How to Make Instant Damage Potion?

To make a Potion of Harming (Instant Damage) in Minecraft, follow these steps:

  1. Gather the necessary materials:
    • 1 Potion of Poison (0:45)
    • 1 Fermented Spider Eye
  2. To create a Potion of Poison (0:45), you will need:
    • 1 Nether Wart
    • 1 Spider Eye
    • 1 Water Bottle
    • Brewing Stand
  3. Brew the Potion of Poison:
    • Place the Water Bottle in one of the bottom slots of the Brewing Stand.
    • Place the Nether Wart in the top slot to create an Awkward Potion.
    • Once the Awkward Potion is created, replace the Nether Wart with the Spider Eye to create the Potion of Poison (0:45).
  4. Create the Fermented Spider Eye:
    • Combine 1 Spider Eye, 1 Brown Mushroom, and 1 Sugar in the crafting grid.
  5. Brew the Potion of Harming (Instant Damage):
    • Place the Potion of Poison (0:45) in one of the bottom slots of the Brewing Stand.
    • Place the Fermented Spider Eye in the top slot.
    • Wait for the brewing process to complete.

Once the brewing process is finished, you will have a Potion of Harming (Instant Damage). Remember that this potion will cause damage to players and mobs when thrown or consumed, so use it carefully.

Featured Answers

To make a Potion of Harming (Instant Damage), you will need 1 Potion of Poison (0:45) and 1 fermented spider eye. Place the Potion of Poison (0:45) in one of the bottom boxes in the Brewing Stand menu. Then add the fermented spider eye to the top box.

Answered from Mohammad Anwar

How Do I Make Instant Damage Potions In Minecraft?

As an avid Minecraft player, I often use potions to give me advantages in combat or clearing obstacles quickly. Instant Damage potions are one of the most powerful offensive potions for inflicting immediate harm on hostile mobs and other players in PvP. This FAQ will provide a complete guide to brewing up Instant Damage potions for your inventory.

What are Instant Damage potions and how do they work?

Instant Damage potions apply the Instant Damage effect when consumed or splashed on a target. This effect deals damage directly to the target's health rather than over time like poison. The amount of damage depends on the potion's level or duration.

Instant Damage completely ignores armor, making it highly effective against well-protected enemies. The effect duration is very short, but the burst of upfront damage can quickly dispatch mobs or rival players.

What ingredients do I need to make Instant Damage potions?

You'll need the following four ingredients to brew up Instant Damage potions:

  • Water Bottle – Filled by right-clicking a water source block
  • Nether Wart – Grows naturally in Nether Fortresses
  • Spider Eye – Dropped by spiders on death
  • Fermented Spider Eye – Crafted from spider eye, brown mushroom, and sugar

Water Bottles and Nether Wart form the base potion. Spider Eyes provide the core poison effect. Fermented Spider Eyes shift this into immediate damage rather than prolonged poison.

How do I turn a Water Bottle into an Awkward Potion?

Follow these steps to create an Awkward Potion, the base for all potions:

  1. Fill Glass Bottles with Water to obtain Water Bottles.
  2. Place 3 Water Bottles in the Brewer's lower three slots.
  3. Place Nether Wart in the upper “ingredient” slot.
  4. After 20 seconds of brewing, the Water Bottles will convert into Awkward Potions.

This Awkward Potion will serve as the base for our Instant Damage potions.

How do I convert an Awkward Potion into a Potion of Poison?

To add poison effects, we'll need to add Spider Eyes:

  1. Place the Awkward Potions back into the Brewer's lower slots.
  2. Add a Spider Eye to the upper ingredient slot.
  3. After 20 seconds, the Awkward Potions will brew into Potions of Poison.
  4. Potions of Poison last for 45 seconds. Extending the duration can increase the damage.

Adding Spider Eyes introduces poison, a key component of Instant Damage. Now we need to corrupt this into direct damage.

How do I turn a Poison potion into an Instant Damage potion?

  1. Put the Poison potions back into the Brewer's lower slots.
  2. Add a Fermented Spider Eye to the upper slot.
  3. After 20 seconds, the Fermented Spider Eye will convert the Poison into Instant Damage.

And that's it! You now have basic Instant Damage potions ready for use.

How can I increase the tier and duration of Instant Damage potions?

  • Use Glowstone Dust to increase the tier from I to II, enhancing damage.
  • Use Redstone Dust to extend the duration beyond the base of 1:30 minutes.
  • Use Gunpowder to create splash versions you can throw on targets.

Maximize damage output by boosting to a tier II Potion with increased duration!

What level of armor protection blocks Instant Damage?

Instant Damage bypasses armor entirely, regardless of material or enchantments. The only defense is resistance/protection potion effects.

This makes Instant Damage extremely potent against heavily armored enemies like Iron Golems or players in diamond gear. No amount of armor points will prevent its upfront damage.

How much damage do Instant Damage potions inflict?

Here's the damage values for each tier and duration:

  • Tier I (No Modifier):

    • Duration 1:30 – Damage 6
    • Duration 2:00 – Damage 9
  • Tier II (Glowstone):

    • Duration 1:30 – Damage 12
    • Duration 2:00 – Damage 17

Maximize damage by boosting to tier II and extending the duration!

How can Instant Damage be used most effectively in PvE and PvP?

  • Offensively rush heavily armored enemies like Iron Golems.
  • Surprise attack enemy players by splashing them before they can respond.
  • Lure pursuing enemies into Splash Potion traps.
  • Quickly finish off already-damaged mobs or players.

The direct damage is most impactful against durable, high HP targets. Ambush attacks also utilize the element of surprise.

What precautions should I take when using Instant Damage potions?

  • Instant Damage affects you and allies too – be cautious of splash damage!
  • Carry milk buckets to quickly negate effects if you're accidentally struck.
  • Store potions securely so you don't drink them by mistake.
  • Dispose of outdated or excess potions safely.

Instant Damage is indiscriminate – take care not to harm yourself or friends in the chaos of battle!


Thanks to its upfront damage and armor negation, Instant Damage can swiftly cripple even formidable foes. Follow this brewing guide to unleash its potential against mobs and fellow players alike. Just be sure to handle these volatile potions with care!

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