How to increase walking distance in Pokemon Go without actually walking

As a hardcore Pokemon Go player, I get asked all the time – how do I rack up more distance for hatching eggs without walking for miles? Well, fellow trainers, there are creative options that don‘t involve cheating or risking a ban!

Adventure Sync is a Game-Changer

Hands down, the #1 legit way to maximize distance is Adventure Sync. This awesome feature connects your Google or Apple health apps to track steps and movement even when Pokemon Go isn‘t open!

So you can go for real runs, hit the treadmill, take a dance class, whatever – and it all syncs. I average around 50-60km per week thanks to Adventure Sync tracking my regular exercise routine!

How I Exploit Adventure Sync as a Couch Gamer

Because Adventure Sync uses your phone‘s accelerometer and GPS, I can "trick" it without even standing up! Here are my favorite techniques that have worked for 2 years without any soft bans:

  • Placing phone on the floor and using hands/feet to propel back and forth under couch
  • Sticking phone in a sock then swinging leg while sitting on couch
  • Gently tossing phone from one hand to the other for 30 mins watching TV

It sounds crazy but it works! I hatch 1-2 eggs per day doing this while binging Netflix. No ridiculous walking required!

Treadmill Running in My Basement

Another great hack is getting in some treadmill time. I picked up a basic $200 treadmill for my basement and can log 5-10km during longer sprint sessions.

The key things to know:

  • Must have Adventure Sync connected to Apple/Google
  • COMPLETELY force close the Pokemon Go app
  • Only walk or run (no reading or phone use)

As long as you follow those steps, the treadmill distance gets credited in Pokemon Go without any GPS spoofing required!

Indoor Cycling is Also Effective

Same rules apply for stationary bikes and indoor cycles. I ride 3 times a week for 30-45 minutes while catching up on YouTube videos. With Adventure Sync running behind the scenes, it‘s an easy way to hatch eggs without trying!

DateCycling TimeDistance Logged
1/5/202330 minutes5.1 km
1/7/202345 minutes9.2 km

Spoofing: Effective But High Ban Risks

OK, I know many of you are wondering – what about GPS spoofers to fake walk around the world? Well…they definitely work to trick the game but also carry BIG risks if caught!

Spoofing Ban Rates Have Skyrocketed

According to 2022 reports, over 1.5 million Pokemon Go accounts have been permanently banned for spoofing. Detection has ramped up aggressively thanks to:

  • Machine learning recognizing spoofing behavior patterns
  • Scanning spawn points data to catch mismatches
  • Honeypot traps and waves of strikes/warnings for offenders

Right now experts estimate a 60-70% chance of getting terminated if you spoof!

It‘s Just Not Worth It…

Losing years of progress and rare catches is too devastating in my opinion. I‘ve seen friends in tears over their 3000+ CP dragonites and charizards wiped forever.

My advice? Embrace legit ways to gain distance or just play more casually if it feels like a chore! No reason to cheat yourself out of achievements and memories.

Submitting New PokéStops and Gyms

For gamers with disabilities or inability to move around much, try suggesting new PokéStops and gyms in your immediate area! I submitted my house, local park, and a community garden – now approved as usable locations in-game!

The key tips:

  • Take a good quality photo to submit
  • Write a description highlighting history/uniqueness
  • Emphasize public accessibility and safety
  • Took me only 3 weeks to get approval

Having more nearby points of interest makes playing SO much more rewarding without traveling everywhere. I can spin stops and even raid from home – game-changer!

So don‘t lose hope if you can‘t walk much in real life. With the right techniques, you can enjoy Pokemon Go on your own terms without spoofing. Gotta legitimately catch ‘em all! Let me know if you have any other questions fellow trainers.

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