How strong is Master Hand?

As a long-time Smash gamer and content creator, few mysteries intrigue me more than the enigmatic final boss of the franchise – Master Hand. This literal hand of creation rules the World of Trophies with an open palm, possessing enough power to conjure space, time, and the heroes themselves to battle for his amusement.

But after decades of surprises, I feel we‘ve still only scratched the surface of what lurks beneath the white glove. Just how strong could the architect of the Smash cosmos truly be? Is his might infinite like the universe he sculpts? Or have we merely seen a fraction of his unfathomable force?

Join me as we plunge deeper into the anomalies of Master Hand, analyzing lore, statistics, developer intent, and theorizing to decode the upper limits of his strength. Can mortal comprehension even grasp what lies beyond that glove? The journey begins…now!

Master Hand By the Numbers: Health, Power, and More

While gods often seem invincible, Master Hand Sports measurable stats that provide a baseline for judging his capabilities against other Smash combatants. In his latest Super Smash Bros Ultimate incarnation, Master Hand wields a staggering 700 HP – surpassing nearly every other character and boss.

To wreck such a monumental health bar, Smash director Masahiro Sakurai playfully mused it might take up to 10 fighters per person. Based on the average Smash player roster size, that could mean over 50-100 warriors united are required to take down a single Master Hand!

GameMaster Hand HP Intensity For Max HP
Smash Melee360 HPLevel 15
Smash Brawl300 HPIntense Difficulty
Smash Wii U300 HPIntensity 9.0
Smash Ultimate700 HPIntensity 13.9

Delving into the data, Master Hand has gained over twice as much health since his debut in 1999‘s Super Smash Bros on N64. This steady power creep mirrors Nintendo mascot Mario, who has transformed from a simple plumber to a superhuman athlete crushing worlds and flinging galaxies.

Now let‘s analyze the offensive firepower backing up Master Hand‘s generously-sized health pool…

His moveset encompasses over 50 unique attacks, ranging from:

  • Finger Lasers
  • Finger Missiles
  • Jet Streams
  • Wind Boxes
  • Snaps

At higher intensities, these moves accelerate tremendously in speed, hit harder, and launch foes drastically farther. Few can withstand Master Hand‘s onslaught for long without being blasted from the stage.

While less numeric than health values, we can still objectively evaluate attack capabilities by measuring knockback force. According to unofficial Smash research, Master Hand‘s strongest smash attacks at max intensity can hit with over 5000 units of knockback – enough to send opponents flying uncontrollably.

By sporting vast health, screen-filling attacks, and match-ending power, the stats paint an undeniably formidable picture of Master Hand‘s capabilities. But raw numbers only tell part of the tale…

The God of Smash Lore

As author of the Smash cosmos, Master Hand governs reality itself for Nintendo mascots and heroes under his care. Like a child crafting playsets for their toys, the Hand constructed the World of Trophies and all venues of battle within – casually drafting warriors, stages, and items from his boundless imagination into being.

We glimpsed his genesis abilities to warp reality firsthand during the opening cinematic of World of Light. With a snap, Master Hand spawns various characters into the Realm of Light to serve as Galeem‘s weapons. This effortless demonstration of creation offers just a fraction of his unchecked power.

Master Hand can also conjure objects like customizable Mii Fighters according to designer specifications – further flexing his Kendall & Hyde construction prowess!

Yet his powers extend much farther past spawning playthings…

As overseer of all Smash competition, he governs the very laws of physics, allowing iconic fighters with wildly varying abilities to clash on balanced terms. From controlling fundamental forces like gravity to enforcing damage ratios between heroes, Master Hand shapes reality around competitive game design.

While some bosses are powerful within their own domains, none establish the rules of reality on such an all encompassing scale as Master Hand across the elastic Smash metaverse. His power could be compared to overseeing an entire mini multiverse!

But how does this lofty authority fare against other cosmic threats? Can reality itself withstand forces beyond even Master Hand‘s comprehension? Unfortunately, past humiliations prove even gods still bleed…

Beaten by His Own Creation

For all his pomp and awe-inspiring powers, Master Hand suffered perhaps his most embarrassing loss just one game after his Smash debut. In Melee‘s Adventure Mode climax, the vengeful Crazy Hand battles his brother for supremacy – and wins!

As both an erratic mirror to Master Hand‘s calculated approach and a direct creation under his supervision – this upstart‘s victory casts shade on just how absolute the white glove‘s strength reigns.

But that would not be Master Hand‘s last – or most catastrophic – surprising defeat…

While orchestrating the Subspace Emissary plot in Brawl, Master Hand appeared as a unwilling victim chained by the true villain – Tabuu. After Tabuu turned Ganondorf into a lifeless trophy, an enraged Master Hand broke free of his shackles and grappled the dimensional terror in an epic clash.

Their struggle utterly devastated the realm, suggesting incredible powers at work. Yet despite Master Hand‘s efforts, Tabuu cleanly dispatched his foe with a single special move, the dreaded Off-Waves. This disappointing loss left no question an even greater force existed in the Smash mythos.

And his humiliations did not end there…

Come the current generation‘s World of Light opening, the dimensional entity Galeem attacks with no provocation, vaporizing Master Hand among countless others into spirit particles. Once again, a threat arises seemingly beyond Master Hand‘s control or understanding.

Galeem‘s cosmic scale onslaught utilizing beams of light to consume all reality plays out like a god of gods flexing unfathomable power to exceed even Smash‘s alpha deity.

While Master Hand has been comparably humbled and humiliated on multiple blockbuster occasions, do these defeats represent his full capabilities? Or do hidden secrets yet obscure the glove‘s true potential? Let‘s ponder…

Theories: Untapped Potential Within the Glove?

Across over two decades of landmark Smash events, Master Hand‘s compromised strengths paint him weaker than the top tier of Nintendo baddies like Tabuu and Galeem when put to the test.

However, evidence hints his power remains largely dormant, restricted by self-imposed restraints or autonomy. As god of his microcosm, Master Hand avoids utilizing the full breadth of reality wrapping abilities, limiting direct interference with his player‘s tournament affairs. This indifference cripples the Hand when caught off-guard.

Think of it as a poker shark purposefully folding game after game, allowing chips to dwindle despite holding royal flush after royal flush – even as upstart amateurs luck into big pots against him! Despite near limitless card combos to easily crush each round, the veteran intentionally holds back for more entertainment. Only when finally opening his hand does Master Hand‘s supremacy show…albeit briefly.

So when caught in sudden death bouts against Tabuu and Galeem, his stalled strength fails to fully actualize in time – resulting in underwhelming defeats. Like a muscle unused for too long, his powers wither from lack of exercise against worthy rivals. And unfortunately for Master Hand, challengers always seek god slayers…

In conclusion, while Master Hand undeniably governs Smash reality as an all-powerful being, his complacency opens cracks for exploitation. And as the saying goes: The bigger they are, the harder they fall! But what goes up, must come down. And Master Hand always bounces back more wily…

With Slavemaster Sakurai still hiding core secrets of his glorious creation, we will continue studying Super Smash Bros‘ transcendent angel of chaos, ever in search of the nirvana behind the hand…”

The Journey Continues

Delving deeper only leaves me with more questions about Master Hand‘s true position amongst gaming‘s pantheon of deities. We still lack context of his full powers when utilizing reality-shaping abilities compared to interlopers like Tabuu and Galeem. Perhaps future games will unveil Master Hand’s final form?

Until then, share your favorite Master Hand memories and theories below! And for more mythic Smash coverage, be sure to Subscribe for future investigations. Let the speculation commence!

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