How to Change Your Facebook Password for Enhanced Security

Your Facebook password is the key to protecting your account and personal information. With over 2.9 billion monthly active users, Facebook holds extensive data ranging from private messages to photos to location check-ins.

While Facebook has strong security measures in place, the responsibility ultimately lies with each user to keep their account safe. The easiest thing you can do is change your Facebook password regularly.

Why You Should Change Your Facebook Password Frequently

Facebook officially recommends changing your password every few months as a precautionary security measure. But why is this so important?

"Your password is the first line of defense to protect your online accounts from unauthorized access. It should be treated like a toothbrush – changed frequently and not shared with others." – Lisa Weintraub Schifferle, attorney at the Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

There are a few key reasons to change your Facebook password regularly:

Prevent Unauthorized Access

  • By changing your password often, you reduce the risk of someone else accessing your account. If a hacker gets ahold of your login credentials, they only have a short window to exploit that access. Regular password changes render stolen credentials useless.*

  • One report found that roughly 10.2 million Facebook accounts get hacked every month. Cybercriminals can tap into extensive personal data from compromised accounts for identity theft or fraud.*

  • Another study by Tenable examined breach data and reported the most common hacked Facebook passwords were 123456, 123456789 and qwerty. Weak passwords continue to be a major vulnerability.*

Recent Data Breaches

  • Various companies experience data breaches each year exposing people‘s passwords. If you reuse the same password across multiple sites, this leaves all your accounts vulnerable. Updating your Facebook password protects you in case it appears in a breach.*

  • According to the 2022 Data Exposure Report by Tenable:

    • 63% of people use the same password for multiple accounts
    • 76% of business professionals admitted to reusing passwords
    • The average person has over 100 digital accounts*
  • With rampant password reuse, one breach can compromise your entire digital identity. Employees at particular risk with access to company data. Regular password changes critical for security hygiene.*

Increased Account Security

  • A strong, unique password is one of the easiest ways to boost your overall Facebook security. Combining regular password changes with two-factor authentication makes it very difficult for potential hackers to break into your account.*

  • According to figures from Statista:

    • Over 5 billion user accounts were compromised in data breaches during first 6 months of 2022, exceeding previous year totals
    • Identity theft reports jumped nearly 500% from 2019 to 2021 as threats accelerate*
  • As cyberattacks grow exponentially every year, taking basic security precautions like complex passwords and 2FA serves as a first line of defense to protect your sensitive personal assets available through Facebook.*

Peace of Mind

  • Knowing that you have an updated, sturdy password in place provides peace of mind that your account and sensitive information is properly safeguarded. This gives you one less thing to worry about when using Facebook.*

Now that you know why changing your Facebook password frequently is so important, let‘s walk through exactly how to do it.

Navigating to Your Facebook Password Settings

The first step is accessing the password section within your Facebook settings menu. You can get to this page on both desktop and mobile devices.

Here is how to navigate there:

On Desktop:

  1. Login to Facebook in your browser
  2. Click the down arrow icon in the top right toolbar
  3. Select Settings & Privacy
  4. Click Settings in the left sidebar
  5. Click Security and Login on the left

This will take you to the Security and Login settings section where you can change your password.

On Mobile:

  1. Open the Facebook app
  2. Tap the three-line hamburger menu icon in the bottom or top right
  3. Scroll down and choose Settings & Privacy
  4. Select Settings
  5. Tap Security and Login

You are now on the page where you can change your Facebook password on mobile.

Step-by-Step Guide to Changing Your Password

Once you have navigated to the Security and Login settings, here is how to change your Facebook password:

  1. Under the Password section, click or tap Edit next to Change Password
  2. Enter your current password and click Continue
  3. Type your new password and retype it to confirm
  4. Click or tap the blue Save Changes button at the bottom

Facebook password change screenshot

That‘s all there is to it! Your new Facebook password is now updated.

Important: Be sure to choose a strong, unique password rather than something simple or predictable.

Here are a few password best practices when changing your Facebook credentials:

  • Minimum of 12 characters long
  • Mix of uppercase, lowercase, numbers and symbols
  • Avoid dictionary words or personal info
  • Don‘t reuse across multiple accounts
  • Consider using a password manager

Now let‘s go over changing your Facebook password from individual devices in more detail.

Changing Facebook Password on iPhone

  1. Launch the Facebook app
  2. Tap the menu icon (three horizontal lines)
  3. Scroll down and tap Settings & privacy > Settings
  4. Tap Security and login
  5. Tap Change password
  6. Enter your old password
  7. Type new password and confirm
  8. Tap Save changes

Your iPhone Facebook password is now updated!

Changing Facebook Password on Android

  1. Open the Facebook app
  2. Tap the hamburger menu icon
  3. Scroll and choose Settings & privacy
  4. Tap Settings
  5. Select Security and login > Change password
  6. Enter current password
  7. Type new password and confirm
  8. Tap Save changes button

You have successfully changed your Facebook password on Android!

Changing Facebook Password on Mac

  1. Go to in Safari
  2. Click down arrow and choose Settings & privacy > Settings
  3. Click Security and login in left sidebar
  4. Under Password section, click Change password
  5. Enter current password
  6. Type new password and confirm
  7. Click Save changes

Your Mac Facebook password has been updated.

Changing Facebook Password on Windows

  1. Login to Facebook website
  2. Click down arrow and select Settings & privacy
  3. Click Settings then Security and login
  4. Under Password, click Change password
  5. Enter current password
  6. Type new password and confirm
  7. Click Save changes

You have successfully changed your Facebook password in Windows!

Emerging Authentication Methods Beyond Passwords

While passwords remain the standard, various new methods are emerging to enhance account security.

Biometric Authentication

Many mobile devices now come equipped with built-in facial recognition (Face ID) or fingerprint scanning. Instead of entering a password, you can login with your face or fingerprint.


  • Extremely convenient for users
  • Nothing to remember or type


  • Does not work on desktop devices
  • Fingerprints can be replicated and faces digitally spoofed in sophisticated attacks

Biometrics serve well for mobile access but passwords still play a key role in multi-factor authentication across devices.

Security Keys

A physical security key (FIDO) can plug into your device which then communicates via your browser to authenticate you. This advanced protocol uses public key cryptography to ensure login requests originate from your hardware.


  • One of the strongest protections available
  • Convenient once set up


  • Requires compatible hardware/software
  • Managing multiple keys can be cumbersome

As sites adopt support and integration improves, hardware-backed security keys aim to eliminate passwords altogether with strong multi-factor behavior-biometric based authentication.

Decentralized Identity Solutions

Emerging blockchain-based self-sovereign identity models allow users to control and share their identity attributes on their terms. Rather than centrally storing credentials vulnerable to exploits, details get stored locally on users‘ devices encrypted and shared only with explicit consent each time.

Microsoft and other major institutions are investing heavily in decentralized identity frameworks through source protocols like ION as "the internet’s missing identity layer" with user-centric enhanced privacy, security and convenience.

Passwordless Future

Many experts anticipate passwords gradually fading away entirely within the next decade. Apple, Microsoft, Google and the FIDO Alliance are all driving a shift to a passwordless future backed by biometrics, security keys and decentralized identity solutions.

While passwords still reign, Facebook will likely continue enhancing convenience through options leveraging device biometrics, hardware security keys and cryptography advancements on the horizon.

What to Do If You Forget Your Password

It happens – you go to login to Facebook and find that you‘ve forgotten your password. Don‘t panic! Here are a few options to recover and reset your Facebook password if this occurs.

On the login screen, click the Forgotten password? link. Facebook will prompt you to enter your email or mobile number to send a password reset link. Click the link in the email, choose a new password, and you‘re all set!

However, if you no longer access that email or phone number, you can tap Get help with accessing your account on the login screen. Facebook will ask you to identify friends in photos or answer security questions to confirm your identity.

If the automated troubleshooting does not work, you can contact Facebook support. Be prepared to provide copies of IDs or other information to prove account ownership.

Resetting your password will get you back into Facebook quickly! Just be sure to turn on two-factor authentication for extra security going forward.

How to Enable Two-Factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication (2FA) adds an extra layer of security beyond your password when logging in. You will need to enter a special code from your mobile device each time you login from an unrecognized device.

Here is how to enable it:

  1. Go to Security and Login settings
  2. Under Use Two-Factor Authentication, click Edit
  3. Follow prompts to set up 2FA via text message or authentication app

With 2FA enabled, hackers need both your password AND access to your phone to log in. This makes your account much more secure.

Once set up, you simply check your phone for the special code each time Facebook detects you logging in from a new device and enter it to access your account.

Preventing Unauthorized Access to Your Account

In addition to changing your password routinely and enabling two-factor authentication, there are a few other important steps to prevent unauthorized access to your Facebook account:

Use Strong Password Practices

As mentioned earlier when creating a new Facebook password, some tips for a strong password include:

  • Length of at least 12 characters
  • Mix of lowercase, uppercase, numbers and special characters
  • Avoid using personal information, common words or phrases
  • Don‘t reuse across multiple sites or accounts

Studies show longer passwords with maximum complexity increase cracking times exponentially. Every additional character and character type brings orders of magnitude more permutations.

Analysis by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) found an 8 character password with upper, lowercase, numbers and symbols would take over 2 years to brute force crack whereas 12 characters increases to over 36,000 years providing exceptionally strong protection.

Beware of Phishing Attempts

Criminals will try to steal your login information through phishing – posing as Facebook via email or text to gain access to your password.

Common phishing techniques include:

  • Smishing: SMS text messages pretending to be Facebook claiming suspicious activity detected requiring password updates

  • Vishing: Fraudulent phone calls impersonating Facebook support tricking users into disclosing passwords and financial account information

  • Phishing Links: Emails and messages urging users to click links to fake Facebook login pages capturing entered credentials

Phishing email example

Phishing remains one of the top threats to Facebook users.

Be skeptical of ANY message requesting that you login, change your password or provide sensitive account details. Go directly to the Facebook website or app if you need to access your account – never enter info through an external link.

Identifying phishing attempts takes vigilance, but savvy internet users can notice subtle signals like grammar issues, odd links not matching Facebook, and questionable urgent requests.

By staying vigilant against phishing combined with using strong credentials and 2FA, you can significantly reduce the possibility of someone accessing your account without authorization.

Using a Password Manager for Convenience and Security

One way to create extremely strong passwords while avoiding the hassle of remembering them is using a dedicated password manager tool.

Password managers generate and store complex unique passwords for each account in an encrypted vault. This allows simple access to strong passwords that would otherwise be impossible to manage.

Benefits of password managers:

✅ Automatically create strong, random passwords
✅ Secure encrypted vault to store credentials
✅ Log in seamlessly with auto-fill
✅ Share passwords securely

Top password managers include:

password manager logos

  • LastPass: Comprehensive free and premium plans with extensive features

  • 1Password: Highly user-friendly password vault for individuals and teams

  • Dashlane: Powerful password manager with VPN and dark web monitoring

The best password manager balances ease of use with security like zero-knowledge encryption, cloud-syncing across devices and account recovery options in case you ever forget your master unlock password.

Bottom line – using a dedicated password manager lets you maximize both security and convenience around managing passwords.

Additional Facebook Security Settings

While changing your password regularly is the first step, there are some additional measures you can take to lock down account security:

Login Approvals

Require an approval code be entered from your phone each time someone attempts to login from an unrecognized browser or device before they gain access. This prevents unauthorized logins.

Login Notifications

Receive real-time alerts via Facebook notification or email whenever someone logs into your account. Checking notifications allows you to identify suspicious activity.

Legacy Contact

Designate a trusted friend or family member as your legacy contact. They can memorialize your profile if anything ever happens to your account.

Improved Account Protection

Opt-in to have Facebook proactively scan for possible account compromise and restrict potentially harmful activity as needed to protect your account.

Additionally consider locking down app permissions, enabling secure browsing when accessing Facebook, screening tags and limit profile visibility to friends only.

Review the full list of Facebook security settings to explore additional options for locking down account access.

In Summary

Keeping your Facebook password updated is vital to protecting your privacy and account security. Set calendar reminders to change your Facebook credentials every 60-90 days.

Creating a unique and hard to guess password is also key for safety. Enable two-factor authentication as well for optimal protection against unauthorized access.

By putting these Facebook password best practices into place along with other security precautions, you reduce significant risk of hackers infiltrating your account. Stay vigilant for phishing attempts, use a password manager, and contact Facebook support if you notice any suspicious activity.

Now you know exactly how to change your Facebook password and keep your account locked down. Follow these tips, and you can use Facebook freely knowing your data and privacy stays protected.

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