The Ultimate Guide to Playing CS:GO with Friends Sans Bots

As an avid CS:GO gamer and content creator with over 300 hours logged, one of my biggest pet peeves is getting matched against bot players. While bots can help fill vacant server slots, their robotic playstyle and aimbot tendencies detract from the true CS experience.

When I squad up with friends for some Classic Competitive, I expect clutch 1v1 duels and epic fake flash fakes. Not getting mowed down by some spinbot named Vladimir with the game sense of a potato.

So today I present the definitive guide on kicking bots to the curb and enjoying the full adrenaline rush of CS with your fellow humans.

Why Avoid Bots in CS:GO?

Here are three reasons you should actively avoid bot matches when playing with amigos:

1. Bots Don‘t Think Like Players

The CS:GO bot AI utilizes nav meshes and behavior trees, but still fails to emulate player thinking. Unlike bots, human players actively cooperate, bait enemies, and mix up positioning. This makes for dynamic scenarios that take true skill to outwit.

2. Bots React Faster with Perfect Aim

According to aggregates by Leetify, the average human reaction time is 283ms. Yet CS:GO bots have reaction times around 0ms with pixel perfect aim. Getting instantly headshotted the millisecond you cross a corner gets old fast.

3. Beating Bots isn‘t Rewarding

Fragging bots lacks the excitement of outplaying a real, thinking opponent. And even if you stomp bot opponents, it does little for your skill rating or street cred.

Step-By-Step Guide to Kicking Bots

When you inevitably find yourself in a public bot match, here is how to give them the boot:

  1. Open the console by pressing the ~ key
  2. Type mp_limitteams 0 and press enter to stop additional bots joining the game
  3. Type mp_autoteambalance 0 to disable bot auto balance
  4. Type bot_kick and press enter to kick all bots from the current game
// Other Useful Commands
bot_quota 0 // Sets max bots on the server to 0 
bot_kick t // Kick all bots from Terrorist team
bot_kick ct // Kick all bots from Counter-Terrorist team

Hosting Private Lobbies for Bot-Free Fun

The best way to avoid bots altogether is by hosting a private CS:GO match with friends.

Here‘s how:

  1. From the Main Menu, click "Play With Friends"
  2. Create a lobby and invite friends from your Steam friends list
  3. Select a game mode like Classic Competitive
  4. Choose Workshop maps or Active Duty map pool
  5. Launch game

This creates a private, bots-free haven for you and the squad secured by Steam friend authentication.

Comparison of Play Options

Game ModeAuthenticationBotsPlayersHost Control
PublicNoneYesUp to 32None
PrivateSteam FriendsNoUp to 12Full
Offline with BotsLocal NetworkYesUp to 32Full

Admin Your Own Bot-less Server

For full control and customization over your CS:GO experience minus bots, consider hosting your own game server. Popular third party hosting services include:

  • GameServers: Offers CS:GO server rental starting at $1/slot on Intel i9 CPUs with DDOS protection
  • Survival Servers: Top-rated for mod packs and instant deployment of CS servers globally
  • Host Havoc: Budget friendly CS:GO hosting for under $1/slot. But capacity limited

With your own equipment and admins, you can fine tune CS:GO to your squad‘s preferences while keeping it strictly humans allowed.

Smash The Dislike Button on Bots

At the end of the day, CS:GO is an intense PvP experience that should be shared with flesh and blood friends and foes.

The thrill of the skill lies in outmaneuvering cunning adversaries in high stakes situations. Scoring epic aces and clutching 1v1s through creative play.

Bots simply suck out this competitive joy. Their preprogrammed brains fail to adapt or unleash next level gamer IQ.

So do yourself a favor the next time you load up CS:GO. Gather the friends, kick the bots, and may the best aim win!

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