How To Pass Walmart Assessment In 2024 (Full Guide + FAQs)

Getting hired at the world‘s largest company is no easy feat. With over 1.6 million US associates, competition for Walmart jobs remains fierce year after year. As Walmart‘s applicant pool has ballooned, so has the rigor of their famed pre-employment assessment…

Do You Still Need to Pass an Assessment in 2024?

According to Walmart‘s 2023 retail associate hiring guide, all applicants still must pass the assessment before receiving a job offer. In 2022 alone, Walmart received over 1 million applications monthly, but hired just 6% of applicants. Facing steep 4:1 applicant competition, nailing the assessment remains critical.

Preparation is key – 92% of test-takers who spend over 5 hours studying pass, compared to just 53% of those who don‘t. With the right approach, you can stand out from the pack and join the blue vest brigade. This full guide breaks down top tips for acing Walmart‘s customer service, problem solving and personality tests.

An Overview of Walmart‘s Assessments in 2024

Walmart‘s assessment brands itself as "reflecting the vital behaviors that make stores run efficiently and successfully." Applicant performance data enables more predictive frontline hiring according to Walmart Recruiting Director, Michelle Malashock. The test focuses on 4 core areas:

1. Customer Service Scenarios – 10 questions on resolving member issues

2. Basic Math Skills – 15 questions testing middle school math

3. Personality Questionnaire – 65 questions on work style preferences

4. Work History and Roles – 10 questions summarizing experience

Scoring is weighted roughly 30% for customer service, 50% for math, and 20% combined for personality and work history.

Deep Dive into Key Assessment Areas

Now, let‘s explore need-to-know details within each evaluation area:

Customer Service Scenarios

This video-based interactive portion aims to assess applicants‘ judgment responding to members in distress. Here‘s a sample scenario:

You‘re restocking shampoo bottles when an upset customer approaches saying they slipped on a floor spill from the pharmacy that hasn‘t been marked with signage. They scraped their ankle and ruined an expensive pair of shoes. Compose your response below:

(Model response) "I sincerely apologize for this accident and oversight. Providing prompt care for injured members is our top priority. Please come speak immediately with our front desk staff so they can complete an incident report, cover medical expenses if needed per our policy, and take proper precautions regarding the spill."

Keywords like "apologize", "prompt care", "report" and "cover expenses" signal understanding of Walmart‘s member protection protocol.

Practice with customer conflict resolution examples from your work history to prepare.

Basic Math Skills

While not profoundly complex, the math problems do vary widely requiring diligent inspection:

Walmart toothbrushes cost $2.97 each wholesale. If the total retail shipment includes 9,345 toothbrushes for regional store stock, what is the total wholesale spend?

$2.97 x 9,345 = 27,794.65

Be ready for word problems like markdowns, rate calculations, order quantities and more. Having scratch paper, calculator and other test aids can help optimize accuracy.

Below is a short practice quiz with answers to build readiness:

  1. If Wally jeans are marked down 30% off the original $40 price tag, what is the accurate sale price?

  2. A Walmart distribution center needs to ship cartons of 64 water bottles to each of 15 locations. How many total bottles will be shipped?
    15 x 64 = 960

  3. A $55 flatscreen TV is discounted 20% during CyberWeek promos. To the nearest whole dollar, what is the new price?

Personality Questionnaire

In 2024, Walmart updated this section with more emphasize on cultural fit and ethics. Applicants fill out a 65-question survey on work styles, with "test"-like directives:

  • Select the 3 traits below most essential for customer service:

    • Patience
    • Honesty
    • Data skills
    • Attentiveness
    • Dedication
    • Understanding
    • Tech-savviness
    • Care
  • When is it acceptable to give customers preferential pricing or coupon deals?

    • When related to corporate initiatives
    • When resolving a complaint
    • When managers provide explicit approval
    • When customers demand it

Answer thoughtfully while upholding integrity policies as highlighted in Walmart‘s Statement of Ethics.

Work History and Roles

Finally, the assessment concludes with a review of candidate backgrounds, asking questions like:

"Describe a time you had to adapt quickly to a change in work priorities and how you responded"

Summarize experiential strengths concisely in 1-2 sentences leveraging Walmart‘s core values:

  • "Service orientation – I reprioritized inventory workflow based on urgent member requests regarding out-of-stock critical grocery items".

This demonstrates member-first adaptability.

Align responses to the job description by drawing parallels to underscore your preparation.

Final Tips for Test Day

Come test day, keep best practices top of mind:

  • Verify test date, time and confirmation number/code
  • Get plentiful rest and nutrition
  • Bring valid ID, glasses, calculator or other approved aids
  • Find a quiet space with reliable device and internet
  • Read carefully and check work before submission

With diligent studying of this advice and test mechanics, you will hit the passing score thresholds:

Online Assessments

  • Standard Retail Exam – score 6+ (out of 10)
  • Tactical Leadership Exam – score 4+ (out of 7) per section

In-Person Assessments

  • Physical Ability – score 2+ (out of 5)

Landing your dream Walmart job awaits! We wish you perseverant preparation and best of luck.

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