How to Bypass CAPTCHA Using Web Unlocker

If you‘ve spent any amount of time browsing the web, you‘ve likely encountered CAPTCHAs – those sometimes annoying challenge-response tests designed to determine whether a user is human or a bot. While CAPTCHAs play an important role in preventing automated abuse and spam, they can also pose major obstacles for legitimate use cases like web scraping.

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll take an in-depth look at what CAPTCHAs are, the most common types you‘ll come across, and how to effectively solve and bypass them using tools like the Bright Data Web Unlocker. Whether you‘re a developer, researcher, or business looking to gather publicly available web data at scale, understanding CAPTCHAs and solutions to get around them is critical. Let‘s dive in!

What is CAPTCHA?

CAPTCHA stands for "Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart". In essence, it is a type of challenge-response authentication test used to determine whether a user is human or an automated computer program like a bot or script.

CAPTCHAs are commonly used by websites and online services to prevent abuse from bots and automated scripts. Some examples of harmful bot activity that CAPTCHAs aim to thwart include:

  • Creating many fake accounts (e.g. for spamming)
  • Scraping large amounts of data
  • Automating clicks and traffic to defraud advertisers
  • Executing brute force attacks to guess login credentials
  • Manipulating online polls and reviews
  • Buying up limited inventory like event tickets or limited edition products

By forcing users to solve a test that is relatively simple for humans but difficult for current computer programs, CAPTCHAs serve as a protective shield against bots while allowing human users to proceed. CAPTCHAs are typically quick tests, often only taking a few seconds for a human to solve.

Common Types of CAPTCHAs

While all CAPTCHAs aim to distinguish human users from bots, these tests can take a variety of different forms. As bots have become more sophisticated over the years, CAPTCHAs have had to evolve as well to stay ahead of advances in computer vision and pattern matching. Here are some of the most common types of CAPTCHAs used today:

Text-based CAPTCHAs

Text-based CAPTCHAs are perhaps the most widely recognized type. With these, the user is presented with an image containing distorted, skewed, or obscured text, often along with visual interference like lines, dots, or colored backgrounds. The user must accurately decipher and retype the characters in order to pass the test.

Some key features of text CAPTCHAs include:

  • Visual distortion and noise to prevent OCR programs from reading the text
  • Randomized characters and sequence to prevent pattern matching
  • An expiring time limit to solve (usually 30-60 seconds)
  • Numeric, alphabetic, or alphanumeric characters
  • May be case-sensitive

While text CAPTCHAs are very common, they are not without issues. The visual distortion and background noise that are core to their security also make them difficult for many humans to solve, especially those with impaired vision. And as OCR technology improves, many text CAPTCHAs can now be solved by specialized computer vision algorithms.

Image-based CAPTCHAs

As a step up from text-based CAPTCHAs, image-based CAPTCHAs challenge the user to identify, classify or perform actions on images. Rather than relying on text distortion, image CAPTCHAs leverage the current limitations of computer vision to process and understand visual information.

Common types of image CAPTCHAs include:

  • Identifying a common theme or category that groups several images
  • Clicking on certain types of objects within an image grid (e.g. traffic lights, crosswalks, vehicles)
  • Dragging and dropping an image segment to complete a puzzle
  • Identifying which image in a set does not belong
  • Recognizing obscured, distorted or blurred objects

The visual nature of image CAPTCHAs makes them easier than text versions for most human users. However, they often require more interaction and time to solve compared to entering a few characters of text. And as computer vision algorithms grow more advanced, many basic image classification CAPTCHAs can now be matched by AI systems.


Audio CAPTCHAs provide an accessible alternative to visual tests. With an audio CAPTCHA, a sound clip is played containing distorted numbers or words spoken over background noise. The user must accurately transcribe the spoken characters into a text field.

While designed for greater accessibility, audio CAPTCHAs still present UX challenges. The heavy distortion and noise that secures the audio clip against bots can make it hard to understand for humans too, often requiring multiple replays to decipher. Audio CAPTCHAs may also be solvable by sophisticated voice-to-text AI models.

Interactive and Gaming CAPTCHAs

Some newer CAPTCHA implementations have evolved into interactive challenges and mini-games. These include things like:

  • Slider puzzles that require dragging an image segment into place
  • Rotated or perspective-skewed images that must be reoriented right-side-up
  • Basic virtual environment interactions like putting 3D objects down on a flat surface

The novel interfaces and interactions used by these CAPTCHAs can offer an improved user experience compared to hard-to-see text or distorted images. However, continued advances in ML models‘ ability to interact with virtual interfaces may allow bots to bypass them.

Issues with CAPTCHAs

While CAPTCHAs remain a widespread security tool, they do present some issues and challenges, both for human users and legitimate bot use cases:

  • Poor accessibility for visually impaired users who rely on screen readers, despite audio CAPTCHA options
  • Frustrating user experience, especially with hard-to-decipher distorted text
  • Language barriers when CAPTCHAs use words or instructions in a language foreign to the user
  • Time consuming to solve, slowing down user flows
  • Can be a major roadblock for legitimate bot-driven applications like web scraping and automated testing

As ML and computer vision technology advances, many CAPTCHAs are now solvable by specialized AI systems, reducing their effectiveness as a security measure against sophisticated bots and attackers. Yet they continue to pose an obstacle for benign automation.

For example, businesses and researchers looking to gather publicly available web data at scale may need to solve thousands of CAPTCHAs to access data sources. Requiring humans to manually solve CAPTCHAs severely limits scalability. What‘s needed is an automated way to solve CAPTCHAs.

Bypassing CAPTCHAs with Automated Solvers

Thankfully, just as CAPTCHAs have evolved over the years, so too have the tools to solve them. Automated CAPTCHA solving tools and services leverage computer vision, machine learning and heuristics to programmatically recognize and solve CAPTCHA challenges.

Bright Data‘s Web Unlocker is one such CAPTCHA solving solution. Web Unlocker provides an API that integrates automated CAPTCHA solving into data collection pipelines. When integrated into a crawler or data collection tool, Web Unlocker automatically detects and solves encountered CAPTCHAs.

Here‘s a high-level overview of how Web Unlocker works its magic:

  1. A crawler or data collection tool makes a request through the Web Unlocker proxy
  2. If the target website returns a CAPTCHA challenge:
    a. Web Unlocker intercepts the CAPTCHA
    b. Computer vision algorithms process and classify the CAPTCHA image or audio
    c. ML models determine the solution to the CAPTCHA
    d. Web Unlocker automatically provides the CAPTCHA solution
  3. The CAPTCHA is solved in real-time without human intervention
  4. The crawler/data collection tool gets the desired content without interruption

Web Unlocker supports solving all major types of CAPTCHAs, including:

  • Text-based CAPTCHAs
  • Image classification and identification CAPTCHAs
  • Audio CAPTCHAs

How to Use the Web Unlocker API

Using Web Unlocker to bypass CAPTCHAs is fairly straightforward for anyone familiar with RESTful APIs and HTTP requests. Here‘s a simple example of how to make a request through the Web Unlocker proxy using cURL:

curl -x "" -U "username:password" -k ""

Let‘s break this down:

  • -x specifies the Web Unlocker proxy endpoint to use
  • -U provides your Web Unlocker username and password for authentication
  • -k enables HTTPS support
  • The final argument is the URL of the target website to scrape

So when the request to is made through the Web Unlocker proxy, any CAPTCHAs will be detected and automatically solved without further configuration. The API will return the target page content as if the CAPTCHA was manually solved.

Web Unlocker provides API libraries for popular programming languages to further simplify integration, including Python, NodeJS, and Java. Here‘s how you might use the Web Unlocker API in Python with the requests library:

import requests

proxies = {"http": ""}
auth = requests.auth.HTTPProxyAuth("username", "password") 

r = requests.get("", proxies=proxies, auth=auth, verify=False)

CAPTCHA Solving Best Practices

When using automated CAPTCHA solving tools and services, there are some best practices to keep in mind:

  • Respect robots.txt rules and website terms of service
  • Set appropriate request rate limits to avoid overloading origin servers
  • Only collect publicly available data, not content behind logins without permission
  • Avoid republishing collected data without appropriate attribution, synthesis and cleaning
  • Use CAPTCHA solving only for legitimate purposes, not spamming, fraud or denial of service
  • Investigate the security, privacy and compliance standards of CAPTCHA solving vendors


CAPTCHAs remain a common hurdle in the web scraping and automated data collection landscape. While an important tool for online security, they often stand in the way of legitimate large-scale data gathering use cases. Fortunately, automated CAPTCHA solving solutions like the Bright Data Web Unlocker API provide the means to bypass CAPTCHAs programmatically.

By integrating a CAPTCHA solver into scrapers and data pipelines, researchers and businesses can collect public web data at scale without the manual toil of solving CAPTCHAs by hand. If you‘re looking to streamline your web data collection while overcoming CAPTCHAs, give the Bright Data Web Unlocker API a try. With support for all major types of CAPTCHAs across languages, Web Unlocker makes it simple to automate your public web data gathering needs.

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