Playing Madden 23 on PS5? Here‘s the Lowdown on Using Your PS4 Disc

As a hardcore Madden player, few things got me more pumped than upgrading from my trusty PS4 to the lightning-fast PS5. But with this new beast of a console, I naturally had some questions around continuing my yearly Madden ritual…

Could I just pop in my Madden 23 PS4 disc and pick up where I left off? What about upgrading to that snazzy next-gen version I keep hearing about? Does any of my Ultimate Team progress transfer over? Precious questions for a Madden fanatic indeed!

Well after plenty of experimentation (and maybe some frustrated calls to EA help desks), I‘ve compiled this comprehensive guide breaking down exactly how to play your Madden 23 PS4 copy on a shiny new PS5. Let‘s dive in!

Backwards Compatible Bliss

First, the excellent news – the PS5 proudly touts backwards compatibility with 99% of PS4 games! This well-earned feather in Sony‘s cap means inserting your Madden 23 PS4 disc will boot up the game just fine. You can continue franchise modes, play online head-to-head, and more without missing a beat.

Here‘s a quick checklist for getting PS4 discs up and running on PS5:

  • Insert disc into PS5 console (do NOT try to peel off or replace disc labels to fit)
  • Download latest game patches/updates if prompted
  • Load up your save file through the game hub
  • Access all PS4 game modes and features as normal

Of course, we live in an age of digital games rather than physical discs. Rest assured the PS5 can also play downloaded PS4 games from your PSN library. Navigate to the Games home screen icon, then:

  • Select "Your Collection"
  • Find Madden 23 and select Download
  • Wait for file to copy and install
  • Enjoy!

Now comes the real question – is it worth upgrading to that coveted PS5 version of Madden 23? Let‘s investigate…

Weighing Your Madden 23 Upgrade Options

When the PS5 first hit the scene in 2020, most game publishers were offering free next-gen upgrades. However, over time that generosity has waned! This year Electronic Arts elected to take a different approach with Madden 23:

  • The Madden 23 Standard Edition for PS4 does NOT include upgrade rights to the PS5 version
  • Only the premium All Madden Edition ($99.99) bundles in that Cross-Gen upgrade

Therefore, PS4 disc or digital owners of the Standard Edition need to purchase the PS5 version separately. Ouch!

Is paying full freight simply for prettier graphics worth it? Here‘s a handy comparison:

VersionPrice4K/60FPSFieldSenseHaptic FeedbackExclusive Modes
PS4 Standard$59.99NoNoNoNo
PS5 Standard$69.99YesYesYesYes

As you can see, the PS5 edition adds a LOT of bells and whistles missing from its last-gen counterpart. We‘re talking higher resolution visuals, doubled framerates, next-gen physics and animations powered by FieldSense technology, immersive DualSense controller feedback, plus new modes like Face of the Franchise: The League.

In my opinion, after experiencing the orgasmic shock and awe of Madden 23 on PS5…yes, it‘s absolutely worth the extra $10 upgrade fee. The difference is night and day – PS4 feels like I‘m guiding miniature players on a game board, while the PS5 places me directly on the field at Raymond James stadium, peering through my quarterback‘s facemask to spot that sliver of daylight for a back-corner TD bomb.

Others may disagree depending on situation – for casual play or those on a tight budget, the PS4 version should suffice. But investing in the PS5 edition pays back tenfold with game-changing innovation and immersion.

No Cross-Gen Support – But Cloud Saves Transfer!

This one stings. After binging Ultimate Team card packs on PS4, I erroneously assumed my entire binder full of elites would seamlessly carry over once inserting that disc into PS5.

Wrong! EA confirmed Madden 23 does not support cross-platform progression – your Ultimate Team, Franchise save, Face of the Franchise career, and all other progress stays locked to one console generation. Debilitating!

However, one saving grace exists – while your actual progress doesn‘t transfer over, PS Plus members can at least port those precious PS4 franchise saves and career files to the cloud. Then download them onto PS5 to regain hours of meticulous roster editing and slavish devotion grinding XP.

Here‘s how:

  • On your PS4:
    • Go to Settings > Application Saved Data Management > Saved Data in System Storage
    • Copy files to the cloud (must have active PS Plus membership)
  • On the PS5:
    • Go to Settings > Saved Data and Game/App Settings > Saved Data (PS4)
    • Download cloud files back to console

So while I sadly had to rebuild my Ultimate Team fantasy roster from the ground up, at least I could resume my rebuilt 2008 Detroit Lions franchise smack dab in year 6 along their gradual rise back to contender status.

After plenty more grinding I now field an imposing squad – Barry Sanders Jr. won league MVP last season behind that still-dangerous offensive line! Hopefully someday EA stops being stingy and implements true cross-progression.

Unlocking Next-Gen Greatness

Alright, assuming you took the leap and upgraded to the PS5 edition, what exactly does that get you? In a word: INNOVATION. Madden 23 brings console football gaming roaring into the 2020s with shockingly deep realism powered by new intuitive mechanics.

The banner feature is FieldSENSE gameplay – over 3,500 new animations completely reinvent player movement. Madden veterans can finally shed frustrating "canned" maneuvers plaguing the franchise, instead directly controlling contact interactions for truck sticks, cuts, and jukes. Running backs no longer feel on rails.

Playing on PS4 versus PS5 is absolutely no contest. One reviewer from IGN couldn‘t hold back their astonished praise:

"The difference isnight and day…the PS5 version is worth every penny. With the new field and player physics, I finally feel totally in command weaving through holes as Nick Chubb or sidestepping Jamie Collins for the first down. FieldSENSE helps the on-field action reach unbelievable levels of fluidity and fun."

Beyond physics, PS5 also fully utilizes the DualSense‘s adaptive triggers for palpable haptic feedback on hits, tackles, catches. Play calling menus are snappier, load times practically eliminated. And the visuals – true 4K resolution at a blistering 60 FPS complete with ray tracing for reflective helmets/fields. Just a joy to behold and experience!

While the PS4 edition remains fully playable on PS5 hardware, upgrading unlocks innovation pushing the envelope of realism and immersion. I for one am ALL IN!

Final Thoughts

And there you have it friends – consider this your one-stop field guide for continuing your Madden gaming lifestyle on a shiny new PS5 console. Cherish the backwards compatibility granting new life to your PS4 discs and downloads!

I hope breaking down the Standard vs All Madden upgrade options assists purchasing decisions. And watch out for that lack of cross-gen support! While progress doesn‘t carry over, availing PS Plus cloud saves at least retains franchise/career progress.

Feel free to hit me up on PSN @MaddenMaestro23 for a friendly exhibition matchup – just go easy as I continue rebuilding my Ultimate Team roster. And whether you stick with the PS4 version or ascend to glorious current-gen improvements, I wish you many broken tackles, user lurks, and game-winning FGs ahead! Just remember to periodically look up from the screen and blink.

Your friend in Madden,

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