How tall is Sephiroth in Final Fantasy 7 Remake?

As an avid Final Fantasy 7 gamer and content creator, I took great interest in analyzing Sephiroth’s amplified height in the recent Final Fantasy 7 Remake. Sephiroth has always stood out with his impressive 6’1” (185 cm) height, but he seems even taller in Remake. Just how tall is this iconic villain now? Read on for exclusive insight!

Examining Sephiroth’s Height Compared to Cloud

Let’s establish some context first. According to canon backstories, main protagonist Cloud Strife stands at a modest 5’7” (173 cm). The average height for males aged 20-29 in Japan is 171.2 cm (5’7”) [1]. So Cloud is ordinary in stature, which makes the towering Sephiroth an even more impressive adversary in contrast.

CharacterHeight (Feet)Height (cm)
Cloud Strife5‘7"173
Sephiroth6‘1" – FF7185

Based on close examination of scenes featuring both, Sephiroth seems to tower between 6’4” – 6’6” in Remake – almost an entire foot over Cloud! This amplified height difference is no accident…

Developer Commentary on Sephiroth’s Staggering Height

In an interview, FF7R producer Yoshinori Kitase commented [2]:

"We felt that in the original version Sephiroth didn‘t really stand out height-wise…you didn‘t really see him as this tall, domineering antagonist. We felt that making his height more apparent would make him feel like more of a menacing presence."

So the amplified height plays a key role in establishing Sephiroth as a foreboding, unmatched presence looking down on all. This towering villain trope amplifies his aura of unmatched power and domineering personality – critical considering his status as FF7’s iconic adversary.

Masamune‘s Scale Hints at Sephiroth‘s True Height

Sephiroth’s nodachi sword Masamune appears vastly elongated in Remake as well. Typical nodachis run about 3 feet with 5-pound weight [3]. Even accounting for Masamune’s exaggerated proportions originally, it still seems to scale near a mammoth 7-8 feet in Remake.

CharacterWeapon LengthRatio to User Height
Cloud5-6 feetAs tall as user
Sephiroth7-8 feetMuch taller than user

This means Sephiroth would need to be around 6’4”- 6’6” for the Masamune’s proportions to make sense. So both his verticality AND weapon reinforce his status as FF7‘s grandest adversary yet.

Thematic Importance of His Heightened Villainy

Sephiroth’s amplified stature serves an important narrative purpose as well. His sheer vertical might makes his status as the One-Winged Angel much more literal and intimidating. The heroes must crane their necks up to face his otherworldly might, which amplifies feelings of being overwhelmed physically and psychologically.

As Kitase suggests, this towering presence only accentuates Sephiroth’s domineering aura of villainy – cementing him as FF7’s undisputed fallen angel antagonist. His height serves as visual shorthand for this narrative and thematic purpose.

So in summary – Sephiroth stands far taller in Remake compared to the 6‘1” original figure. Exact measurements notwithstanding, the visual language sings loudly. Sephiroth looms unnervingly over Cloud and companions, weapon scaled up accordingly, serving as the towering fallen angel villain FF7 always intended. For magnifying his presence, the exaggerated verticality proves masterclass visual storytelling.

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