How tall is a Tarrasque?

Towering over adventurers at 50 feet tall and 70 feet long, the Tarrasque is an absolute colossus compared to most Dungeons & Dragons creatures. But just how gigantic is this scaly, horned nightmare? As an avid D&D gamer and monster analyst, I‘ve dug into the legends and lore of the Tarrasque to reveal mind-blowing facts about its size. Let‘s uncover its epic measurements!

Tarrasque By the (Monster Manual) Numbers

According to official 5th edition D&D Monster Manuals, here are the Tarrasque‘s terrifying base statistics:

Height: 50 feet
Length: 70 feet
Weight: 130 tons

So it already dwarfs most buildings and creatures. But a hulking quadruped like the Tarrasque can extend even taller…

Rearing Up – 60+ Feet of Scale and Spikes

When fully upright on its thick hind legs, balanced by its heavy tail, the Tarrasque can tower 60-65 feet in height based on sightings. That‘s over 6 stories, or 4 adult fire giants stacked atop each other!

And it can swipe its massive claws or bite with its fanged maw at enemies 25 feet away thanks to its substantial 25 foot reach. So combined with its towering stance, we‘re looking at a devastating 85+ foot threat radius – an entire section of a battlefield.

StanceHeightReachTotal Threat Radius
Normal 50 feet25 feet75 feet
Upright60-65 feet25 feet85+ feet

So the Tarrasque poses an almost 100 foot wide danger zone to those who face its wrath.

Comparing the Tarrasque‘s Size

Now let‘s really put the Tarrasque‘s measurements in perspective by comparing it to other D&D monsters and real-world objects.

Tallest Official Monster:
The maximum height for ancient dragons is only 60 feet, meaning even they can‘t fully match an upright Tarrasque.

Tarrasque (upright)60-65 feet
Ancient Red Dragon60 feet

Taller than…

  • 5 Tyrannosaurus Rexes stacked vertically
  • 6 double decker buses stacked atop each other
  • The full 18 wheeler truck tractors you see on highways
  • 10 African Bush Elephants standing trunk to toe

So beyond most mammals and dinosaurs, the Tarrasque enters true fantasy proportions.

Legends Tell of Larger Variants

While 50-65 feet is considered standard for these solitary apex predators, myths speak of even bigger Tarrasques sleeping in uncharted lands…

I presume 60 foot varieties certainly dwell in cave networks beneath mountain ranges. And who‘s to say an abnormally large 70+ foot ancient Tarrasque doesn‘t lurk in some forgotten valley? Few who have stumbled into such remote areas have lived to relay any sightings.

If I had to speculate on a maximum size based on Tarrasque physiology, 80 feet would push the upper threshold for proportions, bone density, and sustaining its 130 ton mass off magic alone during long hibernation cycles.

But imagine a 90-100 foot elder Tarrasque awoken from centuries of absorbing ambient magical energies… Now that would be a worthy foe for even the hardiest party of level 20 adventurers! Hopefully no mad wizard ever attempts to create such an unprecedented monster through foul rituals or alchemical means.

In Summary – Simply Colossal!

Reviewing the Tarrasque‘s epic measurements shows why it strikes awe and terror across the multiverse. At 50 feet tall normally and 60-65 upright, with the potential to reach even greater titan-like sizes, the Tarrasque remains peerless in its colossal scale next to all but the mightiest of dragons and giants.

I hope this glimpse into the Tarrasque‘s towering height was as insightful for you as it was exciting for me to research and analyze! Let me know if you want to hear more D&D monster metrics or have a legendary creature covered in a future article!

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