How to Get Fantasia Potions in FFXIV

As a fellow fantasy fan, dedicated gamer, and cosmetic enthusiast, I‘m here to provide the ultimate guide to obtaining those coveted Fantasia potions.

Fantasias allow you to completely re-customize your character‘s appearance from race, facial features, hair color – everything! But how do you get your hands on these rare items? I‘ve got you covered.

There are four main methods to obtain Fantasia potions in FFXIV:

  1. Complete the final ARR main story quest
  2. Purchase from the in-game online store
  3. Receive the Heavensward Collector‘s Edition
  4. Obtain as a gift from another player

Let‘s dive into the details, pros and cons around each acquisition method so you can make an informed decision!

Method 1: Complete the Final ARR Quest

Every character in FFXIV has a chance to earn one completely free Fantasia potion. Upon completing "The Ultimate Weapon" quest at the end of the base A Realm Reborn storyline, you will be rewarded with your first Fantasia!

The climatic ending to ARR rewards your efforts with a free Fantasia

This offers new players an awesome chance to update their appearance after sinking 100+ hours into the base game‘s narrative. Just note that it can only be earned once per character – so spend it wisely!


  • 100% Free
  • Rewards dedication to the main story
  • Available for all player accounts


  • Only claimable once per character
  • Need to progress through all of ARR first

Method 2: Purchase from the Online Store

The most sure-fire way to grab Fantasia potions is through the FFXIV Online Store available in-game. These can be purchased individually or in bundles:

1 Fantasia$10
3 Fantasias$20 (25% savings)
5 Fantasias$25 (50% savings)

Note the larger bundles provide increasing discounts so you save more per potion!

Browse the in-game store for the latest Fantasia deals and bundles

The standard price is $10 per single potion. However, the online store runs seasonal sales events that discount Fantasias by ~25% periodically.


  • Instantly accessible for all players
  • Purchase multiple at once
  • Enjoy seasonal sale discounts


  • Costs real money
  • No option to trade between players

So if don‘t mind spending some cash, grab them directly from the online store when needed!

Method 3: Purchase Heavensward Collector‘s Edition

An alternative way to obtain a Fantasia is to purchase the Collector‘s Edition bundle for the Heavensward expansion. This special edition includes:

  • 1 Fantasia Potion
  • Exclusive in-game flying Griffin Mount
  • Wind-up Enterprise minion
  • Early access earrings

The Heavensward Collector‘s Edition came with neat bonuses like a Fantasia

This collector‘s pack is a neat way for fans to get bonus luxury items along with a Fantasia. However, it comes at premium cost: $60 USD

So you really need to want those exclusive collector goodies to justify spending 6 times the cost of a single potion!


  • Physical bonus items
  • Get early access perks


  • Very expensive for just the potion
  • Time-limited availability

Method 4: Receive as a Digital Gift

The only way to obtain a Fantasia without spending your own money is by having another player gift you one!

This allows kind friends or generous guildmates to purchase a Fantasia from the online store and send it directly other characters.


  • Zero cost to you!
  • Fosters positive player connections


  • Requires generosity of other players
  • Can‘t trade items directly

So if you have a selfless benefactor willing to surprise you, digital gifts are an option too!

Here is a comparison of the major pros and cons for each method:

Free ARR RewardOnline Store PurchaseHW Collector‘s EditionDigital Gifting
CostFree$10 individually$60Free to you
EffortComplete all ARR quests firstBuy anytime with gilLimited availabilityDepend on others
Qty1 per characterUp to 5 at once11 at a time

As you can see, each method has its own perks and downsides. Keep this comparison in mind when deciding how to acquire your next Fantasia!

For me, I always keep an eye out for Fantasia deals in the online store around seasonal events. 25% off isn‘t bad! And the bundles maximize savings on each potion.

What method sounds best for your needs? Let me know in the comments! I‘m always happy to chat FFXIV cosmetics and shop talk with fellow players.

Thanks for reading and enjoy unleashing your characters‘ true looks with Fantasia! May your aesthetic visions find form.

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