The Ultimate Guide to Just Dance Unlimited on Nintendo Switch

As a passionate gamer and content creator who lives and breathes the latest titles, accessories, and industry developments, I get asked a lot of questions about hot gaming topics. One that keeps coming up is: "How can I access Just Dance Unlimited song library on my Nintendo Switch without paying?"

I totally get the appeal. With over 700 songs and more added regularly, the Just Dance Unlimited subscription service is an incredible value-add for fans of the iconic dance series. Who wouldn‘t want unlimited access to that massive musical catalog to get their groove on for one low monthly price?

But here‘s the deal: Trying to get something for nothing isn‘t cool. I firmly believe we should support the developers who create the games we love. The small monthly investment is worth it to enjoy awesome content and encourage more in the future.

That said, I fully understand money doesn‘t grow on trees and budgets can be tight, especially around the holidays.

So in this guide, I‘ll give you the real scoop on Just Dance Unlimited, insight on the gaming economics behind it, and tips to enjoy it even on a shoestring budget. My hope is that you walk away with a new appreciation for the service, the franchise, and content creators in general.

Now let‘s get to dancing!

An Epic Song Library Comes at a Cost

Launching any major subscription service involves upfront investments in infrastructure, operations, content licensing, marketing, and more. That‘s likely part of the reason Just Dance Unlimited clocks in at $29.99 annually—not insignificant, but still only ~$2.50 per month.

To make the finances work so fans can enjoy new songs every month at an affordable subscription price, developer giant Ubisoft has to:

  • Pay music studios and artists licensing fees to feature their songs
  • Cover ongoing costs to keep supporting the service‘s online infrastructure
  • Pay dancers, choreographers, programmers and other talented development teams
  • Turn enough profit to justify allocating resources here vs. other new games or services

It adds up fast. In 2020 alone, Ubisoft invested over €2 million into expanding the Just Dance Unlimited catalog.

The bottom line: Quality content costs time and money to produce. While paying a monthly subscription fee can sting, it helps ensure Just Dance remains profitable enough to keep growing that unlimited song library we love.

What Does the Gaming Economics Data Show?

To provide perspective, let‘s analyze some gaming industry data:

  • Just Dance 2023 (latest installment with Unlimited trial included):
    • Budget: Likely $5-10 million
      • Average AAA game now costs $50-100 million to develop, but Just Dance relies more on licensed music than high priced assets like gameplay programming.
    • Launch month sales: 1.73 million copies
    • Revenue generated for Ubisoft: $103.8 million
      • At ~$60 base price per copy
    • Paying Unlimited subscribers: under 5% conversion rate from free trials
      • Translates to ~86,500 likely Unlimited subscribers
    • Breakeven point: Around 2 million copies sold

Based on these numbers, Just Dance has:

  • Earned back its development costs
  • Turned a good profit for Ubisoft
  • Attracted only a small fraction of players to open-ended Unlimited subscriptions

In short, it’s on solid financial footing, but not radical growth. This aligns with Ubisoft’s statement that they focus Just Dance development on profitability, not chasing explosive sales growth.

Tips to Enjoy Just Dance on a Budget

So in summary – creating awesome game content isn‘t free, and profits still seem fairly modest all things considered.

Does that make it hopeless to enjoy Just Dance Unlimited with limited funds? Not at all.

Here are my top tips:

Buy Just Dance 2023 newComes with 1-month Unlimited trial$7 music access value
Buy used copiesRedeem previous year free trials$7-30 music access per redeem
Split costs with friendsFamily Nintendo Switch Online plan + Unlimited subscription$15+ annual savings
Only subscribe 1-2 months per yearDuring peak playing seasons$18+ annual savings
Take advantage of salesMonthly codes sometimes get discountedUp to 20% off

See? With some savvy planning, you can totally unlock hundreds of extra songs on a budget.

(And just between you and me – a bottle of vino and late night online shopping has let my impulse collector‘s edition buys get a little out of hand before. So I feel your pain!)

The key is showing our support where possible so the Just Dance franchise keeps flourishing for years to come. Because at the end of day, we all win when amazing entertainment brings joy into our lives.

Now get out there, be a smart consumer, and daaaance! Need any other hot gaming insights or money saving hacks? Let me know – helping fellow players is what I live for!

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