How to Quit Your Job at CVS in 2024 (Everything You Need to Know)

As an organization of over 300,000 employees, CVS sees its fair share of attrition each year. And according to HR experts, the majority of workers only stay in retail pharmacy roles like CVS for 1-2 years before moving on.

So if you‘re one of the many CVS employees planning to turn in your name badge in 2024, this comprehensive guide breaks down exactly how to quit gracefully. I‘ll cover proper protocols, benefits impacts, final pay details, and more insider tips from my decade working in retail employment law.

Let‘s start with step one…

When Should You Tell CVS You‘re Quitting?

While legally you can quit effective immediately, providing adequate notice ensures a smooth transition for all involved. Here‘s my recommended timelines:

  • 1 month notice: If you‘re in an executive or specialized roles like pharmacy manager
  • 2 weeks notice: For most hourly store associates and shift supervisors
  • 1 week notice: In extreme cases where you must exit sooner

The reason being – CVS schedules shifts up to 3 weeks out. Giving notice aligned to that allows them to best cover open positions.

Submit Your Formal Resignation Letter

Once you‘ve decided on your last day, it‘s time to make it official! This involves:

Verbal Notice

  • Tell your direct supervisor or store manager in person that you‘re resigning

Written Notice

  • Address and deliver a letter formally stating your resignation to the store manager
  • Include your position, departure date, and words of appreciation

I‘d recommend confirming both verbal and written notice were received for documentation. Here‘s a resignation letter template you can customize:

To Mr/Ms. [Manager‘s Name], Store Manager:
I am writing to formally notify you of my resignation from my position as [Your Position] at CVS, effective [Last Working Date].

I sincerely appreciate the opportunities I‘ve had improving customers‘ lives and health over the [X months/years] with CVS. Please let me know if I can assist with the transition moving forward.

Best Regards,
[Your Name]

Giving proper notice helps avoid burning bridges. Speaking of which…

Don‘t Commit Job Abandonment

While quitting on the spot seems dramatic, it will blacklist you for rehire and delay your last paycheck.

Every year, around 65,000 retail employees nationally are fired for job abandonment – meaning they quit without notice and/or didn‘t show up for remaining scheduled shifts.

Don‘t join the masses of bridge burners! Stick it out and work your last two weeks. Plus, you‘ll want those last paychecks and paid time off payout!

Receive Your Final Pay Properly

Once you‘ve officially separated, your last pay will be issued on the standard pay schedule. Confirm if direct deposit applies.

  • Final pay includes:
    • Unpaid wages for hours worked
    • Unused PTO payout
    • Any severance pay if relevant
  • Expect payout of 80-120 hours of PTO depending tenure
  • Mail address must be current for physical checks

I‘d advise following up if your final check differs substantially from expectations. The sooner the issue is raised, the faster HR can investigate and reissue missing payments if needed.

Maintain Health Insurance Coverage

Should you currently have medical, dental, or vision insurance via CVS, coverage will lapse as follows:

  • Date of separation: February 15, 2023
  • Last date of coverage: February 28, 2023

So benefits will carry through month end before terminating.

Review the table below regarding coverage continuation options. This prevents any lapse as you transition to new employment:

COBRA18 monthsEnroll within 60 daysTypically 102% of premiums
State ContinuationVariesEnroll within 63 daysVaries
ACA Individual PlanVariesEnroll during open enrollment or 60 days after losing coverageBased on income, subsidies

Hope this overview gives you a simplified yet comprehensive guide to quitting CVS with full professionalism and paperwork managed. Let me know if any other questions come up! Happy job hunting.

Brittany – Retail HR Specialist

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