How to Delete Your Instagram Account: An In-Depth Guide

As one of the world‘s leading social media platforms, Instagram boasts over 2 billion monthly active users worldwide. However, despite its popularity, deleting your Instagram account is a route some users opt to take.

In this comprehensive, tech-focused guide, we provide key information every user should know about deleting or deactivating Instagram accounts. We also compare the implications of both choices using data-driven analysis.

Instagram By The Numbers

To understand motivations behind deleting Instagram, it helps to look at platform usage statistics:

Social Media Usage Statistics 2022

Image: Leading countries by Instagram audience size as of January 2022, via Statista

As we can see, Instagram has experienced massive growth over the past decade to become one of the world‘s most popular mobile apps.

Key platform statistics:

  • 500 million+ daily active Instagram users
  • 1 billion monthly active users
  • Over 150 million photos uploaded per day
  • 90% of users are under 35 years old
  • Users spend an average of 28 minutes per day on Instagram

With such heavy usage dominated by younger demographics, it follows that a share of users end up wanting to take a break and delete their accounts.

Why Delete Your Instagram Account?

Before weighing up how to delete your Instagram account, it helps to understand key motivations behind this decision:

Privacy & Security Concerns

As a Facebook-owned product, Instagram collects expansive personal data from user activities – from locations to shopping habits. Those uncomfortable with extensive tracking may consider deleting their account.

Cyberbullying & Harassment

With over 95 million posts shared per day, Instagram can enable emotional abuse from strangers. Removing your account eliminates this abuse channel.

Productivity & Distraction

The average 28 minutes spent daily on Instagram adds up when multiplied by millions of users. Those finding it kills their productivity may want to reclaim their time.

Pros & Cons: Deactivating vs Deleting Instagram

When electing to step away from Instagram, you have two main options – deactivating or permanently deleting. What are the key pros and cons of each?

Deactivating– Reversible
– Maintain username ownership
– Content stored safely
– Still tied to platform
– Data collection persists
Permanent Deletion– Fully cuts ties
– Maximizes privacy
– Reclaims username
– Irreversible
– Lose access immediately
– Can‘t transfer data/content

Deactivating gives you breathing room while maintaining ownership should you later change your mind. Permanent deletion completely removes ties but loses you the account and all its data.

How To Delete Your Instagram Account

If after weighing the above you still wish to delete your Instagram account, here is a step-by-step walkthrough:

Before Deleting: Download Your Data

Firstly, log in to Instagram‘s Data Download tool to export your personal information while you still can. This includes:

  • Photos and videos you‘ve shared
  • Chat/message history
  • Your username, bio, followers and who you follow

Having this data makes it easier to close your account with no regrets.

Deactivating Your Instagram

Here is how to quickly deactivate your account:

  1. Login to Instagram on a web browser
  2. Click your profile picture > Profile > Edit Profile
  3. Scroll down to "Temporarily disable account"
  4. Select reason for deactivating
  5. Re-enter password
  6. Click "Temporarily disable account"

You can repeat these steps to reactive your account at any time by simply logging back in.

Permanently Deleting Instagram

For a complete removal of your account:

  1. Open on a browser
  2. Navigate to the account deletion page
  3. Choose reason for deleting
  4. Re-enter your password
  5. Click "Permanently delete [your username]"

Once confirming deletion, your account is removed including all data/content. There is typically no way to recover it.

Alternative Options Beyond Deleting

Rather than the extremes of either deactivating or deleting entirely, some alternative options worth considering:

App Timers

Set a daily limit on how long you can access Instagram before being locked out. Most modern mobile devices include built-in app timers and restrictions.

Remove Notifications & Live Updates

The constant pings and buzzes from Instagram are often the root distraction. Disable notifications entirely and only check-in intentionally when you want.

Make Account Private

Switching to a private account limits visibility of your content to only approved followers. This grants more control without losing your account.

In closing, I hope this guide gave you clarity around deleting versus deactivating your Instagram account. While permanent and irreversible, deletion may still be the right choice based on your specific situation and motivations.

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