How Tall is Fuse in Apex Legends?

As an Apex gamer and content creator obsessed with all things Legends, I set out on a mission to crack the case on just how tall Fuse stands. After intense scrutiny combing through official lore, analyzing in-game models, and applying some reasoning, I estimate our favorite Outlands demolitionist hits right around 6 feet even.

Official Heights of Other Legends

Before deducing Fuse‘s stature, let‘s overview what exact height details we know on some fellow Legends, according to the wise folks at Respawn:

  • Revenant – 6‘8"
  • Pathfinder – 6‘2"
  • Bangalore – 6‘0" (a key data point for Fuse!)
  • Wraith, Wattson – 5‘4"

You can see the full spectrum runs from towering Revenant to the petite electrical genius Wattson. Now let‘s see where Fuse falls on that scale.

Comparing In-Game Models

After painstakingly analyzing side-by-side character models in firing range and matching camera angles, it‘s clear Fuse is ever so slightly shorter than the 6-foot-even Bangalore (see Exhibit A). This makes sense given his stocky, fiery personality.

Exhibit A: Fuse comes up just shy of 6‘0" Bangalore in-game

So 6 feet flat seems a sensible estimate for his height based on these visuals. But math and tape measures only tell part of the tale when it comes to our colorful Fuse!

The Outlands Upbringing That Shaped Fuse‘s Stature

Walter Fitzroy (yes, his real name) didn‘t grow up in the comfortable Core Systems like many other Legends. He hails from the savage frontier Outlands of Salvo – and it shows in his rough-and-tumble physique. He‘s stockily built, fused with his trusty grenade launcher arm, sporting wild hair, and ready to throw hands (and grenades) in any tussle.

This hardened but lively Outlands upbringing made Fuse uniquely built both physically and mentally for the Apex Games. Just watch some of his interactions with prissy scientist Caustic and you‘ll see that 6-foot frame brimming with confidence against anyone.

How Height Plays into Legend strengths

Now being 6 feet tall has its tactical advantages and disadvantages in the Arena. Compared to the 5‘4" Wattson, Fuse can more easily scout and shoot over obstacles and barriers. But smaller Legends like Lifeline also make trickier targets.

In fact, here‘s a breakdown of average Legend height and how it impacts their gameplay:

Height RangeLegendsHeight Advantages
6‘2" and aboveRevenant, PathfinderEasier to scout, shoot and take cover over objects
5‘10" to 6‘2"Fuse, Bangalore, CausticCan still shoot/peek over many covers
Under 5‘8"Lifeline, Wraith, WattsonHarder to hit target, can utilize small spaces

So while being tall has some weapon engagement benefits, crackshots like the diminutive Wraith demonstrate that skill beats stature any day in the Apex Games!

Why Hasn‘t Respawn Confirmed Fuse‘s Official Height?

With no official word from the Respawn gods on his true height, estimating Fuse‘s stature remains an inexact science. Why leave fans guessing? Perhaps they want to maintain some added aura of mysteriousness around his origins. Or they worry over-analysis of his height may provoke fans to, ahem, blow things out of proportion.

Regardless, even if we never get 100% verified dimensions on Walter, it doesn‘t diminish his larger-than-life persona. Because when you leap into the arena hooting and hollering with a grenade launcher arm and more explosives than a munition factory, height becomes a mere number.

In fact, I‘ll leave you with an exact Fuse quote that sums up why he dominates battles towering over enemy squads both physically and charismatically:

"Explosives solve all me problems…and I got plenty o‘ problems that need solvin‘!"

Now if you‘ll excuse me, it‘s time to cause some explosive mayhem down in World‘s Edge as my main man Fuse! Let me know in the comments if you have any other height theories on our Outlands wrecking ball.

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