How to play cod zombies on pc

Playing Zombies on PC unlocks the definitive way to experience the thrill of fending off endless hordes of the undead. As a COD Zombies expert boasting over 20 days of playtime across every Treyarch title since World at War, I‘ve compiled the most comprehensive guide to dominating zombies on PC in 2024.

Accessing Zombies in Different COD Games on PC

The first step is purchasing a Call of Duty title that includes a Zombies game mode, such as:

  • Call of Duty: Vanguard (2022) – "Der Anfang" map
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War (2020) – Large scale "Outbreak" mode
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 (2015) + Zombies Chronicles DLC – 8 remastered classic maps
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 (2012) – Introduces weapon upgrade system
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops (2010) – First full-fledged zombies title on PC

Install your chosen COD game via (newer titles) or Steam (older titles). Then launch the game and select "Zombies" mode from the main menu. This will let you access available maps within each title to start slaying zombies.

Zombies Gameplay Mechanics and Controls

Gameplay basics are the same across all titles: survive endless waves of zombies for as long as possible! Points are earned for killing zombies, with extra for headshots and melee attacks. Spend points to:

  • Open new areas – Gain access to weapons, utilities
  • Buy weapons off wall or Mystery Box
  • Upgrade weapons via Pack-a-Punch machines
  • Acquire perks – Buffs like extra health, damage, speed

Use WASD keys to move, mouse to aim down sights and shoot. Knife melee with ‘V‘ key. Interact with doors, items or Pack-a-Punch machines using your USE key (F by default on PC). Space bar to jump over obstacles or avoid zombie hits.

Manage hordes by training zombies in circles across the map to maintain distance. Utilize traps and equipment like Monkey Bombs to escape tricky situations. Revive downed teammates by approaching them and holding USE key.

Surviving the Zombie Hordes

Staying alive is a balancing act to earn enough points for better gear while avoiding getting cornered by zombies. Train zombies in wide open spaces and use doorways or debris to create a bottleneck against swarms.

Always go for headshots to maximize points and ammo conservation. Keep moving to avoid hits and retreat when overwhelmed. Juggle guns to balance ammo across rounds. Pack-a-Punch weapons multiplies damage exponentially, making it essential to upgrade as soon as possible once the machine is unlocked.

Activating power opens the Pack-a-Punch machine along with other facilities like perk machines, traps and teleporters. Turning on power also ramps up the difficulty – so be prepared! The mystery box can give you bonus rare weapons along the way.

Gobblegums and Elixirs for Temporary Perks

Consumable Gobblegum (Black Ops 3/4) and Elixirs (Black Ops 4) provide short-term perks and buffs for an extra edge against the zombies. Effects allow extra credit bonuses, immediate revives, zombie slow-down, and more. Use them wisely at critical moments when in a pinch!

Resist the Horde as Long as Possible for High Rounds!

The goal of each match is to "survive" against endless zombie waves, aiming to hit higher and higher rounds. Games end when all players are downed simultaneously. Top COD Zombies PC players have achieved staggering feats like:

  • Round 255 – Black Ops 3 Revelations (world record)
  • Round 318 – Black Ops 3 Ascension
  • Round 181 – Black Ops Cold War Die Maschine

These feats take 8+ hours reaching astronomical zombie counts in the thousands! With flawless strategy and skill, see how far you can push the limits on each map!

Unlocking Main Easter Egg Quests

Each Zombies map harbors secret "main quests" aka Easter eggs unlockable through obscure puzzles, tasks, boss fights and cryptic clues. Completing these grand challenges offer special cutscenes, narrative closure and even gameplay bonuses as ultimate rewards!

Easter eggs span tricky steps like:

  • Upgrading elemental Wonder Weapons via collecting parts
  • Entering digit codes into keypads to reveal new areas
  • Escorting floating orbs without letting them take damage
  • Memorizing musical tones or symbols to open ritual passages
  • Battling intense boss zombies with special weak points

Note clues and numbers that appear on walls/floors to decipher combinations. Utilize online guides and commend coordination in co-op to solve Easter eggs!

Playing Solo, Local or Online Co-op

COD Zombies on PC supports:

  • Solo – Go lone wolf against the horde!
  • Local co-op – Team up via splitscreen or LAN connection
  • Online co-op – Play cooperatively with others via matchmaking

Solo provides a pure test of individual skill and clutch plays. Local co-op allows experienced players to carry newer ones. Online co-op mixes matchmaking luck, but allows tackling Easter eggs quests through teamwork with a mic.

Each mode has its merits – play them all to become a hardened Zombies veteran!

Custom Zombies & Mods on PC

A stellar bonus advantage on PC is access to custom zombies experiences via the Steam Workshop and modding tools like Radiant Black. These allow players to create their own unique zombies maps, gameplay mutators like all-boss waves or wild West themes. Mods can completely refresh and enhance vanilla modes!

User generated content keeps the PC platform ripe with new zombies adventures for veterans seeking fresh challenges outside official development.

So dive in and discover what spectacular custom creations await the bold zombie slayer!

Conclusion – Now Pulverize Those Zombies!

I hope this guide has given you the ultimate blueprint to dive into COD Zombies on PC confidently in 2024! Follow the tactics herein to crush wave after wave of the rotting masses through skill, strategy and marksmanship across every title.

Now get out there soldier, wrack up those high round records and relish laying waste to those undead fools once more! Let us cleanse the zombie filth from these maps together – see you on the leaderboards!

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