Maximize Your Magic Mayhem: An Elden Ring Mage‘s Guide to Vaporizing Enemies

I vividly remember the first time I vaporized the vile Godrick the Grafted with my astrologer Tarnished in mere seconds. My heart raced as I unleashed a maxed out Comet Azur beam augmented by my equipped helms, talismans and flask buffs – disintegrating the wretched demigod into ashes before he could even react. It was then that I realized the true damage potential of an Elden Ring sorceress.

And after hundreds of hours perfecting my high intelligence build, I‘m ready to impart all my secrets to obliterating enemies with overwhelming arcane might. This guide will transform you from a novice spellcaster into an unstoppable archmage feared throughout the Lands Between.

Choosing the Optimal Sorcerer Class and Stats

Your journey begins with an impactful choice – whether to embark as the Astrologer or Prophet class. Both can deal devastating damage, but Astrologer‘s access to the excellent Glintstone Pebble ash of war gives it the slight edge. The basic Prophet spells require too much perilous close-quarters casting.

Here‘s the attribute point allocation framework I recommend as you level up:

Table 1: Elden Ring Mage Stat Benchmark Targets By Level

Early (20-40)20-2520-25>50
Mid (50-80)30-4030-40>70
Late (100+)50+50+80+

Intelligence is paramount – the higher it goes the greater your sorcery obliterating potential. But don‘t neglect Vigor and Mind – you‘ll need health and FP to channel spells for mass destruction.

How much damage should you expect? With 80 Intelligence and a maxed out staff, your Comet Azur can hit for over 5,000 damage per second!

The Best Staffs, Sorceries and Melee Weapons

The right equipment makes all the difference for delivering devastating magical force. Here are the top options for staffs, spells and sidearms:

Table 2: Highest Sorcery Damage Weapons and Spells

StaffLusat‘s Glintstone StaffS-tier scaling at +10, but extra FP cost
StaffCarian Regal ScepterExcellent scaling, boosts full moon spells
SorceryComet AzurHits for ~5000 DPS
SorceryCometChargeable single shot dealing ~3000 damage
SorceryStars of RuinTracking missiles, efficient FP usage
MeleeMoonveil KatanaStrong ranged attack
MeleeWing of AstelCharged heavy attack wrecks groups

I always keep Comet Azur equipped for melting bosses along with the area blasting power of Astel‘s Meteor. Stars of Ruin handles groups, while the Moonveil katana provides melee options.

Maximizing Damage Output With Sorcerer Gear

The right helms, talismans and armor choices further augment the devastation:

Azur and Lusat‘s helms boost FP efficiency and damage significantly even past the normal equipment load cap.
Magic Scorpion Charm is fantastic, with a hefty 12% magic attack boost.
Graven-Mass Talisman grants a 15% sorcery damage increase.
Snow Witch Set provides balanced damage enhancement and protection.

However, my personal favoriteoadout revolves around Azur‘s Helm, the Magic Scorpion Charm, and the snow witch robe with veteran gauntlets and greaves. It caps damage while still keeping me agile to evade.

Combat Tactics, Positioning and FP Management

Slaughtering enemies isn‘t just about offense though – you must also dodge attacks at key moments to safely channel spells.

Against mobile foes, use summon spirits like the Mimic Tear to distract them while you combo cast from range. Ensure you have ample time to charge Comet without interruption.

Against large enemies, exploit height and terrain features. Perch yourself at an elevated point to target vulnerable areas as enormous foes lumber towards you.

Paired with the Cerulean Hidden Tear for infinite FP, you can spam spells like the machine-gun-like Carian Slicer when opportunities arise or to conserve FP. But primarily look for openings to fully charge and blast with your heaviest hitting sorceries.

Ruthlessly shatter enemy poise with your spells in order to create additional damage windows. Once their stance breaks, quickly rush in to critical strike with your melee weapon. Then use area denial attacks like Glintstone Icecrag when needing breathing room again.

Conclusion: Perfect Your Mystical Destruction

And there you have it – follow these tips and no enemy will withstand your arcane onslaught for long. You‘ll rapidly accumulate runes from obliterated foes that can further amplify your spells‘ devastation. Soon not even demigods can challenge your mystical supremacy.

Do you have any other questions on maximizing damage output as an Elden Ring mage? Let me know in the comments below! I plan to release more spellcaster focused content soon, so subscribe for future updates. Now go unleash arcane annihilation upon your enemies!

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