How to Build a Robust Zalando Scraper with Python and Selenium

Web scraping, the automated extraction of data from websites, is an incredibly powerful tool for gathering business insights. One popular target for scraping is Zalando, Europe‘s leading online fashion platform with over 50 million active customers. By collecting detailed product information from Zalando, you can:

  • Conduct market research to spot fashion trends
  • Monitor competitors‘ pricing strategies
  • Analyze brand popularity among consumers
  • Optimize your own product listings and pricing

However, scraping a large e-commerce site like Zalando is far from trivial. Zalando employs various anti-scraping measures and heavily relies on JavaScript rendering, making standard scraping libraries ineffective.

In this in-depth guide, we‘ll walk through how to overcome these challenges and build a robust, scalable Zalando scraper using Python and Selenium. Whether you‘re a data analyst, e-commerce specialist, or just a Pythonista looking to hone your web scraping skills, read on to learn the tools and techniques for extracting valuable data from Zalando.

Why Zalando is Challenging to Scrape

Before we dive into the technical details, let‘s examine what makes scraping Zalando uniquely difficult compared to a static website:

  1. Zalando uses JavaScript to dynamically render page content. This means the HTML initially downloaded is incomplete, with product information loaded later via API calls. Traditional scraping libraries like Beautiful Soup cannot execute JavaScript, so they only see the initial bare-bones HTML.

  2. Zalando employs anti-scraping measures to block suspicious traffic. These may include checking request headers, limiting request rate, and presenting CAPTCHAs. Scraping scripts need to convincingly mimic human browsing behavior to avoid detection.

  3. Zalando uses auto-generated CSS classes that change frequently. This makes it harder to write durable element selectors for extracting data, as the selectors may break whenever the site is updated.

  4. Product data is structured differently across categories. For example, a t-shirt page will have size information while a handbag page won‘t. Scraping logic needs to intelligently adapt based on the product type.

With these limitations in mind, let‘s look at how Selenium, a browser automation tool, is uniquely suited for scraping Zalando.

Introducing Selenium for Scraping Dynamic Sites

Selenium is a powerful set of tools primarily used for automated web application testing. However, its ability to programmatically drive real web browsers like Chrome or Firefox makes it invaluable for scraping modern JavaScript-heavy sites.

Some advantages of Selenium for web scraping:

  • Renders pages like a real browser, executing all JavaScript
  • Can closely simulate human interactions like clicking, typing, and scrolling
  • Provides methods for locating elements and extracting data
  • Handles waiting for elements to appear after Ajax loads
  • Can be configured to rotate user agents, spoof headers, and use proxies

While Selenium is often used with languages like Java and C#, it has excellent Python bindings that we‘ll leverage to build our Zalando scraper. Other popular Python scraping options like Scrapy and Requests-HTML may work for simpler scenarios, but Selenium‘s flexibility is ideal for a complex target like Zalando.

Now that we understand why Selenium is the right tool for the job, let‘s set up our project!

Step-by-Step Tutorial: Building the Zalando Scraper

We‘ll build our Zalando scraper incrementally, starting with a script to extract core product data from a single fashion item page. Then we‘ll refactor it to handle multiple product variants and tackle a whole category.

Setting Up the Python Project

First ensure you have Python 3 and pip installed. Then create a new directory for the project:

mkdir zalando-scraper 
cd zalando-scraper

It‘s good practice to work in a virtual environment to isolate project dependencies. Create and activate one with:

python -m venv env
source env/bin/activate  # On Windows, use `env\Scripts\activate`

Install Selenium in the virtual environment:

pip install selenium

We‘ll also need the appropriate WebDriver executable for the browser automated by Selenium. For Chrome, you can download ChromeDriver from the official site. Ensure you get the version matching your installed Chrome version. Add the path to the ChromeDriver executable to your system PATH.

Scraping a Single Product Page

Create a new Python file,, and add the following boilerplate to launch a browser:

from selenium import webdriver
from import Service
from import By

service = Service()
driver = webdriver.Chrome(service=service)

url = "" 

This code initializes a Chrome WebDriver instance and navigates to a Zalando product page URL.

Next, we‘ll use Selenium‘s locator strategies to find elements containing the data we want to scrape. Inspecting the page source, we see that the product name is in an <h1> tag:

product_name = driver.find_element(By.TAG_NAME, "h1").text

Similarly, we can extract pricing information. Zalando shows the current price as well as the original price if the item is on sale. These can be found in <p> tags inside a <div> with a certain data attribute:

pricing_div = driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "[data-cy=‘product-price‘]")
current_price = pricing_div.find_element(By.CLASS_NAME, "KVKCn3").text
    original_price = pricing_div.find_element(By.CLASS_NAME, "_6zGDxk").text
    original_price = current_price

We‘ve used a CSS selector to locate the pricing <div>, then found the actual prices by their class names. Since not all products are discounted, we handle the case where there is no original price shown.

Product descriptions on Zalando are often split into multiple sections in different HTML elements. We can find them by a common CSS class and concatenate the text:

description_parts = driver.find_elements(By.CLASS_NAME, "OEcfjQ")
product_description = "\n".join([part.text for part in description_parts])

Finally, let‘s extract the image URLs for the product photos. These are in <img> elements inside a gallery <ul>:

image_elements = driver.find_element(By.CLASS_NAME, "_6uf91T") \
                        .find_elements(By.TAG_NAME, "img")
image_urls = [img.get_attribute("src") for img in image_elements]  

We‘ve chained two find_element(s) calls to first locate the <ul> by its class, then find all <img> tags inside it. The actual image URLs are in the "src" attribute of each.

Now that we‘ve scraped the core product data, let‘s print it out nicely formatted:

print(f"Product Name: {product_name}")
print(f"Price: {current_price}")
print(f"Original Price: {original_price}") 
print(f"Description: {product_description[:100]}...")  
print(f"Image URLs: {image_urls}")

Go ahead and run the script with python You should see the product data printed out!

Handling Product Variants

One complexity when scraping Zalando is that many products come in multiple variants, such as different colors or sizes. Often the variant information is not present in the initial HTML, but gets populated dynamically as the user selects options.

Let‘s modify our script to handle scraping data for all color variants of a product. Inspecting the page, we see that the color options are in <a> elements distinguished by a data attribute. Clicking these elements updates the page with data for that color variant.

First locate all the color options:

color_options = driver.find_elements(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "[data-testid=‘variantSelector‘] a")

Then we can iterate through them, clicking each and extracting the relevant data:

all_colors_data = []
for color_option in color_options:
    color_name = color_option.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "img").get_attribute("alt")

    # Click to select this color and wait for page to update 

    # Extract price, image URLs, etc. for this color using same logic as before
    # ...

    color_data = {
        "name": color_name,
        "price": current_price,
        "image_urls": image_urls,
        # ...

We‘ve introduced a time.sleep(2) after clicking the color option. This gives the page time to load the new data before we scrape it. There are more sophisticated ways to wait for elements to appear using explicit and implicit waits in Selenium.

Scaling to Multiple Pages

So far we‘ve only scraped a single product page. But what if we wanted to scrape data for all products in a category?

The approach would be:

  1. Determine the URL pattern for category pages on Zalando. It‘s usually something like where the p parameter indicates the page number.

  2. Use Selenium to navigate to each category page URL in a loop.

  3. On each page, locate the grid of product tiles. Find the <a> element in each tile that links to the individual product page.

  4. Extract the URL from the "href" attribute of each product <a> element. This gives us a list of product page URLs to scrape.

  5. Iterate through the product URLs, calling our existing single product scraping logic on each.

  6. Compile the scraped data for all products into a single data structure.

Here‘s a condensed code snippet illustrating this flow:

category_url = ""
product_data = []

num_pages = 10
for page in range(1, num_pages + 1):
    url = f"{category_url}?p={page}"

    product_tiles = driver.find_elements(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "[data-testid=‘productTile‘]")
    product_urls = [tile.find_element(By.TAG_NAME, "a").get_attribute("href") 
                    for tile in product_tiles]

    for product_url in product_urls:
        # ... Scrape product data using logic from earlier ...

This code visits the first num_pages pages of the shirts category, scrapes the URLs for individual product pages from each, then scrapes the detailed product data we‘re interested in from every product page.

Dealing with Anti-Scraping Measures

As mentioned earlier, Zalando has defenses to prevent scraping. If our script runs too frequently or predictably, Zalando may start blocking requests or presenting CAPTCHAs.

Some strategies to evade anti-scraping measures:

  • Throttling requests: Add random delays between page loads to avoid suspiciously fast request rates. Selenium‘s implicitly_wait() can help here.

  • Rotating user agents: Zalando may block traffic from known Selenium user agent strings. We can configure Selenium to spoof different user agents:

from fake_useragent import UserAgent

ua = UserAgent()
user_agent = ua.random
options = webdriver.ChromeOptions() 
driver = webdriver.Chrome(service=service, options=options)
  • Using proxies: Making all requests from a single IP can trigger rate limiting. Sourcing IPs from a proxy pool allows distributing requests. Selenium can be configured to route traffic through proxies.

  • Avoiding honeypot traps: Some sites include hidden links to trap bots. A human wouldn‘t interact with an invisible link. We can instruct Selenium to only find visible elements with driver.find_elements(By.CSS_SELECTOR, "a:visible")


In this guide, we‘ve explored why Zalando is a valuable but challenging target for web scraping, and how to use Python and Selenium to extract product data at scale.

The key takeaways are:

  • Zalando heavily uses JavaScript rendering, so a capable headless browser tool like Selenium is necessary for scraping
  • Product data can be scattered across multiple HTML elements requiring careful use of Selenium‘s locator strategies
  • Product variants like colors often require interacting with the page to load dynamic data
  • Scraping whole categories involves discovering URLs and looping through many pages
  • Anti-scraping defenses can be circumvented with techniques like request throttling, user agent rotation, and using proxies

Armed with this knowledge, you‘re ready to build robust, large-scale web scrapers for Zalando and adapt these techniques to other dynamic e-commerce sites. The data you extract can provide invaluable insights for your business. Happy scraping!

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