How Tall is the Imposing Orange Piccolo?

Let‘s kick things off with a clear answer – based on my expertise analyzing character models and transformations, I estimate Orange Piccolo stands at approximately 7‘7". This falls in line with his imposing appearance and matches up with other giant characters in the Dragon Ball universe.

As a quick refresher, Orange Piccolo is a wildly powerful transformation that my favorite character unlocks in Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero. His abrasive attitude remains, but that orange skin and heightened abilities are awesome!

Analyzing Orange Piccolo‘s Height

Regular Piccolo is listed at 7‘5" tall in official guides. When he bulks up into Orange Piccolo, it looks like he gains a few more inches based on scenes like this:

You can see the top of Gohan‘s head reaches Orange Piccolo‘s shoulder now, whereas before he came up to just under his chin. I estimate this places the Orange Namekian at approximately 7‘7" tall.

For another data point, here‘s how he looks next to the hulking Cell Max:

While Cell Max still stands taller, you can see Orange Piccolo isn‘t dwarfed quite as much as his normal form was initially. The movie‘s final act places him around half a head shorter than his enemy.

CharacterEstimated Height
Orange Piccolo7‘7"
Cell Max11‘0"

Add this all up, and I feel confident putting Orange Piccolo near the 7 and a half foot mark as an imposing giant capable of trading blows with Cell Max and standing tall among allies.

Just How Strong is the Orange Beast?

Transforming into his orange-hued form unleashes tremendous dormant power within Piccolo that likely makes him as strong as Goku and Vegeta‘s Super Saiyan Blue states, perhaps even exceeding it. Some evidence and analysis:

  • He‘s shown trading blows with Cell Max, who should be far superior to Goku and Vegeta‘s base forms
  • The movie‘s art book dubs this Piccolo‘s strongest form ever – surpassing even post-Kami fusion
  • We see his Special Beam Cannon pierce straight through Cell Max after failing initially – a testament to its newfound power
  • The symbol on his back represents Namekian pride/self-confidence, hinting Piccolo feels unmatched might

While Cell Max inevitably overpowers him, I believe Orange Piccolo sits firmly in SSB tier, perhaps even higher given he withstands a longer onslaught than the Saiyans did. This easily makes him one of the strongest known Namekians.

I‘d personally love to see him enter a clash of beams against SSB Goku as they stand on even ground with similarly colored auras – that would be a true testament to Piccolo finally catching up!

What Does Piccolo‘s Impressive Transformation Mean Moving Forward?

Dragon Ball doesn‘t hand out free power ups, so Piccolo unlocking a transformation that puts him comfortably in SSB class should signify big things ahead. I predict:

  • He will take a more active role training Gohan and the others instead of largely standing on the sidelines
  • We could see him unlock even further latent potential given this is still theorized not to be his cap
  • Orange Piccolo will likely return in future movies/arcs as one of the best non-Saiyan powerhouses

No longer will Piccolo only be relegated to mentoring duties – with such tremendous power unlocked, he can lead actively alongside Goku, Vegeta and Gohan in key battles!

I‘m pumped to see what Akira Toriyama has planned for his character after this long awaited moment cementing Piccolo as one of Dragon Ball‘s elite combatants. Watch out villains!

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