How To Delete Games On Nintendo Switch?

To delete games on your Nintendo Switch, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Home screen on your Nintendo Switch.
  2. Select the game you want to delete.
  3. Press the + button on the right Joy-Con or the – button on the left Joy-Con to open the game's options menu.
  4. Select “Manage Software” from the menu on the left.
  5. Select “Delete Software.”

Alternatively, you can delete games through the System Settings:

  1. Go to “System Settings” from the Home screen.
  2. Scroll down and select “Data Management.”
  3. Click on “Manage Software.”
  4. Choose the game you want to delete.
  5. Click “Delete Software”

Please note that deleting a game will not remove your saved data, and you can redownload the game from the Nintendo eShop using the same Nintendo Account with which it was purchased.

However, it's recommended to create an archive of your saved data or save it to a MicroSD card before deleting the software to ensure you don't lose any progress.

Featured Answers

1. Select the game you want to delete from the Home screen on your Nintendo Switch. 2. Press the + button on the right Joy-Con or the minus button on the left Joy-Con to call up the game's options menu. 3. Select Manage Software from the menu on the left. 4. Select Delete Software.

Answered from Zephyr


The Nintendo Switch is a popular hybrid video game console that allows you to play games both on a TV and in handheld mode. With limited internal storage space and expensive proprietary memory cards, managing your storage space is crucial. Deleting games you no longer play is the best way to free up storage space. This FAQ guide will walk you through everything you need to know about deleting games on your Nintendo Switch.

Table of Contents

  • Why Should I Delete Games from My Nintendo Switch?
  • How to Check Your Nintendo Switch Storage Space
  • Deleting Game Data and Save Files
  • Re-downloading Deleted Games from the eShop
  • Deleting Games from the Home Screen
  • Deleting Game Screenshots and Videos
  • Clearing the Nintendo Switch Cache
  • Factory Resetting your Nintendo Switch
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Why Should I Delete Games from My Nintendo Switch?

Here are some of the main reasons you may want to delete games from your Switch:

  • Free up storage space – The Switch only has 32GB of internal storage. Downloaded games can quickly eat up this space. Deleting games gives you more room for new games.
  • Remove games you no longer play – Over time, you'll likely stop playing certain games. Deleting them cleans up your home screen.
  • Save internet bandwidth – If you want to re-download a deleted game later, it will use less bandwidth if you already deleted the initial download.
  • Sell or give away your Switch – Wiping all your personal game data cleans the Switch for the next owner.

How to Check Your Nintendo Switch Storage Space

Before you start deleting games, check how much storage space you currently have free:

  1. Go to System Settings on the home screen.
  2. Select System > Storage.
  3. View the graph sections showing your free space versus space used by games, screenshots, system software, etc.
  4. Check if your microSD card has free space if you have one inserted.

This will give you an idea of how much space deleting certain games can free up. If you're constantly running out of space, it may be time to upgrade your microSD card.

Deleting Game Data and Save Files

When you delete a game, you have two options:

  • Delete the game data only – This removes the game files but keeps your save data.
  • Delete all data – This removes the game and erase your save file completely.

If you might redownload a game later, only delete the software data at first. That way you can pick back up where you left off if you play again.

However, if you want a clean slate or to clear space, deleting all data removes the game and saves. Your play history is lost.

Re-downloading Deleted Games from the eShop

If you bought a digital copy of a deleted game from the Nintendo eShop, you can redownload it for free. Your previous purchase is tied to your Nintendo account.

To redownload a deleted game:

  1. Open the eShop app.
  2. Tap your profile icon in the top-right.
  3. Select Redownload to see your purchase history.
  4. Find the deleted game and select Download to get it back.

Just don't forget to check your storage space first!

Deleting Games from the Home Screen

When you're ready to delete games:

  1. From the Home screen, tap the icon of the game you want to delete.
  2. Press the + Button on the right Joy-Con or – Button on the left.
  3. Select Manage Software.
  4. Choose the game then select Delete Software.
  5. Confirm the deletion.

Repeat these steps for any other games you want to delete. The game icons will vanish once removed.

Deleting Game Screenshots and Videos

Your Switch automatically takes screenshots and videos as you play games. These are stored locally:

  • Screenshots – Album > Captures
  • Videos – Album > Replays

Bulk delete old media here if you want to free up more space.

Clearing the Nintendo Switch Cache

The Switch caches certain data to load games and apps faster. Clearing this data can recover a few GBs:

  1. Go to System Settings > System > Formatting Options.
  2. Select Clear Cache.
  3. Tap Clear again to confirm.

This will clear cached system files but won't affect your games or saves.

Factory Resetting your Nintendo Switch

If you want to remove all games, data, and reset to factory settings do a full system initialization:

  1. Go to System Settings > System > Formatting Options.
  2. Select Initialize Console.
  3. Tap Initialize again to confirm.
  4. Link your Nintendo account again during setup.

This will wipe your Switch completely, so make sure to back up any save data first!

Frequently Asked Questions

Will my save data be deleted if I delete the game?

No, your save data is kept separately from the game data. You can delete a game but retain your saves. However, if you select the option to delete all data, your saves will be lost.

Can I redownload a deleted game for free?

Yes, if you purchased the game digitally from the Nintendo eShop previously, you can redownload it for free any time. Your purchase history is tied to your Nintendo account.

What is the best way to free up space on my Switch?

Deleting old games you don't play anymore is the best way to free up significant storage space. Also, delete old screenshots and videos from the Album. Finally, clearing the system cache can recover a few extra GBs.

Will Factory Resetting delete all my game data?

Yes, a factory reset will completely wipe your Switch and delete all games, save data, and settings. Be sure to back up your save data first before resetting.

Can I retrieve a save file after deleting a game?

Unfortunately no. If you delete all data for a game, that save file is gone for good. Deleting just the software will keep the saves.

How do I backup Nintendo Switch game data?

If you have a Nintendo Switch Online membership, you can backup save data to the cloud. You can also copy data to a microSD card or another Switch locally.

What happens if my microSD card runs out of space?

If your microSD card becomes full, you will not be able to download or update any more games. You should delete games or old screenshots and videos to free up space.

How much storage space does the average Nintendo Switch game take up?

Game sizes vary greatly, but the average Switch game takes up around 7-15GB. Larger games like The Witcher 3 exceed 30GB. Indie titles can be under 1GB.

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