How to Create a LinkedIn Business Page to Grow Your Business

LinkedIn has become an indispensable platform for businesses looking to establish their brand, connect with customers, and drive growth. With over 722 million users worldwide, a LinkedIn business page allows you to tap into a massive professional network and showcase your company to new audiences.

Why Create a LinkedIn Business Page?

Here are some of the key benefits of creating a LinkedIn business page for your company:

Boost Brand Awareness

A LinkedIn business page gives your brand a home on the world‘s largest professional networking platform. You can share updates, thought leadership content, job listings, and more to build awareness among LinkedIn‘s massive audience.

Generate Leads & Sales

With a business page, you can turn LinkedIn‘s audiences into leads by sharing calls-to-action that direct visitors to your website or landing pages. Many companies generate significant leads and sales through content promotion on LinkedIn.

Recruit Top Talent

LinkedIn is the go-to platform for recruiters and job seekers. An optimized business page shows off your employer brand and makes it easy for quality candidates to find and apply for your open positions.

Establish Thought Leadership

By publishing long-form posts and engaging content straight on your business page, you can establish domain authority and thought leadership in your industry.

Understand Your Audience

LinkedIn provides robust analytics through LinkedIn Insights so you can see who is engaging with your content and optimize accordingly over time.

How LinkedIn Compares to Other Platforms

Unlike more casual social networks like Facebook and Instagram, LinkedIn is exclusively focused on professional connections and business-to-business (B2B) marketing.

According to Social Media Today, 61% of LinkedIn sessions are on mobile, the average time spent per visit is nearly 7 minutes, and 40% of members check the platform daily.

Compared to other leading platforms, LinkedIn also stands out in a few key ways:

Monthly Active Users722 million2.96 billion2 billion
Audience MakeupWorking professionalsBroad consumer baseConsumers, trendsetters
Ad Format FocusSponsored content, text adsImage, video adsVisual stories, video
Lead Gen CapabilitiesRobust, built-in toolsLimitedLimited
Organic Engagement Rates2-5% average0.9% average1-3% average

As the table shows, while LinkedIn has a smaller total audience compared to other social giants, its professional makeup and lead generation strengths make it uniquely powerful for B2B marketing objectives.

How to Create a LinkedIn Business Page

Creating a LinkedIn business page is a quick and straightforward process. Just follow these steps:

  1. Head to LinkedIn and click "Work" in the main menu bar
  2. Select "Create a business page"
  3. Choose the type of page you want to create: Company Page, Showcase Page, or Institution Page
  4. Enter your company details including name, industry, website, logo, and more
  5. Customize your page by adding additional details about products/services, jobs, and more
  6. Click “Publish” to make your page live

As the administrator of your company‘s LinkedIn page, you will be able to control all content, analytics, advertising campaigns and more from your personal LinkedIn account.

Advanced Optimization Tips

While creating a LinkedIn business page is easy, optimizing it for maximum visibility and engagement requires some dedicated effort. Here are crucial best practices to grow your page‘s followers, engagement rates, and website traffic.

Complete Your Profile Entirely

Start by filling out as many details as possible across all available sections—Overview, Products, Careers, Life Page, etc.—so visitors can fully understand your business and what makes it unique right from the start.

Craft Compelling Copy

Your headline, description paragraphs, mission statements, and About sections will likely be the first aspects a visitor engages with on your page. Make sure this copy checks all the boxes:

  • Concise and scannable
  • Communicates competitive differentiators
  • Includes relevant keywords prospects search for
  • Provides tangible value right up front

Show Off Brand Personality

While LinkedIn is a professional platform, don‘t be afraid to inject personality into your page design and content presentation when appropriate. This not only makes your company more memorable but also allows prospects to get a feel for your culture.

Utilize All Available Features

Take full advantage of the breadth of options available to LinkedIn Company Pages, including:

  • Hero image banners
  • Spotlight sections to highlight thought leadership content
  • Showcase product pages
  • Media galleries to feature images and videos
  • Analytics integrations

Cultivate Influencer & Employee Advocacy

Identify LinkedIn influencers like industry thought leaders or analysts who may be interested in endorsing your brand. Also, inspire your employees to advocate for your page across their own networks.

According toLinkedIn, employee posts drive 2x more engagement than standard company posts.

Promote Your Page Consistently

The key to rapid LinkedIn business page growth is cross-promoting your presence across all available channels continually. Specifically:

  • Add LinkedIn follow buttons to your website
  • Promote your page in email campaigns and newsletters
  • Showcase the LinkedIn URL prominently on other social media bios
  • Showcase your LinkedIn page link at tradeshows and events

This amplifies reach and makes it seamless for all audiences to find and follow your page in just one click.

Analyze and Continuously Optimize

Leverage LinkedIn‘s robust Company Page Analytics to segment audiences and identify both high-level and granular opportunities to improve performance over time across all your content.

Growing Your LinkedIn Business Page Followers

Once your page is fully optimized, focus aggressively on expanding your followers count. Here are proven tactics for increasing your reach and visibility:

LinkedIn Follower Acquisition Tactics

As shown above, paid advertising, employee advocacy, influencer marketing, lead generation CTAs, and cross-channel promotion all play a major role in gaining more followers month over month.

Prioritize creating compelling content and offers tailored to each acquisition channel for maximum impact.

Developing an Effective Content Strategy

Quality, consistent content publishing is core to keeping your page active and engaging over the long run.

Here is an example monthly content calendar showcasing a mix of thought leadership posts, company updates, conversational questions to spark engagement, special offers, and job listings:

Sample LinkedIn Content Calendar

This provides a sustainable cadence while allowing flexibility to highlight timely topics and promote campaigns.

When brainstorming topics and themes, examine your audience demographics and preferences within LinkedIn Insights to ensure content will resonate. Calls to action should provide value and align to conversion goals like email newsletter sign ups, content downloads, or product demos.

Analyzing Performance and Benchmarking

One of the strengths of LinkedIn is the ability to leverage robust analytics through LinkedIn Insights to optimize your strategy.

Critical metrics to track include:

  • Follower Growth Rate: Monitor weekly and monthly growth velocity
  • Content Engagement Rates: Likes, shares, link clicks, comments, etc. for each post
  • Page Visitors: Visitor counts and sources
  • Follower Demographics: Position levels, companies, locations, etc. to better understand your audience makeup

You can then A/B test different content formats, calls-to-action, offers, and more to determine what moves the needle on key metrics based on your business goals.

Benchmarking performance against competitors and industry standards is also crucial. Some key metrics to compare include:

  • Follower counts
  • Monthly follower growth rates
  • Engagement rates across top-performing content

This competitive analysis allows you to set realistic objectives and reveal specific weak areas to improve.

Legal Considerations

While optimizing your LinkedIn presence, keep legal considerations top of mind. Businesses must disclose paid sponsor relationships properly when necessary. Also, ensure full transparency and accuracy is maintained across all company information, job listings, and media used on the page.

Adhering closely to LinkedIn‘s Terms of Service and overall platform best practices will keep your company safe and compliant. Reach out if you have additional legal questions as laws vary by geography and industry.


A LinkedIn business page is no longer an optional nice-to-have—it‘s quickly becoming a must-have digital marketing pillar for credibility and growth in the modern business landscape.

By following the comprehensive guidance above on optimizing your page for impact, crafting thoughtful content strategies, analyzing performance, and more, your company can tap into LinkedIn‘s immense professional audience to boost brand authority, generate leads, and take recruitment efforts to the next level.

The key is separating yourself from competitors by providing value to the LinkedIn community consistently over an extended period to build trust and loyalty. With concerted effort across the best practices and recommendations outlined, your LinkedIn company page will become both a lead generation and brand building powerhouse.

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