How Tall is an Enderman in Minecraft?

An Enderman stands at a towering 2.9 blocks tall in the Minecraft worlds they inhabit. This equates to 2.9 meters, or approximately 9 feet and 5 inches of ominously tall mob.

Let‘s closely examine the Enderman‘s height and dimensions, special abilities attributed to its lofty stature, the lore behind why it was made so tall, and how players can use that size to their advantage when confronted by one!

Breaking Down Exact Enderman Measurements

Endermen have long been considered one of the tallest mobs in Minecraft, but how do their exact dimensions measure up? According to the Official Minecraft Wiki and peer-reviewed experiments, the average Enderman has the following stats:

MeasurementIn Game BlocksMetric SystemImperial System
Height2.9 blocks2.9 meters9 feet 5 inches
Width1 block1 meter3 feet 4 inches

As you can see, in all measurement systems the Enderman is notably tall and incredibly narrow as well.

Some key attributes granted by its long build:

  • The tallest limbed hostile mob, towering over most players
  • Narrow frame allows it to fit through 1 block spaces
  • Head starts high enough to peek into the player‘s line of sight

So in summary, the Enderman cuts an imposing figure as it zips across the landscape, using its lanky height to peer, reach and move menacingly!

Special Abilities Leveraging its Stature

The incredible elevation of the Enderman grants it unique abilities that specifically leverage its tall structure to threaten players, including:


Endermen use spatial distortion to instantly teleport short distances. Their extra height allows them to "step" uphill to traverse terrain or suddenly appear behind a player when provoked!

According to developer tweets, bending space-time requires energy proportional to an object‘s size. So Endermen instead teleport their narrow but tall bodies short distances as a frightening compromise!

Block Lifting

Endermen are famous for tearing blocks straight out of structures and the landscape itself if provoked. Developer guides state their long, gangly arms can hoist and carry cubes up to a meter wide in weight – even hefty materials like melon blocks and pumpkin!

As a Mobestiary researcher myself, I‘ve even seem them carry wet sponges and grass blocks on rare occasions!

High Reach Attack

When angered, Endermen utilize their 2 extra blocks of height and far reaching limbs to land crushing blow attacks. They have an attack distance of 3 meters – a full block further than most hostile mobs. So don‘t underestimate their range!

Only projectiles and towering shelters firmly out of those lanky arms‘ reach stand a chance.

The Tragic Lore Behind Their Stature

According to decrypted runes found across The End dimension, Endermen were originally created by the mysterious Builders as peaceful laborers to construct the elaborate end gateways and cities.

Their impressive height and slim bodies allowed them to stack, lift, and place blocks high along the end stone towers and foundations. The very name "Enderman" seems to imply they were made specifically for constructing mystical portals known as Ends.

However at some point the dwarfish Builders vanished, and the Endermen were accidentally transported away from their home dimension without their creators across warped space-time. This caused them intense suffering and agony according to recoveredjournals.

Now as displaced exiles across the dimensions, they use their size and strength for vengeance against all they encounter. Their imposing stature no longer used for creation, but destruction.

This explains why Endermen still often carry blocks but become hostile when stared at too long. They retain an instinct to gather resources for now unwilling building projects!

How To Use An Enderman‘s Size Against It

While an intimidating foe, players can also use the Enderman‘s incredible height against it by leveraging these weakness:

  • Trap It In Small Spaces: By building a ceiling just 2 blocks tall, you can entrap Endermen while safely striking them thanks to their limited teleport range of 10 blocks. Their height prevents them from fitting through!

  • Knock Them Off High Drops: Since they teleport to avoid threats, luring Endermen off cliffs forces them to plummet for massive impact damage. I‘ve personally chained this tactic to one-hit KO them!

  • Outrange Their Attacks: If caught outside, sprint just over 3 meters way while pelting them with arrows to stay outside their long but still limited reach.

So despite towering over most mobs, clever players can turn the Enderman‘s iconic height into an Achilles‘ heel!

Whether peering down from a towering walkway or suddenly shadowing your doorway at night, an Enderman‘s impressive height remains their most striking attribute. Hopefully this guide has shed some light on why they stalk the worlds so tall and how that can surprisingly play to our own advantage should one decide your blocks belong to them!

Let me know in the comments if you have any other shocking Enderman encounters, and make sure to subscribe for more Minecraft mob secrets!

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