How Tall are the Emperor‘s Chosen – The Adeptus Custodes

Per official lore across Warhammer 40k canon, without armor the standard Custodian Guard stands approximately 9 feet tall – towering over even mighty Astartes. When outfitted for war in their golden warplate however, these peerless warriors of the Imperium can reach heights over 10 feet, their armor further amplifying an already superlative and imposing physical form.

The Emperor‘s Unmatched Design

The Emperor crafted the Custodes to be living exemplars of humanity perfected. Their specialized gene-seed and handcrafted enhancements allow them to push the human genome to its limits. Unconstrained by even the Space Marines‘ need for rapid production and replication, each painstakingly created Custodian realizes the Emperor‘s ultimate vision of Mankind ascendant over its mortal frailties.

Musculature and Endurance Beyond Mortal Ken

Custodes possess a physique of amplified density and capacity. Skeletal structures reinforced with auramite and muscles of a hyper-efficient fiber grant overwhelming physical might. These expand their bulk well past normal human constraints to support their impressive stature without sacrificing speed or dexterity. Case in point – they can lift and flip Rhino armored personnel carriers to use as mobile barriers even under heavy fire.

Proportions required for an Astartes to match this feat would impact maneuverability. But the Emperor‘s design suffers no such failings – faster than the swiftest Eldar, Custodes move with preternatural celerity and precision no matter the terrain.

The Brain of the Primogenitor

Their transhuman mentation also reflects the Emperor‘s brilliance. Implants like the Occulobe grant vision of microscopic clarity and the Neuroglottis enables smell so acute, Custodes can analyze compounds in the air to near 100% accuracy. Reaction times measure in nanoseconds – experiencing reality literally in slow motion compared to standard humanity.

Such modifications provide an all-encompassing battle-sphere awareness and data processing speeds allowing them to analyze threats and formulate solutions faster than even many machine spirits.

Armor and Armament for Giants

And their wargear complements such superlative physiology. The sun-fueled generators of Custodes armor enables them to fight at peak capacity for weeks without rest. Integrated exo-musculature magnifies their already mighty strength to levels domain of ancient myth and legend.

Fully equipped, most Custodes stand at least 10 feet and several inches tall. Hulking demigods sheathed head to toe in Auramite plate polished to mirror brilliance. Their guardian spears alone weigh nearly 30 lbs – normal men struggle lifting them to firing position with both hands yet a Custodian wields such mighty weapons with casual one-handed grace.

Towering Lords of Battle

In summary, from a normal unaugmented human‘s perspective, calling a Custodian superhuman seems an understatement. They stand eye to eye with the titanic Primarchs and can outmatch the lore-lauded combat capacity of entire 20-man squads of their distant Astartes cousins. On the tabletop, new Primaris Space Marine models finally reflect proportions close to their background scale, but still average under a true Custodian‘s lowest stature.

All transhuman warriors stand apart from baseline humanity. But none encapsulate the ideal of the Emperor‘s Great Crusade quite so completely as the golden guardians of Terra. Towering god-warriors perfectly adapted tools forged with but one purpose – to enact the Master of Mankind‘s Will upon the galaxy.

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