How to Rate Uber Eats Drivers in 2024 (Comprehensive Guide)

Uber Eats has grown into a $13 billion food delivery juggernaut with over 150,000 restaurants in thousands of cities globally. With such extensive reach, nearly 10% of US adults have worked in the gig economy delivering food. Understanding how to properly rate these drivers is essential.

Uber Eats‘ Thumbs Up/Down Rating System

Uber Eats utilizes a simple thumbs up/down rating approach versus the star-based system on their Uber ridesharing platform. Likely rationale includes:


  • Straightforward for customers
  • Avoids misuse that plagues 5-star scales
  • Easy to tally into overall score


  • Less nuanced feedback for drivers
  • Harder for customers to flag "bad" drivers
  • Range compressed between "good" and "excellent" drivers

Uber may be avoiding the "grade inflation" common on 5-star scales where nearly everyone gets four or more stars. But there are certainly merits to a more advanced rubric for food delivery providers handling precious cuisine cargo.

When Should You Rate Your Driver?

Uber Eats provides two rating options to fit all customer preferences:

Immediately Post-Delivery (Recommended)

After receiving your order, the Uber Eats app prompts you to thumbs up or down your courier right away. This allows you to provide feedback when the experience is still fresh.

Later Via Receipt

Find any previous food delivery receipt in the Uber Eats app under "Past Orders" or in your email and adjust the rating accordingly.

Uber Eats Rating System vs. Competition

PlatformRating SystemRating Access
Uber EatsThumbs up/downLast 100 deliveries
DoorDash5 starsLast 100 deliveries
GrubhubNo ratingsN/A

What Happens if you Forget to Rate?

No worries – rating your driver is entirely optional on Uber Eats. Unlike the ridesharing platform, you will not face penalties or restrictions for forgetting or declining to thumbs up/down a delivery.

Ratings Impact on Drivers

Ratings carry serious weight for Uber Eats drivers and directly influence their:

  • Ability to remain active on the platform
  • Delivery offer frequency and volume
  • Supplementary rewards and promotions

Falling below minimum thresholds (typically 80-90% but as high as 95% in NYC) triggers warnings and eventual permanent removal.

Boosting Ratings as a Driver

Beyond excellent service, drivers can improve ratings by:

  • Streaming radio for restaurant wait times
  • Using high-quality insulated food carriers
  • Offering small bonuses like mints or stickers
  • Handing order to customer instead of leaving at door
  • Recommending menu items during pick up
  • Referring friends to increase delivery volume
  • Avoiding peak lunch/dinner rushes
  • Carrying extra utensils/napkins just in case
  • Charging phone mount to maintain GPS access

Step-by-Step Guide to Change Ratings

Follow below to modify your delivery driver rating after the fact:

Via Mobile App

  1. Tap profile icon
  2. Select "Past Orders"
  3. Tap order then "View Receipt"
  4. Choose new thumbs up/down rating

Via Email

  1. Open Uber Eats email receipt
  2. Scroll down and click "Rate Delivery"
  3. Pick new thumbs up or thumbs down

Changing ratings ensures drivers get fair assessment for issues outside their control. With livelihoods at stake, ethical rating practices on Uber Eats carries real importance.

The Verdict?

In ridesharing, low ratings help warn customers of risks. But food delivery‘s use case differs considerably. Though limitations exist with binary scales, Uber makes up for it by compiling recent ratings into overall driver scores. This provides adequate filtering of poor performers without saddling couriers with unfair criticism over picky eaters.

In the cutthroat food delivery space, rating drivers should incentivize great service while assessing them judiciously. Uber Eats‘ thumbs up/down approach gets the job done while keeping the focus on sustenance over scores.

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