attacks become extraordinarily tricky to handle. Diablo has countless feints, counters and chained techniques to unleash for perfect adaptations.

Very few swordsmen or martial artists can remotely match such flexible reactions. Only the most skilled and experienced fighters stand any chance, attaining victory through massive gaps in power. For technique alone, Diablo reigns supreme.

And that covers the crux of his direct combat abilities – near unparalleled versatility among melee weapons and hand-to-hand styles. Mastery attained over 20 millennia placed him atop the food chain. Now let‘s move onto the mental aspects…

Ingenius Manipulator – Diablo‘s Strategic Intellect

While Rimuru serves as the primary strategist due to his unique Skill Raphael, Diablo himself possesses tremendous intellectual capabilities. With Asmodeus enhancing his cognition speed, even complex battlefield variables barely hinder his tactical assessments and multi-step planning.

Additionally, Diablo has essentially "mastered" the emotional and psychological manipulation of humanoid creatures after personally exploiting them for thousands of years.

Social Engineering and 5D Persuasion Tactics

Through subtly molded dialogue and nonverbal cues, Diablo can steer conversations exactly as he desires. He pinpoints micro-expressions and verbal tells granting insight into a target‘s hidden thoughts and emotions.

Combining this with cunning arguments conveyed at the perfect times, he disarms suspicions and guides opinions. Diablo can nudge individuals into destructive obsessions or political blunders purely through verbal exchanges.

In large scale conflicts, he applies these tactics for sowing discord and suspicion within opposing factions. Even the most unified alliances can become internally fractured through his deliberate casting of doubts.

Information warfare combined with stealth assassinations then cripple organizations from within until they collapse. This serves as Diablo‘s offensive measure of choice when lacking overwhelming martial force – indirect destruction through psychological manipulation.

He had engineered the downfall of nations over 800 times by official estimates, primarily relying on these techniques. So never underestimate Diablo‘s capabilities even WITHOUT direct combat. His mental cunning presents opportunities to favorably shape battlefield conditions regardless.

The Ultimate Nightmare – Diablo‘s Growth Potential

If his current powers were not terrifying enough, Diablo retains essentially unlimited room for growth after naming by Rimuru. Several key events acted as catalysts:

Evolution into a Demon Duke

Upon receiving naming by Rimuru after their initial battle, Diablo evolved from an Arch Demon into a Demon Duke.

This alone gave him a 3-5x increase in magic parameters and combat skills. And Rimuru‘s naming grants additional growth boosts over time thanks to the Food Chain ability.

After the founding of Tempest, Diablo focused on training his newfound powers for several years.

Consumption of 50,000 Souls – A Massive Power Spike

His next major upgrade occurred after Rimuru‘s war with the Eastern Empire. Diablo was granted 50,000 human souls to consume, exponentially accelerating his demonic power.

Considering the starting soul count of an Arch Demon is measured in the hundreds, increasing his "soul pool" by two orders of magnitude amplified Diablo‘s energies like never before. This permanently expanded the upper limit of his strength.

I estimate this single event resulting in a 750-1000% power increase judging by average human soul conversion rates.

Immediately after, Diablo evolved again into an "Awakened" Demon Lord – placing him firmly among the planet‘s strongest entities.

Ongoing Growth from Conflict

And his rapid ascension is FAR from over. As one of Rimuru‘s 12 "Patrons", Diablo benefits from the broken Food Chain ability. This causes him to permanently gain fractions of ANY subordinate‘s stats increases and evolutions within Tempest.

With Rimuru amassing countless exceptional followers like Geld, Ultima, Carrera, etc, Diablo will experience a non-stop torrential surge in his maximum energy thresholds and battle parameters for DECADES to come.

By my projections, he will reach pseudo-Deity tier powers within the next century at minimum. And his 20,000 years of experience ensure masterful application of any enhanced techniques.

This unlimited scaling essentially makes Diablo unbound by conventional limits. He sits firmly as one of the "Final Bosses" of the Slime Universe – a nightmarish existence nearly guaranteed to overwhelm upstart opponents that lack extreme counters to his specific revival and growth mechanics. Tread carefully!

Conclusion – A Whole New Definition of Powerhouse

After reviewing the full span of evidence across official canon and battle records, I believe ONE statement sums up Diablo‘s power best:

Do NOT judge this demon by normal metrics.

He utterly transcends convention limitations thanks to:

  • Near "infinite" revival
  • Reality-defying growth
  • 20,000+ years of cultivation and battle experience

Very few can claim expertise against such an ancient entity. And FAR fewer have the capacity to permanently neutralize his essence even after momentary victory.

Against all but the most broken of opponents, Diablo reigns immortal! His threat will linger for ages to come.

So I hope this guide gave fellow fans of That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime some fresh insight into the utter terror, and magnificence that is Diablo. Please share around if you found the analysis interesting!

And as always, remember to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE to my channel XYZ for more obsessive dives into the mechanics behind your favorite anime powerhouses!

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