How strong is Doom Slayer without his armor?

As an ardent Doom fan, I‘m often asked – just how strong is Doom Slayer underneath that iconic green armor? While the Praetor Suit provides protection and weaponry, Doom Slayer himself possesses superhuman physical abilities and mental resilience that make him a formidable force with or without it.

His Strength and Power Rivals Demonic Titans

Without the Praetor Suit, Doom Slayer can exert a striking force of 400-500 psi – enough smash through concrete walls or obliterate human bodies with a single punch. He can also lift over 700 pounds with his bare hands, on par with the strongest Olympic weightlifters. I estimate his overhead press and deadlift must be well over half a ton!

During his rampage across dimensions, Doom Slayer has defeated towering demonic titans and bosses orders of magnitude larger and heavier than himself. He is strong enough snap a Cacodemon‘s bloated body in half with his bare hands. So his suit does not actually enhance his strength, but protects him from the hellish environments he battles in.

Doom Slayer‘s Feats of Strength

Demon TypeApprox WeightMethod of Destruction
Baron of Hell2 tonsFists and blades
Cacodemon1 tonBare hands
Icon of Sin500+ tonsBFG 10000

As shown in this table of feats, Doom Slayer has proven capable of dismantling demons hundreds of times his own body weight using just his bare fists or integrated arm blade weapons.

Nigh-Invulnerable Skin and Extreme Endurance

Further displaying his superhuman resilience, Doom Slayer can withstand the vacuum of space and extreme heat from weapons like the plasma rifle and gauss cannon. Falling from orbit results in no injuries, which speaks to the extreme durability of his flesh and skeletal structure.

Eons battling demons has also increased his damage threshold for pain and ability to keep fighting despite grievous wounds. Codex entries indicate Doom Marine has been maimed, burned alive and endured untold physical agony across thousands of deaths and resurrections.

Unmatched Experience Defeating Demon Armies

While master chief has defeated aliens for a few decades, Doom Slayer has been slaying demonic forces for eons across multiple worlds. His vast battle experience allows him to adeptly handle any threat with ruthless precision.

Doom lore also references his immunity to possession, soul manipulation and ability to resurrect – retaining memories of past deaths to inform future battles. This makes him essentially unstoppable against the demon hordes, able to kill billions of them over the millennia.

So in summary, Doom Slayer himself is a seemingly unkillable legendary warrior, whose physical might and mental fortitude make him a fearsome opponent clad in Praetor armor or not! Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

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