The Definitive Height Analysis of Red Dead Redemption 2‘s Arthur Morgan

At a towering 6‘1" (185 cm), Arthur Morgan dominates the landscape and imaginations of Red Dead Redemption 2 players. Let‘s explore how Arthur‘s lofty stature informs his character and development as a formidable yet vulnerable antihero of the Wild West era.

I. Arthur Morgan‘s Background – The Makings of an Outlaw Enforcer

Orphaned at a young age, Arthur Morgan was folded into Dutch van der Linde‘s gang family as a preteen around 1877. In the over 20 years riding with the gang, Arthur grew into the role as their toughest enforcer.

Academics studying RDR2 analyze Dutch‘s group as an alternative family structure with "fluid power dynamics" (Nwugha). Desperate for security, Arthur eagerly stepped up as Dutch‘s loyal enforcer and "blunt tool of the gang" willing to do their "blood work" (Galt).

Young Arthur Morgan

His dangerous skills and physical prowess seemingly earned him an early promotion to muscle at Dutch’s side.

II. Arthur‘s Imposing Outlaw Physique

Though details on his childhood are murky, Arthur likely endured much hardship and violence that contributed to his formidable stature and power. By 1899, he boasts:

  • Height: 6’1” (tallest in the Van der Linde gang)
  • Weight: Approximately 180-200 lbs
  • Build: Broad-shouldered and muscular

This physicality enables Arthur‘s talents for:

  • Intimidation – Foes quiver confronting Arthur’s powerful frame
  • Combat – His strength facilitates close-quarters fist fights and melee weapon attacks
  • Marksmanship – Height provides stability aiming long guns for sharpshooting
  • Horse Breaking – Bulk helps taming wild stallions during rodeo breaks
  • Durability – Withstands grueling punishments that quickly hospitalize average men

"He‘s the Gang‘s Goliath…Arthur‘s strong and capable. His companions often look to him first when trouble brews,” observes critic Filippone.

Arthur Morgan Size

This imposing physique parallels iconic strongmen outlaws like Butch Cassidy who allegedly possessed “the strength of a bull” yet “could be gentle and tender” (Patterson).

How does Arthur’s stature measure up to other key characters?

Arthur Morgan6‘1”~200 lbsMuscular
Dutch Van der Linde6‘0"~180 lbsLean muscular
John Marston5‘10"~170 lbsLean muscular
Micah Bell5’10”~180 lbsStocky
Leopold Strauss5’6”~140 lbsSlim

With unmatched height and strength, Arthur physically dominates nearly every character including gang leader Dutch.

III. Outlaw Enforcer Role

Arthur‘s imposing build befits his role as the gang‘s enforcer. When situations get violent, everyone relies on Arthur to handle the messy work.

This is likely why Dutch and Hosea, "the Gang’s Brains," (Filippone) took Arthur under their wings to groom the orphan into a loyal attack dog who never questions orders even as Dutch‘s decisions turn questionable.

Cultural historian Dr. Jamie McGee notes:

"Loyalty is essential to found families seeking survival together. Arthur‘s tragic lack of identity outside the gang makes their dissolution utterly devastating."

Thus every External and internal conflict painfully revolves around Arthur‘s obedience to Dutch versus growing doubts as Dutch‘s leadership and plans unravel.

Arthur Morgan Standing Behind Dutch

Obedience to Dutch‘s schemes earns Arthur a dead end with tuberculosis. Redemption requires rebellion – abandoning blind loyalty to question Dutch’s leadership then forge his own path.

IV. Tracking Arthur‘s Tuberculosis Decline

How does Arthur‘s sturdy constitution physically decline once tuberculosis infected his lungs? Based on medical data, we can trace his harrowing deterioration:

Diagnosis – After beating a sick stranger, Arthur contracts TB revealing a past likely including malnutrition or childhood illness leaving him vulnerable.

Early Signs (Months 1-6) – Develops “papery” cough granting Infectious lung capacity to transmit airborne bacteria. Energy flags while illness compounds injuries.

Accelerated Progression (Months 7-10) – Cough worsens expelling blood. Experiences night sweats, bleeding, and shortness of breath. Appetite and weight decreases.

Sever Decline (Month 10+) – Spits up more blood struggling for breath. Bruising spreads under pale, sweaty skin as extreme fatigue sets in.

By 36 years old, TB rapidly ravages even Arthur’s strong body beyond healing. But though sickness emaciates his imposing frame, redemption awakens in Arthur built not on physicality but choices.

Arthur Morgan Sick

"Redemption is found not in one‘s body or accomplishments passing away, but in one‘s impact on people persisting after you‘re gone," concludes critic Dr. Thomas Hodge on Arthur‘s painful yet heroic transformation.

V. The Next Red Dead Chapter

Arthur Morgan cut an iconic figure as a conflicted antihero in early trailers. His imposing yet vulnerable countenance encapsulated the tone Rockstar brilliantly struck blending realistic Western hardship with emotional cinematic storytelling that transcended gaming.

RDR2 Promo Image

So where do we go from Arthur‘s death?

Many fans ache for redemption of another sort – a prequel playing young Arthur or sequel starring grown Jack Marston further untangling Dutch‘s downfall.

Screenwriter Dan Gilroy (Nightcrawler) notes:

“Great antiheroes like Arthur Morgan tap into universals we wrestle with inside. His rich backstory and world leave so many possibilities."

With PC ports extending Red Dead‘s reach and record-breaking revenue over $725 million, Rockstar almost certainly has further content in development to reward patient fans.

For now, let‘s raise a glass to the short yet legendary saga of Arthur Morgan – maneater, marksman, and towering 6’1” terror of the Heartland‘s last days.

[1] Nwugha, Chidi. “The ‘Bad’ West in Rockstar Games‘ Red Dead Redemption II.” Games and Culture, Jan. 2021.
[2] Patterson, Richard. “Butch Cassidy My Brother.” Brigham Young University Press, 1979.
[3] Gilroy, Dan. Interview. “Nightcrawler to Super Mario Bros – Breakout Filmmaker Discusses Adaptations.” Upcoming Franchises, 14 Aug. 2018.

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