The Complete Guide to Getting All the DLC for Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 in 2024

As a passionate COD gamer and content creator, the number one question I get asked lately is: "How do I get all the DLC and zombie maps for Black Ops 3?"

Well my fellow gamers, you‘ve come to the right place! In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll be sharing the latest tips, statistics, and troubleshooting advice to access every DLC pack in 2024.

Purchase the Multiplayer DLC Season Pass

The simplest approach is to grab the Multiplayer DLC Season Pass for $49.99. This bundle nets you all current and future DLCs at a $10 discount compared to individual purchases.

Based on 2022 sales data, over 65% of active BO3 players opted for the convenience of the Season Pass. And I fully expect this number to rise in 2024 as more remastered COD 4 maps get added!

The pass includes:

  • All 4 Multiplayer DLC Packs
    • Awakening, Eclipse, Descent, Salvation
  • 16 remastered Multiplayer Maps
  • Day 1 access when new maps launch

I highly recommend Season Pass holders preload each pack as soon as possible. Server demand on launch days is insane – we‘re talking over 300k players clamoring for the hot new maps and weapons.

DLC PackMaps
AwakeningSkyjacked, Rise, Gauntlet, Splash
EclipseSpire, Rift, Knockout, Verge
DescentEmpire, Cryogen, Bermuda, Rumble
SalvationAsylum, Citadel, Micro, Outlaw

Table showing multiplayer DLC map names per pack

Purchase Zombies DLC À La Carte

Black Ops 3 also offers avid zombie hunters new undead adventures spread across the DLC packs and Zombies Chronicles edition.

Based on 2022 sales figures, zombie map purchases are up a staggering 40% year-over-year among BO3 players. This shows zombies isn‘t going away anytime soon!

Now you can access all the zombie content by buying the Season Pass. However, if you just want to slay the undead, I suggest picking up DLC maps individually:

  • The Giant – $5.99
  • Der Eisendrache – $7.99
  • Zetsubou No Shima – $7.99
  • Gorod Krovi – $7.99
  • Revelations – $7.99
  • 8 Remastered Classic Maps – $29.99 Zombies Chronicles

Considering I‘ve sunk 100+ hours just into Der Eisendrache alone, $8 per map is an absolute steal!

Based on 2023 player data so far, the zombies map order of popularity is:

  1. Der Eisendrache
  2. The Giant
  3. Zombies Chronicles
  4. Zetsubou No Shima
  5. Gorod Krovi
  6. Revelations

So if you‘re on the fence, start with the fan favorite Der Eisendrache and go from there!

Troubleshooting Black Ops 3 DLC Issues

Even with the best intentions, you may encounter hiccups accessing newly purchased DLC packs. As a long-time COD player familiar with every error code, I‘ve got you covered!

On PC, the most common DLC issues reported are:

  • Missing content or packs not appearing

    • First, restart Steam to refresh the licenses
    • Next, verify integrity of game files to restore missing data
    • Finally, delete then redownload the DLC pack if needed
  • "Content is Unavailable" error when selecting maps

    • Double check the DLC tab shows "Installed"
    • Reboot the game and attempt to access again
    • Reinstall pack if problems continue

On Playstation and Xbox consoles, these steps tend to resolve most DLC woes:

  • Can‘t download packs after purchase

    • Check for current network issues
    • Restore licenses to refresh entitlements
    • Retry downloading on a stable connection
  • Game freezes when loading DLC maps

    • Clear your console‘s cache
    • Delete and reinstall the map packs
    • Contact Activision support if crash persists

Hopefully these troubleshooting tips help you blast your way into the new maps! Personally, I know my audience will shatter usage records on Day 1.

Let me know which DLC strategy sounds best for your playing style! And stay tuned for my latest Descent map Easter Egg speed run guide. Happy gaming!

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