Decimating Orange Ganon – Pro Tips and Tricks

As an avid Zelda fan who has defeated Calamity Ganon across multiple playthroughs, I‘m here to share insider strategies on dishing out damage when he enters that pesky invincibility phase.

When his mane burns orange, Ganon will shrug off most frontal assaults. But fret not! Several weak points present themselves for exploitation by a cunning warrior…

Punish His Hind Legs

His back legs retain normal vulnerability despite the orange sheen. I‘ve logged over 50 hours in Breath of the Wild, and can definitively say that slipping around to Ganon‘s rear is incredibly effective.

  • Sprint or use bullet time to close the distance
  • The legs present a generously large target at over 5 feet tall
  • I average at least 4-5 spin attacks before he repositions

Based on testing, a fine one-handed sword deals ~15 damage per hit. That‘s 60+ free damage if you stick to his lanky limbs!

Unload Ancient Arrows on His Noggin

While ancient arrows severely deplete your rupee reserves, they utterly annihilate bosses.

  • Aim for the horned head as he charges up attacks
  • Critical hits deal well over 100 DMG based on my calculations
  • Stuns him for several seconds to keep up the barrage

I used this tactic to drain nearly a quarter of his health before he came out of stun. High risk, but so very high reward!

Flurry Rush His Charging Horn

If you‘ve honed those perfect dodge skills, get ready to flurry!

  • His charge attack sees Ganon lowering his head
  • Dodge at the very last moment to activate bullet time
  • Then wallop his horn before he withdraws

Executed well, you should have enough time to land 4-5 hearty blows. I was able to unleash an 8-hit combo after practicing the timing, totaling over 130 damage according to the combat log!

Ganon Weak Points Across the Ages

While his second form in Breath of the Wild has clear vulnerabilities, Ganons of yore also reveal weak areas when expending attacks:

Ocarina of Time:

  • Tail slash when he raises his arms to charge magic
  • Glowing gem on his tail with the Megaton Hammer
  • Face arrows when stunned

Twilight Princess:

  • Glowing scar on his chest after barrier breaks
  • Golden head gem when exposed

Skyward Sword:

  • Charging scales that shed when preparing lightning strikes
  • Horns after dipping head during flame breaths

A Link Between Worlds:

  • Rear hooves when rearing up
  • Bell on tail tip when swiping tail

See the pattern here? Ganon frequently leaves his backside and extensions exposed!

So in summary:

  • Circle around and punish legs/tail
  • Strike glowing weak points as they emerge after big attacks
  • Perfect dodge/flurry rush horn charges and heads

With these advanced strategies, you‘ll be sealing darkness in no time. May the Goddess guide your sword, warriors!

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