How strong is super shadow?

Infinity Unleashed: Super Shadow‘s Immeasurable Power

According to official Sonic lore, when Shadow harnesses the Chaos Emeralds to transform into Super Shadow, he gains infinite strength and speed. Just take a moment to comprehend that – infinite power lies within this spiky golden hedgehog! Once unleashed, Super Shadow performs jaw-dropping feats like bursting through solid metal, immobilizing fellow super-powered characters, and escaping the gravitational pull of a black hole. Truly godlike capabilities!

So exactly how strong has Super Shadow proven himself? Get ready for some awe-inspiring demonstrations of his might:

  • Punched through thick prison walls like wet tissue paper
  • Lifted and hurled chunk of ARK asteroid twice his size
  • Stunned Super Sonic with one uppercut, breaking sound barrier in process
  • Barely budged while resisting full force of ARK entering atmosphere
  • Warped space-time continuum for time travel using Chaos Control

Beyond Super Sonic: Shadow‘s Advantages

Now you might be wondering – if Super Sonic also boasts unlimited power from the Chaos Emeralds, how does Super Shadow compare? While opinions vary among fans, I believe evidence shows Super Shadow surpassing his rival in certain key areas:

Chaos Control Mastery: Shadow demonstrates finer expertise with Chaos energy manipulation, pulling off incredible reality-warping feats.

Ruthless Battle Instinct: Shadow‘s brutal fighting style targets weaknesses for most efficient takedowns.

Higher Base Durability: Black Arms DNA grants Shadow greater resilience to damage when not super-powered.

That said, Super Sonic likely still edges out Shadow in speed and combat versatility. But in terms of direct destructive capability? Super Shadow probably takes the trophy!

Behold the Ultimate Lifeform: Super Shadow‘s Mind-Blowing Feats

Let‘s quantify Super Shadow‘s capabilities compared to other heavy hitters. Based on demonstrated feats throughout the games and comics, I‘ve ranked his key power metrics on a scale from Good to Amazing to Infinite:

Chaos ControlX

As expected, his strength and chaos powers reach immeasurable levels, while speed and resilience still prove mighty enough to overwhelm virtually anyone else. Truly fitting for the Ultimate Lifeform!

In fact, these ratings likely undersell Super Shadow‘s capabilities. Get this – he once single-handedly defeated Solaris, an all-powerful sun god threatening all space-time! And don‘t forget withstanding atmospheric entry heat that vaporizes most objects – Shadow tanked it with barely a sweat!

The Limit-Breaking Hedgehog: Can Anyone Stop Super Shadow?

With near limitless power, is there any force capable of stopping Super Shadow? A few reality-warping beings like Enerjak or Time Eater could possibly overwhelm him. Mammoth machinery like the Egg Wizard mech may withstand his blows too. And concentrated attacks that disrupt Shadow‘s link to the Chaos Force could leave him vulnerable.

But barring such specialized circumstances? I simply don‘t see Super Shadow losing against anyone from Sonic‘s world in a direct confrontation. At full strength, he achieves a level of speed, strength and chaos power unmatched by all but a few select gods and cosmic entities!

So in summary, when this already formidable hedgehog taps into the Chaos Emeralds, his capabilities skyrocket to truly infinite levels able to reshape reality itself! Super Shadow stands as likely the strongest individual transformation Sonic can achieve. And we lucky fans get to witness his jaw-dropping, world-breaking adventures!

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