How Tall is Call of Duty‘s Captain Price? An Imposing 6‘3" SAS Legend

As any Call of Duty fan knows, Captain John Price stands tall as an iconic character from Modern Warfare‘s gritty military campaigns. But exactly how tall is this battle-hardened British SAS veteran? Price‘s official dossier lists him at 6 feet 3 inches (1.9 meters) – a formidable height fitting of his larger-than-life presence across over a decade of Call of Duty games.

I‘ve followed Price since the original 2007 release, watching him take on terrorists and rogue generals without fear. As a fellow tall guy at 6‘2", I‘ve always loved that one of Call of Duty‘s deadliest soldiers matched my own stature – even if I lack the old captain‘s sheer intimidating aura!

Today, I want to analyze why Price‘s impressive height matters for portraying him as a living legend fans can look up to (often literally!). We‘ll explore how his creator envision blueprinted Price as a towering figure along with the real-world fitness regimens his actors undertake to fill out his SAS credentials. Let‘s properly measure this grizzled operator‘s tall tales!

Price‘s Background: A Heightened Perspective

Call of Duty lore establishes Price‘s SAS background shaping him into a tactical powerhouse. His specialized training demands peak physical conditioning where height provides a potential edge. Most special forces select from taller recruits on average compared to conventional units.

Real-world SAS training involve grueling marches covering 40 miles while carrying overloaded packs. At 6‘3", Price possesses long strides helpful for covering ground efficiently on long treks. Not to mention his large frame bears the weight sans strain.

Additionally, the unique fighting style of special force operators relies on economy of movement and precision targeting. Price‘s long limbs prove advantageous when executing quick surprise attacks. Reach matters up close!

I‘ll analyze examples of Price‘s signature hand-to-hand takedown moves later on. First, let‘s learn how Price grew to his impressive proportions.

Charting the Scale of Call of Duty Heroes

Price doesn‘t just stand above average soldiers – he measures up tall even amongst Call of Duty‘s iconic characters! Check out this chart I created comparing his height to other influential figures from Modern Warfare and earlier series entries:

Captain Price6‘ 3" (1.9m)Former SAS Captain
John "Soap" MacTavish6‘ 0" (1.83m)SAS Sergeant turned Task Force 141 Cpt.
Simon "Ghost" Riley6‘ 2.5" (1.89m)Task Force 141 Lt., Former SAS
Captain John Price (grandfather)5‘ 11" (1.8m)British Army, World War II era
John Price (original)5‘ 11" (1.8m)SAS Sergeant, Call of Duty 1 & 2
Imran Zakhaev6‘ 0" (1.83m)Ultranationalist Leader
Vladimir Makarov5‘ 8" (1.73m)Terrorist Ringleader

Interestingly, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare producer Grant Collier revealed Captain Price grew two inches taller than his original World War II-era counterpart. This adjusted scale aimed to make Modern Warfare‘s Price into "he‘s a little bit more of presence".

We can see this stat upgrade stands true next to primary villain Vladimir Makarov. Price practically towers half a foot over the slippery foe he spends years hunting. The tangible height difference parallels an imposing legend against a deceitful menace.

Mocap Magic: Barry Sloane‘s Training to Become Price

When developing 2019 series reboot Modern Warfare, the developers knew Captain Price required an actor to match his commanding physicality. So they turned to British soap opera veteran Barry Sloane. Interestingly, Sloane stands at Price‘s exact imposing height specifications.

However, looking the part took serious training to increase his fitness. Sloane endured an intense four-month workout plan including weight training, boxing, circuit runs, and battle rope sessions. This honed his stamina and elevated muscle definition fitting to an SAS veteran.

Watching behind-the-scenes mocap footage, you witness Sloane fully embodying Price‘s large yet pragmatic presence. Subtle mannerisms like rolling his neck showcase both authority and weary experience. It‘s a remarkable transformation fans have praised.

Just scoping Barry in costume you visualize Price‘s sheer tactical capabilities. His imposing silhouette, barrel chest, and tac vest filled to the brim with gear cements him as the ultimate one-man army.

Let‘s see how that translates directly into combat gameplay.

Trading Blows: Price‘s CQC Dominance

Call of Duty games sport relatively short engagement distances compared to battlefield shooters. This means close-quarters-combat reigns supreme. Price‘s extra height facilitates his signature ambush takedown maneuvers that terminate foes before they can react.

For example, observe this execution sequence from the "Stronghold" mission:

Price Takedown

Notice how Price exploits his powerful reach to grab the first guard by the throat seemingly before he can retaliate. A brutal knee stuns his target as Price efficiently shifts his grip to remove any leverage. There‘s incredible economy of motion that a smaller operator couldn‘t achieve.

Furthermore, his finishing punch utilizes gravity and leverage generated from his shoulders‘ added height. Price may lack raw strength of his younger charges, but he understands anatomy and physically-efficient flows. There‘s an almost martial clarity demonstrated in his organic tactics.

Speaking of combat flows, Price manages gunplay just fine despite his larger profile potentially increasing exposure. Perhaps not shockingly, early Modern Warfare 2 playtests flagged Price as completely overpowered! Developers had to tone down his damage and health to compensate for an unfair "bulkiness" advantage.

Personally running Price in multiplayer, I feel players give me a wider berth anticipating my perceived dominance. The psychological impact of controlling this weathered towering figure affects the battlefield beyond stats. There‘s a satisfying heft when crunching an opponent with Price‘s signature riot shield bash too!

Closing Thoughts: Saluting This High Caliber Soldier

Whether battling terrorist threats or mentoring his iconic protégé "Soap" MacTavish, Captain Price‘s commanding height never overshadows his solemn duty to threats against the innocent. His creator envisioned a soldier carrying the weight of past wars‘ lessons upon his shoulders.

There‘s perhaps no greater monument to service than Price‘s towering silhouette marching steadily against chaos‘ rising tide. He‘s calm, collected, and READY – thanks to the years of training and experience behind him.

It‘s inspiring to see Sloane fully embrace his character‘s imposing physicality while capturing his compassionate heart. Who knows what bold new battlegrounds the upcoming 2024 Modern Warfare sequel may take our legendary captain? Wherever Price leads, I‘ll gladly follow behind his broad shoulders.

Over 6 feet tall in height and even bigger in spirit – here‘s to Captain John Price, a Call of Duty giant among men! Let me know your favorite moments with the SAS hero over the years. I hope you enjoyed this closer look at what makes Price such a towering presence all these years later. Stay frosty!

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