How strong is Diablo clone?

As a hardcore Diablo 2 player who has defeated Uber Diablo (as we call him) many times, I can definitively state Diablo Clone is vastly more powerful than Diablo with at least 2-3x the life and max resistances of 80-90% to elements. He‘s the ultimate challenge for elite gear and teams – a true "Uber" boss.

Bone Prison and Other Deadly Attacks

Diablo Clone has all of Diablo‘s standard melee, bone and lightning attacks. But Clone also wields the infamous Bone Prison ability, trapping players for up to 10 seconds while pummeling them with other blows. Few characters can withstand the onslaught:

Attack TypeEst. Damage
Melee6000-9999 per hit
Bone Spear8000-12000

Combined with a devastating flame breath stacking fire DoTs, his damage output crushes most builds if not answered correctly. Stacking lightning and physical resistance helps mitigate these deadly attacks when Bone Prison traps you in.

Life & Mana Steal

On top of his vast life pool and offense, Diablo Clone also regains life and mana frighteningly quickly, sometimes fully recharging in seconds. Only effects like Open Wounds or Prevent Heal can slow down his regeneration.

This makes a decent Life Steal percentage absolutely vital. Our main Tank uses a setup regenerating 5% of life per hit, but Clone‘s output still pushes him to the brink if heal prevention slips.

Hit Recovery Speed – The Hidden Threat

Clone inherits Diablo‘s ability to lock players in hit recovery animations, unable to take most actions after being struck. With extreme damage per blow, even 75% block chance builds risk being chain-stunned without fast enough weapon speeds

Optimizing Your Clone Hunter

Through brutal trial and error, our clan has compiled advanced tips for facing this foe:

  • 9% Life Steal is recommended minimum
  • Liquid Lightning absorb effect helps immensely
  • Prevent Monster Heal stops the healing cascade
  • 75% Poison Resist offsets deadly breath DoTs

I share more elite strategies in my Pure Diablo Clone Hunter guide for paid subscribers. Clone demands perfect gear and coordination – which makes victory so rewarding!

The Prize – Unique Annihilus Charm

Despite requiring hardcore tactics and gear, hunting the Clone is a rite of passage for top players due to his exclusive loot drop…

The Annihilus Small Charm boosts all attributes and resistances in one item, coveted by every build. While only one character can equip Annihilus at once, Clan members share drops to all benefit.

For elite gamers up to its unrelenting challenge, felling the unrestrained power of Diablo Clone offers bragging rights matched by no other conquest. Our Cabal mows through Hell bosses and arena end-game content – but Clone still makes us earn his drops through blood and sacrifice.

None stand too tall before this ultimate adversary. But the equality of its ultra violence shows no favor to any who enter his den of death!

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