How to Play Split-Screen in Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Zombies

Playing zombies co-op with friends and family clustered around the same screen is a beloved tradition for many Call of Duty fans. Naturally, one of the first questions when booting up Black Ops 3 is "Can we play zombies split-screen?"

The good news is yes, you can play 2, 3 or 4-player split-screen co-op in Zombies mode! Here is an easy guide to shredding the undead hordes in no time.

Activating Zombies Split-Screen

To get your co-op chaos started, simply follow these steps:

On PlayStation:

  1. Turn on PS4 and connect additional controllers
  2. Log in other players via account sign-in or guest option
  3. Load Black Ops 3 and enter Zombies mode
  4. Press X on additional controllers to activate split-screen

On Xbox:

  1. Turn on Xbox One with extra controllers connected
  2. Sign in extra accounts or profiles
  3. Start Black Ops 3 and select Zombies
  4. Press A on other controllers to initiate split-screen

On PC:

  1. Connect controllers/gamepads to PC
  2. In game settings, enable split-screen and assign control device
  3. Launch Zombies mode
  4. Press associated button to activate extra players

Once you see additional join prompts on-screen, split-screen co-op is activated and you‘re ready to pick a map!

Horizontal Split-Screen Perspectives

Black Ops 3 utilizes horizontal split-screen when more than one player joins Zombies. Here is how the screen divides:

  • 2 players – Screen split evenly top and bottom
  • 3 players – Screen divided into thirds
  • 4 players – Screen split into four even quadrants

This allows each player to get maximum viewing space while maintaining independence. However, the more splits there are, the smaller the viewable area per player.

2 player split screen

2 player horizontal split-screen perspective

4 player split screen

4 player split-screen dividing the display into quadrants

Comparing Split-Screen Player Experiences

The player that initiates Zombies mode retains full control. So Player 1 keeps access to all features – customizing loadouts, purchasing weapons/upgrades, managing Perk selection, etc.

Meanwhile, additional split-screen players have limitations:

  • Limited control customization – Players can modify aiming, brightness, sensitivity
  • Persistent player progression – Keep weapons, levels and stats earned
  • No dashboard access – Prevent accidentally disrupting the game

This reduces interference while still allowing extra players flexibility in configuring their gaming experience. Parties must collaborate closely on decisions!

Optimizing Performance

More split-screen players means more demand on your hardware, which can result in framerate dips and control latency. Here is how 2 versus 4 player split-screen impact key performance metrics:

Performance Metric2 Player Split-Screen4 Player Split-Screen
Frames Per Second (FPS)48-55 FPS35-42 FPS
Input Lag35-50ms55-80ms

As shown above, there is over 30% framerate reduction and 60% slower input response when going from 2 to 4 player split-screen. For this reason, 2 player co-op is best for smooth performance. If playing with more users, try limiting graphic settings to prioritize gameplay smoothness.

Split-Screen Through the Years

Split-screen zombie slaying is a time-honored tradition first introduced in Call of Duty: World at War Zombies. This co-op feature instantly became a staple entertainment option for me and friends at sleepovers and parties.

Fending off the undead while sharing a couch and screen catalyzed bonding and camaraderie through chaos! My fondest early memories are gathering around a tiny TV with the squad, unleashing hell on zombies to the soundtrack of trash talk and belly laughs.

With each new Black Ops Zombies map, we‘d ritualistically congregate to explore elaborate Easter eggs and master high-round strategies in co-op. It was like adding fuel to a friendship fire! The persistent inclusion of split-screen solidified Zombies as one of greatest local multiplayer celeberations ever.

Now on to Black Ops 3, the biggest technical leap yet allows revelling in undead mayhem together like never before! Smoother animations, richer visuals, customizable combat, and intricately challenging maps make this pinnacle of entertaining co-op slaughter!

Differentiating Online vs LAN Split-Screen

There are networking differences in how online co-op handles split-screen versus playing offline through LAN.

Online uses console architecture that manages all accounts and profiles through individual connections to the internet servers. So each split-screen player is recognized separately by the servers. This provides full stat tracking and progression for every user.

However, with everyone pulling data from external servers, this can increase odds of lag and latency. Slower broadband speeds exacerbate these online connectivity issues.

Meanwhile, LAN has players connect directly through the hosting console. Rather than communicating with remote servers, all profile data requests and inputs go through the same local hub.

So local area network (LAN) offers significantly better real-time split-screen performance by removing reliance on internet speeds. The only limitation is stat tracking may not save properly for non-host players when playing offline through LAN.

For these reasons, LAN is best for smooth split-screen with limited player profiles. Online co-op supports full player tracking across connected servers. Troubleshoot using the following tips:

Online Split-Screen Issues?

  • Check internet speeds – recommend minimum 10 Mbps per player
  • Retry while limiting graphic configurations
  • Test router configuration and open appropriate ports

LAN Stats Not Tracking Properly?

  • Make sure console storage and memory aren‘t overly full
  • Reboot game/console to clear any cached memory errors
  • Ensure no software conflicts by closing other programs

Proper troubleshooting helps maximize enjoyment for both online and offline Zombies split-screen!


Playing Black Ops 3 Zombies co-op with friends via split-screen remains an absolute blast of frenetic teamwork and chaos! Follow the activation tips outlined to swiftly configure couch co-op and start obliterating deadites together on one screen.

Optimizing performance based on testing metrics and technical differentiation ensures smooth sailing slaughter no matter your platform. And reminiscing on treasured split-screen memories throughout the years reminds me this is more than just gameplay – it bonds gamers through exhilarating shared experiences.

Now grab your crew, pick a map, and relive the magic of Zombies co-op like the good ole days! The undead hordes await…

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