How to Get Donations from Walmart in 2024

As an expert grant writer with over a decade of experience helping nonprofits secure corporate foundation funding, I‘m often asked: "How do we get Walmart to donate to our organization?"

It‘s a fair question. As the largest company in the world by revenue, Walmart has made immense investments into uplifting local communities through its philanthropic Walmart Foundation which donated a record $1.9 billion in 2021 alone.

In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll break down exactly how your nonprofit can position itself to capture some of that generous community funding.

Why Securing Walmart Donations Matters

Before diving into the application process, it‘s worth illustrating why a Walmart grant should be on every nonprofit leader‘s radar:

  • Large grant amounts – The Walmart Foundation awards grants ranging from $250 up to $500k over multiple years.
  • National reach – With over 5,000 store locations, Walmart donates in every state.
  • Renewable grants – Nonprofits can reapply to extend funding after grant period end.
  • Minimal restrictions – Few limitations on use of foundation grant funds.

Simply put, Walmart donates significant funding to make locally-driven positive change across America.

Walmart Donation Impact Statistics

To fully grasp Walmart‘s commitment to communities, let‘s examine key statistics that showcase the immense scale of Walmart‘s philanthropic impact:

  • Total 2021 donations – Over $1.9 billion
  • Hunger relief funding$600 million provided over 5 years
  • Veteran support$50+ million to employment programs
  • Disaster response$61 million to relief globally
  • Grant recipients – Over 8,700 nonprofits awarded

This data underscores how securing a Walmart Foundation grant enables nonprofits to amplify their mission and community support.

Eligibility and Requirements

To receive Walmart funding, organizations must meet strict eligibility standards:

Walmart Foundation Eligibility

Type501(c)(3) public charity
LocationServe hyperlocal or national areas
BudgetUnder $1 million
Political/FaithNo partisan or religious affiliation

In addition to nonprofit status and an operating budget under $1 million, the Walmart Foundation only funds public charities directly delivering core services to local regions or nationwide.

Applicants cannot be private foundations, fundraising conduits, or politically/faith-based. Grants also only apply towards US-based nonprofits.

Insider Tips for the Application

Based on assisting thousands of applicants, I want to share key insider strategies to prep your Walmart grant request:

👉 Quantify community need – Demonstrate localized need through statistical data on demographic factors or relevant social issues.

👉 Align with funding priorities – Connect your nonprofit‘s central mission to Walmart‘s focus on opportunity, sustainability, and community.

👉 Establish impact metrics – Define quantitative and qualitative goals aligned to measurable community-level advancement.

👉 Highlight leadership capability – Provide evidence that your nonprofit has the expertise, resources, and strategic vision to successfully execute the proposed activities.

👉Collaborate – Co-applications with complementary organizations showcase efficiency.

Following this advice positions your Walmart application to stand out from the crowd.

Grant Application Process and Timeline

The Walmart Foundation accepts applications year-round on a continuous basis for Community Grant Program funding.

However, to receive a decision within the current fiscal year, applications must be submitted by January 31st to allow for sufficient review time of up to 90 days once submitted.

Applicants not approved previously can reapply after 1 year. So persistence over multiple years in refining and improving your application is key!

Ready to Get Walmart Funding Behind Your Nonprofit?

The collective data shows the incredible scale and impact of Walmart‘s corporate philanthropy.

But make no mistake – in order to capture some of those donation dollars, nonprofits must thoroughly prepare applications indicating stringent alignment to Walmart‘s mission and funding priorities.

With large grants awards on the table combined with Walmart‘s vast community influence across America, any eligible nonprofit should jump at the opportunity to bring the retail giant‘s generosity to uplift its region.

So what are you waiting for? The first step is submitting an exceptional grant request showcasing your readiness to create change. I‘m here to help advise and provide feedback to strengthen your Walmart Foundation application – so let‘s get started!

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