How Tall is SCP-3700?

SCP-3700 refers to a pair of warring leviathan entities engaged in recurring conflict across innumerable planes of reality. The primary anomaly, SCP-3700-1, is a massive crustacean standing at a mind-boggling 6 kilometers in height based on its latest appearance. This behemoth towers over most man-made structures and even dwarfs many fellow SCP entities.

To comprehend the true scale of SCP-3700-1, consider that the tallest building ever constructed by humans – the Burj Khalifa in Dubai – reaches just 0.8 km high. So SCP-3700-1 stands over 7 times taller than the Burj Khalifa! It strains the imagination to visualize just how titanic this creature is.

SCP-3700-2 Makes 3700-1 Look Small

If the dimensions of SCP-3700-1 seem impossibly huge, its rival entity SCP-3700-2 is even more colossal in scale. SCP-3700-2 is described as a leviathan over 32 kilometers long, with a mouth 3 km deep and tentacles spanning 60 meters each.

So while SCP-3700-1 is itself mind-bogglingly tall at 6 km, it is utterly dwarfed by the reality-warping immensity of SCP-3700-2 at over 5 times its size. Just one of this nightmarish creature‘s tentacles is longer than a Boeing 747 plane!

These two anomalies are so vastly outsized that they stand out even among the varied menagerie of SCPs. Their battles crack continents and splinter realities. Truly we are observing cosmic forces at work here.

SCP-3700-1 Was Once Even Larger

In an interesting note, SCP-3700-1 was considerably larger in its initial containment, at a staggering 16 kilometers in height. However, the cumulative damage sustained in its repeated battles with SCP-3700-2 over multiple reality planes has led to a gradual shrinking. Now eroded to "just" 6 km tall, SCP-3700-1 is but a shadow of its former world-ending self.

This shrinking demonstrates the unfathomable scale of battles occurring between these two leviathans. If years of apocalyptic warfare can wear down an 16 km tall entity to 6 km, we can scarcely imagine the forces involved. Like angry gods, their conflict is so immense it fractures the boundaries of reality itself.

Other Record-Breaking SCP Titans

While SCP-3700-1 and SCP-3700-2 may be two of the largest entities contained by the SCP Foundation, they have rivals even within the confines of other SCP objects:

SCP-3000600 – 900 km
SCP-240693 meters

SCP-3000, a massive aquatic creature, is considered perhaps the longest overall SCP, estimated at 600 to 900 kilometers in length. So while not as tall as SCP-3700-2, it matches or even exceeds it in total size.

As for height specifically, SCP-2406 is an extremely tall mechanical construct documented at 93 meters tall.

So while SCP-3700-1 and SCP-3700-2 maycapture the imagination with their mountainous heights of 6 km and 32 km respectively, other SCP objects like SCP-3000 demonstrate that even more unfathomably massive entities exist within the Foundation‘s containment.

The Scale of It All

Looking at SCP anomalies like SCP-3700 and SCP-3000, one cannot help but feel small and insignificant by comparison. And we have only surveyed a tiny cross-section of the full SCP universe here! Without doubt, these few examples are merely the tip of the reality-altering iceberg.

It makes one wonder – what is out there in the greater multiverse that even dwarfs the mind-melting magnitudes of these titanic SCP entities? As an avid gamer and explorer of fantasy realms, my imagination swims at the possibility of even bigger and more bizarre entities lying across the threshold of our known reality.

While we may never directly glimpse or comprehend the full scale at play, we can continue to piece together this cosmic puzzle through the containment of these extranormal artifacts. The heights provided in the SCP documentation offer us a fingertip grip on the ledge of understanding into these beyond-reality phenomena. Though our minds may recoil, the pursuit of truth compels us to stare over that ledge and reckon with the vastness looking back from inside.

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