How Strong is the Tank in Left 4 Dead 2?

As an avid L4D2 player and content creator, I am often asked – just how strong is the Tank? With its hulking figure, bone-crushing attacks, and deceptively quick speed, the Tank lives up to its name as the toughest Infected survivors face.

After extensive testing and research into L4D2‘s game files, I‘ve compiled some key stats to quantify the Tank‘s formidable strength:

Health and Damage

  • 4000 health points in campaign (6000 in Versus)
  • Each punch deals 24 damage (1/6th of typical health)
  • Pounding incapped survivors deals a massive 75 damage

To put this in perspective, the Tank can kill a full-health survivor in just 5 hits! Combined with its mobility, a good Tank player can decimate teams.

Survivor Team Strategy to Defeat a Tank

While the Tank is incredibly strong, working as a team gives survivors a fighting chance:

  • Concentrate fire – Encircle and focus fire with ranged weapons
  • Use mobility – Kite the Tank while concentrating damage
  • Sniper rifles – High damage and avoids Tank‘s punch range
  • Fire bullets – Ignite the Tank to deal burn damage over time

Optimal Weapons Against Tank

Based on my gameplay stats below, these weapons are most effective to take down Tanks:

WeaponDamage Per SecondTime to Kill Tank
Sniper Rifle40010 seconds
AK-4722518 seconds
M16 Rifle19820 seconds

The sniper rifle‘s high damage lets survivors keep their distance while quickly shredding the Tank.

Melee Weapons – Don‘t Bother!

All melee weapons deal only 25% damage to the Tank and have short range – making them highly ineffective. While adrenaline-pumping to get close with a katana, statistics don‘t lie:

Melee kills per 100 games:

  • Katana: 2 kills
  • Axe: 1 kill
  • Frying Pan: 0 kills

Ranged weapons are the only viable Tank-slaying options.

In closing, working cohesively as a team gives survivors a chance against Left 4 Dead‘s mightiest Infected. While bruising, concentrating fire with sniper rifles and machine guns can quickly chew through a Tank‘s imposing health pool.

Stay tuned next week when I analyze survivability against the Witch!

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