How tall is Hades god?

As god of the underworld in ancient Greek myths, Hades would have an appropriately towering and imposing height representing his vast power over death itself. But exact measurements of gods were often exaggerated or inconsistent across myths and artistic depictions. Based on symbolic stature compared to other Greek gods and mythological figures, reasonable estimates would put Hades between 15-20 feet tall.

Ancient Depictions Show Hades‘ Grand Height

In many ancient pottery paintings and statues, Hades is shown with a foreboding presence towering over the world below his feet. As one of the most important figures in Greek mythology ruling eternally over departed souls, Hades carries an intimidating godly height far above mortals – likely exaggerated for symbolic status. Having to traverse between the underworld and Mount Olympus, Hades would struggle fitting his grand stature in rooms clearly built only to human scale!

How Hades Ranks vs. Other Gods and Titans

Though descriptions often lack precision, surrounding context helps gauge Hades’ lofty height against other key Greek mythological beings:

Zeus – King of the gods, often depicted around 15 feet in artistic renditions
Poseidon – God of the sea, possibly reaching up to 18 feet with towering presence over oceans

Atlas – A titan forced to carry the heavens, estimated between 20-25 feet tall to support his great task

So while Hades likely does not surpass the greatest titans in scale, he would still carry himself as an imposing giant compared to nearly all other gods and mortals – fitting for the merciless ruler below ground!

Hades’ Godly Height Translated into Video Games

The iconic God of War video game series brings Greek gods like Hades to life in stunning fashion to battle main protagonist Kratos. As expected, Hades is rendered as a 15-20 foot boss enemy – towering mightily over human-sized foes. The camera angles ascending up Hades’ body establish his epic sense of scale and power before the intense clash!

Other games like Kid Icarus Uprising also depict Hades with an appropriately huge presence. It reinforces how Greek gods – while taking fanciful liberties – often translate such grand, exaggerated heights into video game worlds both to capture their symbolism and create suitable boss battle drama!

Height Comparison: Godly Rulers vs. Mortal Heroes

FigureEst. Height
Hades15-20 feet
Zeus~15 feet
Kratos6 feet
Medusa7 feet
Perseus5‘ 10"

As we can see, mythic Greek deities and monsters tower far above even the mightiest video game heroes like Kratos. Thus facing the godly Hades as a boss battle creates a tense and challenging scale – a towering enemy to defeat both figuratively and literally!

So through consistent visual and symbolic depictions, it’s clear Hades stands mightily as a 15-20 foot giant – establishing his grand, godly status through sheer height alone as the merciless lord below guarding departed souls! Both myths and games capture this immense presence in their imagination of the ominous Hades.

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