How to Calculate PageRank: The Ultimate Guide


If you‘ve ever wondered how Google decides which pages appear at the top of its search results, the answer lies in large part with PageRank. Developed by Google co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin in the late 1990s, PageRank is an algorithm that measures the importance and authority of webpages based on the links pointing to them. In essence, it treats links as "votes" and uses them to calculate a page‘s relative importance in the eyes of the algorithm.

While PageRank is no longer the only or even the primary factor in Google‘s ranking algorithm, it laid the groundwork for evaluating pages based on the link graph of the web and continues to play a significant role to this day. As such, it‘s important for SEOs and website owners to have a solid grasp of what PageRank is, how it works, and how to ethically improve the PageRank of their sites‘ pages. In this ultimate guide, we‘ll take a deep dive into the world of PageRank and equip you with the knowledge you need to navigate it effectively.

How PageRank Works

At its core, PageRank is a way of measuring a page‘s importance based on the quantity and quality of other pages that link to it. The basic idea is that a link from one page to another can be seen as a vote or endorsement, signaling that the linking page considers the linked-to page to be important and relevant.

The PageRank calculation process begins by assigning an initial PageRank value to every page. Typically, this is done by simply giving each page an equal share of the total PageRank that will ultimately be distributed. For example, if there are 4 pages, each one might start with 0.25 PageRank.

Next, the algorithm goes through a series of iterations to redistribute the PageRank based on the link structure of the pages. In each iteration, a page passes a portion of its current PageRank to the pages it links to. How that PageRank is divided up among the outbound links depends on the total number of outbound links the page has. A page with many outbound links will pass a smaller fraction of its PageRank to each linked page compared to a page with fewer outbound links.

This process of redistributing PageRank across links repeats multiple times, with each iteration taking into account the results of the previous iteration. Over the course of many iterations, the PageRank values will start to converge and stabilize, at which point the calculation is complete and each page is left with its final PageRank score.

The PageRank Formula

The exact formula used to calculate PageRank can look intimidating at first glance, but it becomes clearer when you break it down piece by piece. Here‘s what it looks like:

PR(A) = (1-d) + d (PR(T1)/C(T1) + … + PR(Tn)/C(Tn))

Let‘s go through what each part represents:

  • PR(A) is the PageRank of the page we‘re calculating.
  • d is a damping factor, usually set to 0.85.
  • PR(T1) to PR(Tn) represent the PageRank values of pages T1 to Tn that link to page A.
  • C(T1) to C(Tn) represent the number of outbound links from pages T1 to Tn respectively.

The damping factor d is used to model the probability of a user continuing to click links on pages (with probability d) versus jumping to a random page (with probability 1-d). Without a damping factor, PageRank values could spin out of control in certain scenarios. Using a value like 0.85 ensures mathematical stability and better mirrors real user behavior.

To see the formula in action, let‘s consider a simple example of calculating PageRank for a small network of 4 pages. We‘ll call the pages A, B, C, and D. Here are the links between them:

  • Page A links to pages B and C
  • Page B links to page C
  • Page C links to page A
  • Page D links to all three other pages

To start, we give each page 0.25 PageRank. Then we can calculate the new PageRank for each page after the first iteration:

  • PR(A) = 0.15 + 0.85 * (PR(C)/1 + PR(D)/3)
    = 0.15 + 0.85 * (0.25/1 + 0.25/3)
    = 0.15 + 0.85 * (0.25 + 0.083)
    = 0.433
  • PR(B) = 0.15 + 0.85 * (PR(A)/2 + PR(D)/3)
    = 0.15 + 0.85 * (0.25/2 + 0.25/3)
    = 0.15 + 0.85 * (0.125 + 0.083)
    = 0.358
  • PR(C) = 0.15 + 0.85 * (PR(A)/2 + PR(B)/1 + PR(D)/3)
    = 0.15 + 0.85 * (0.25/2 + 0.25/1 + 0.25/3)
    = 0.15 + 0.85 * (0.125 + 0.25 + 0.083)
    = 0.564
  • PR(D) = 0.15 + 0.85 * 0
    = 0.15

We would then use these new PageRank values in the next iteration of the calculation, repeating the process until the values converge and don‘t change significantly from one iteration to the next. After enough iterations, we would be left with the final PageRank values for each page.

PageRank and Google‘s Ranking Algorithm

It‘s important to understand that PageRank is just one of many factors that Google takes into account when ranking pages for any given search query. Google‘s algorithm incorporates hundreds of signals, including factors related to page content (relevance, depth, freshness, etc.), user engagement (click-through rate, bounce rate, dwell time, etc.), and technical considerations (page speed, mobile friendliness, security, etc.).

Moreover, the weight given to PageRank has likely decreased over time as Google‘s algorithm has grown more sophisticated. While it was the original foundation of Google‘s ranking approach, today it is part of a much larger ensemble of ranking factors.

That said, PageRank remains an important concept to understand, as the general principle of evaluating pages based on the quantity and quality of their inbound links is still hugely influential in SEO. Many of Google‘s more modern ranking factors can be seen as building upon and refining the core ideas introduced by PageRank.

Improving PageRank

Given the importance of PageRank and link analysis in Google‘s algorithm, it‘s natural to wonder how you can improve the PageRank of your site‘s pages. The key is to focus on earning high-quality, relevant inbound links in an organic, white-hat way.

The most reliable approach is to create content that is valuable, informative, and engaging enough that other sites will naturally want to link to it as a resource for their audiences. This could be in-depth blog posts, original research, helpful tools, entertaining videos, or any other form of content that provides real value to users.

In addition to creating link-worthy content, you can also proactively reach out to other websites and blogs in your niche to build relationships and explore opportunities for link building. This could involve offering to write guest posts, suggesting your content as a resource for their articles, or partnering on joint research projects.

However, it‘s critical to avoid manipulative link building tactics like buying links, participating in link farms, or using automated link building tools. These black-hat practices may provide a short-term PageRank boost but will almost always result in a penalty from Google if discovered. Focus on earning links through genuine value and relationship building, not gaming the system.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is PageRank still important for SEO?

While PageRank is no longer the dominant factor it once was, the general concept of link analysis and page authority based on inbound links remains hugely influential in SEO. Many of Google‘s current ranking factors can be seen as more sophisticated versions of the original PageRank concept.

What‘s a "good" PageRank score?

There‘s no universally "good" PageRank score, as it depends on the competitiveness of your niche and the relative authority of other pages in your topic area. In general, a higher PageRank is better, but obsessing over the specific number is less important than focusing on earning quality links and creating great content.

Can I see a page‘s current PageRank?

Google no longer publicly reveals actual PageRank scores. While there used to be browser extensions that displayed PageRank, they are now defunct. The best way to gauge a page‘s authority is to use third-party metrics like Domain Authority or URL Rating, which attempt to quantify link-based authority in a similar way.

How long does it take for links to impact PageRank?

The impact of new links on a page‘s PageRank (and its rankings more broadly) can take weeks or even months to fully materialize. Google needs to first crawl and index the linking page, then reevaluate the link graph and update PageRank scores accordingly. Patience and consistency in link earning are key.


PageRank may no longer be the all-powerful ranking factor it was in Google‘s early days, but it remains a crucial concept to understand for anyone serious about SEO. The core principle of evaluating pages based on the links pointing to them continues to shape Google‘s algorithm to this day.

By grasping how PageRank works and how to ethically improve it for your pages, you can create a strong link profile that will boost your site‘s authority and rankings over time. Just remember that PageRank is ultimately just one piece of a much larger SEO puzzle. Strive to create great content, build genuine relationships, and always put the user first, and the "votes" in the form of links will follow.

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