How to Calculate Domain Authority: The Ultimate Guide

Domain authority (DA) is one of the most important metrics in SEO. Developed by Moz, DA predicts how likely a website is to rank in search engine results pages (SERPs). Domain authority is measured on a logarithmic scale from 0 to 100, with higher scores corresponding to a greater ability to rank.

As a website owner or digital marketer, it‘s crucial to understand what domain authority is, how it‘s calculated, and the steps you can take to improve your score over time. In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll dive deep into everything you need to know about calculating and improving domain authority.

What is Domain Authority?

Domain authority is a search engine ranking score that predicts how likely a website is to rank in SERPs. It was created by Moz as a metric to quantify the "authority" or "power" of a domain as a whole, based on a combination of link popularity and other SEO metrics.

DA is measured on a 100-point logarithmic scale, meaning that it‘s easier to grow your score from 20 to 30 than it is to grow from 70 to 80. Generally speaking, websites with a lot of high-quality external links (such as Wikipedia or Google) have the highest DA scores, while small businesses and websites with fewer inbound links have lower scores.

It‘s important to note that domain authority is a comparative metric rather than an absolute one. In other words, having a DA score of 50 doesn‘t mean much by itself, but it can be useful for comparing your website‘s authority to that of your competitors in your industry or niche.

Why Domain Authority Matters for SEO

So why should you care about your domain authority score? In a nutshell, DA is an indicator of your website‘s overall SEO health and its ability to rank in search results. Websites with higher domain authority tend to rank better and gain more organic traffic than those with lower scores.

While Google doesn‘t use domain authority in its ranking algorithm, many of the factors that influence a website‘s DA score (like the quality and quantity of inbound links) are important ranking signals. By improving your domain authority over time, you can increase your chances of ranking higher in search results and attracting more organic traffic to your site.

Domain authority can also be a useful metric for evaluating the quality and authority of other websites, such as when you‘re considering reaching out for a link or assessing the value of a link from another domain. Websites with high DA scores tend to be more reputable and authoritative, so a link from one of these sites can carry more weight in terms of SEO.

Factors That Influence Domain Authority

Now that we‘ve covered what domain authority is and why it matters, let‘s take a look at the key factors that go into calculating a website‘s DA score:

1. Linking Root Domains

One of the most important factors in domain authority is the number of external websites (known as "linking root domains") that link to your site. In general, the more high-quality websites that link to you, the higher your DA score will be.

However, not all links are created equal. A single link from a high-authority website like The New York Times or Wikipedia will carry much more weight than dozens of links from low-quality, spammy websites. That‘s why it‘s important to focus on building high-quality, relevant links rather than just going for raw quantity.

2. Quality and Authority of Linking Pages

In addition to the number of linking root domains, the quality and authority of the individual pages linking to your site also play a role in determining your DA score. A link from the homepage of a high-authority website will be worth more than a link from a deep, obscure page on the same domain.

Search engines also look at factors like the relevance and context of the linking page, as well as the anchor text used in the link. Links with relevant, keyword-rich anchor text may be weighted more heavily than generic links like "click here."

3. Internal Linking Structure

Your website‘s internal linking structure – i.e., the way your pages link to each other – can also impact your domain authority. A well-organized, hierarchical linking structure makes it easier for search engines to crawl and understand your site, which can help boost your DA score.

On the other hand, a chaotic or orphaned linking structure with lots of dead ends and isolated pages can hurt your domain authority. Aim for a clean, logical linking structure with plenty of contextual links between related pages.

4. On-Page SEO Factors

While external links are the primary driver of domain authority, on-page SEO factors like content quality, keyword usage, and page load speed can also play a role. Websites with high-quality, keyword-rich content tend to have higher DA scores than those with thin or low-quality content.

Technical SEO factors like mobile-friendliness, website security (HTTPS vs HTTP), and page speed can also impact your domain authority indirectly by affecting your search rankings and user experience. A fast, mobile-friendly, and secure website is more likely to rank well and attract inbound links, which can in turn boost your DA score.

5. Website Age and History

Finally, the age and history of your domain can also influence your DA score. All else being equal, an older, more established website will typically have a higher domain authority than a brand new site.

Of course, this doesn‘t mean that new websites can‘t compete with established ones in terms of DA. By focusing on creating high-quality content, building relevant links, and optimizing your on-page SEO, you can grow your domain authority relatively quickly even if your site is relatively new.

How to Check Your Domain Authority

So how can you find out what your website‘s current DA score is? There are a few different tools you can use:

1. Moz Link Explorer

Since domain authority is a metric created by Moz, their Link Explorer tool is the most direct way to check your score. Simply enter your website‘s URL and Moz will give you your current DA score as well as a list of inbound links and other SEO metrics.

2. Ahrefs Website Authority Checker

Ahrefs has its own version of domain authority called "Domain Rating" (DR) which is calculated using a similar methodology to Moz‘s DA. You can use their free Website Authority Checker tool to see your current DR score as well as key SEO metrics like the number of linking domains and pages.

3. SEMrush Authority Score

SEMrush also offers a domain authority metric called "Authority Score" which takes into account the quantity and quality of backlinks, organic search traffic, and other SEO factors. You can check your Authority Score using their free Domain Overview tool.

Keep in mind that each of these tools may give you slightly different scores due to differences in their data sources and calculation methods. However, they should all give you a general sense of where your site stands in terms of domain authority.

Tips for Improving Your Domain Authority

Increasing your domain authority takes time and effort, but it‘s a worthwhile investment for any website looking to improve its search rankings and organic traffic. Here are a few key strategies you can use to boost your DA score:

1. Focus on Building High-Quality Links

As we mentioned earlier, inbound links from high-authority websites are one of the most important factors in determining your domain authority. To improve your DA score, focus on building links from reputable, relevant websites in your industry or niche.

Some effective link building strategies include:

  • Creating valuable, linkable content (e.g., infographics, original research, in-depth guides)
  • Guest posting on high-authority websites in your niche
  • Reaching out to other websites to request links (e.g., broken link building, resource page link building)
  • Leveraging social media and online communities to promote your content and attract links

2. Improve Your On-Page SEO

While external links are the primary driver of domain authority, on-page SEO can also play a role. To optimize your site for higher DA, focus on:

  • Creating high-quality, keyword-rich content that provides value to your audience
  • Using header tags (H1, H2, etc.) to structure your content and signal its importance to search engines
  • Optimizing your page titles, meta descriptions, and URLs for target keywords
  • Improving your website‘s page speed, mobile-friendliness, and overall user experience

3. Fix Technical SEO Issues

Technical SEO issues like broken links, duplicate content, and crawl errors can hurt your domain authority by making it harder for search engines to crawl and understand your site. Use tools like Google Search Console and Screaming Frog to identify and fix any technical SEO issues on your site.

4. Build Your Brand and Engage Your Audience

Finally, building a strong brand and engaging with your audience can help improve your domain authority over time. When people know and trust your brand, they‘re more likely to link to your content and share it on social media, which can help attract more high-quality links.

Some ways to build your brand and engage your audience include:

  • Consistently creating valuable, informative content that addresses your audience‘s needs and interests
  • Participating in online communities and forums related to your industry or niche
  • Leveraging social media to promote your content and engage with your followers
  • Offering exceptional customer service and support to build trust and loyalty with your audience

Frequently Asked Questions about Domain Authority

1. What‘s a "good" domain authority score?

There‘s no hard and fast rule for what constitutes a "good" DA score, as it can vary depending on your industry, niche, and competition. In general, a DA score of 50+ is considered good, while a score of 60+ is considered excellent. However, even websites with lower DA scores can still rank well for specific keywords if they have high-quality, relevant content.

2. How often is domain authority updated?

Moz updates its domain authority scores on a monthly basis, typically at the beginning of each month. However, keep in mind that it can take time for changes in your link profile or other SEO factors to be reflected in your DA score.

3. Can I buy or artificially inflate my domain authority?

No, it‘s not possible to directly buy or manipulate your domain authority score. DA is calculated based on a complex algorithm that takes into account a variety of factors, many of which are outside of your direct control (e.g., the authority of websites linking to you). Attempting to artificially inflate your DA through tactics like buying links or participating in link schemes can actually hurt your score in the long run.

4. Does having a higher domain authority guarantee better search rankings?

While having a high domain authority can certainly help your chances of ranking well in search results, it‘s not a guarantee. Search engines take into account a wide variety of factors when determining rankings, including the relevance and quality of your content, your website‘s user experience, and the specific keywords you‘re targeting. It‘s possible to have a high DA score and still rank poorly for certain keywords if your content isn‘t relevant or optimized for those terms.

5. How do I compare my domain authority to my competitors?

To compare your domain authority to your competitors, you can use tools like Moz‘s Link Explorer, Ahrefs‘ Domain Comparison tool, or SEMrush‘s Domain vs. Domain tool. These tools allow you to enter multiple URLs and see how they stack up in terms of domain authority, linking domains, and other key SEO metrics.


Calculating and improving your domain authority is a key aspect of SEO success. By understanding the factors that influence DA and taking steps to optimize your website and build high-quality links, you can improve your search rankings, attract more organic traffic, and ultimately grow your business online.

While domain authority is an important metric, it‘s just one piece of the SEO puzzle. To truly succeed in search, you need to focus on creating great content, providing a fantastic user experience, and continuously adapting to the latest search engine algorithms and best practices.

By following the tips and strategies outlined in this guide, you‘ll be well on your way to improving your domain authority and taking your SEO to the next level. So what are you waiting for? Start optimizing your site today and watch your search rankings and organic traffic soar!

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