Just how massive was The Rock at only 14 years old?

Believe it or not, global superstar Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson was already an absolute unit by the time he was just entering high school. Based on a throwback photo of himself at age 14 that he shared, this towering teen was standing tall at 6 feet, 4 inches.

To provide some context around just how freakishly gigantic The Rock was at 14, let‘s crunch some numbers:

Average Height for 14-Year-Old American Boys:

50th5‘ 5‘‘
90th5‘ 9‘‘
95th5‘ 11‘‘

(Source: CDC growth charts)

So while the average 14-year-old boy is only around 5‘5", The Rock was nearly a full foot taller at the same age. He outweighed the typical 14-year-old by over 60 lbs, almost all of it rock-hard muscularity rather than body fat.

Professional Athletes Who Are Roughly The Rock‘s Size At 14:

  • LeBron James: 6‘9", 250 lbs
  • Aaron Donald: 6‘1", 280 lbs
  • Mike Trout: 6‘2", 235 lbs

And keep in mind – these are full-grown men at the peak of their athletic powers! For a young teenager to match their size is just unheard of.

Clearly, Dwayne possessed God-level genetics when it came to physical stature even as an adolescent. Combine that with finally hitting puberty, and his growth went into overdrive. He was shaving by age 11 and likely saw his testosterone levels skyrocket during his early teens.

One can only imagine how unstoppable The Rock would have been at sports like football, basketball, or track & field with that mammoth teenage frame! It‘s no wonder that he went on to such success in wrestling and acting.

Now at 50 years old, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson has to put in serious gym work just to maintain the muscle mass he somehow acquired naturally in his youth. But for a brief period during his teenage years, he was quite literally built like a comic book strongman. He was the real-life Hulk before he could even drive or vote!

So in summary – yes, The Rock really was an absolute monster at age 14. The photo evidence doesn‘t lie. Let‘s just say it‘s a very good thing he focused his powers on entertainment rather than attempting world domination! This ginormous kid grew up to be the highest-paid actor on Earth, as well as one of the hardest-working and most motivational.

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