Uncapping Frame Rates in Fallout 4 for Smoother Gameplay

As an avid Fallout fan and content creator focused on squeezing every last drop of performance out of my gaming PC, one of my top questions after building a new high-spec rig was: how can I remove Fallout 4‘s FPS cap to take full advantage of all these frames?

After digging through Reddit threads, Steam forums, and running my own in-game experiments, I‘ve put together this comprehensive guide on removing Fallout 4‘s frame rate limit and potential impacts.

Why Uncap FPS in Fallout 4?

For those playing on high refresh rate monitors like 144hz or 240hz, an FPS cap is leaving performance on the table. Based on Steam‘s hardware survey, over 30% of users now have 144hz+ displays, so demand keeps growing to feed these pixel-pusher beast monitors!

Benefits of High FPS:

  • Smoother, more fluid gameplay
  • Reduced input lag for competitive edge
  • Matches high refresh rate for tear-free visuals
  • Satisfies the inner frame rate nerd in us all

However, chasing max frames in Fallout 4 does come with tradeoffs covered later…

Fallout 4 Default Framerate Cap

Out of the box, Fallout 4 has a 60 FPS cap enforced by the Creation game engine. This matches the physics tick rate and keeps gameplay tuned to this frame pace. Exceeding 60 FPS can cause all sorts of funky issues:

  • Game logic and physics breaks
  • Speeds up action beyond intended pace
  • Crashes and script lag

So if you just unlock the FPS limit and don‘t modify the engine, you‘re asking for trouble! Let‘s look at expert-recommended methods to safely raise FPS.

Set iPresentInterval to 0 (Disable Vsync)

This tweak disables Fallout 4‘s default vertical sync and frame rate cap.

  1. Navigate to Documents\My Games\Fallout4
  2. Open the Fallout4Prefs.ini file in a text editor
  3. Find the line iPresentInterval=1 and change to iPresentInterval=0
  4. Save and make the file read-only

Many users report this boosts FPS to the 120-144 range depending on hardware. But keep in mind it can also introduce screen tearing without syncing frames to monitor refresh rate.

Force FPS Cap in Nvidia Control Panel

Rather than fully unlocking the frame rate, experts recommend setting a ceiling in your GPU settings slightly above the engine‘s limit.

For example, limiting to 72 FPS prevents the headaches of runaway FPS, while still keeping frame pacing smooth. It also reduces strain on your graphics card for cooler, quieter operation.

To do this:

  1. Open Nvidia Control Panel
  2. Manage 3D Settings > Program Settings
  3. Select Fallout 4
  4. Set Max Frame Rate to desired ceiling (72-120 FPS)

Make sure to also enable Vsync and Gsync if supported by your monitor for tear-free high FPS!

Mods to Properly Unlock FPS (Best Method)

For high refresh displays like 144hz or 240hz, the best way to uncap frames in Fallout 4 is using a mod to bend (but not break) the Creation engine.

Popular options include:

ModKey Features
High FPS Physics FixStabilizes higher FPS by editing engine variables and settings
Uncapped FPSSimple mod that removes frame rate management
Ultra FPS BoostRobust set of tweaks focused on high FPS

These make under-the-hood changes so gameplay logic, physics, and scripts can run buttery smooth at 120 FPS or beyond without frying your game!

My Personal High FPS Settings

On my own rig running an i9-10850K CPU and RTX 3080 GPU, here are the steps I follow for maxing out frames:

  • Install High FPS Physics Fix mod
  • Set iPresentInterval=0 and make ini file read-only
  • Enable Gsync + Vsync in Nvidia Control Panel
  • Limit FPS to monitor‘s max refresh rate (165hz for me)
  • Disable motion blur and depth of field in Fallout 4 settings

With these tweaks I now easily hit 120-165 FPS @ 1440p max settings when exploring the wasteland! Gameplay stays silky smooth regardless of on-screen action without wonkiness.

The high frame rate paired with a color calibrated IPS gaming monitor takes the Fallout visuals to another level. I can spend hours wandering the ruins soaking up those sweet post-apocalyptic vibes.

Potential Issues to Watch Out For

As mentioned earlier, uncapping FPS in Fallout 4 can open a barrel of radioactive trouble if you don‘t careful…

Common problems include:

  • Speeding up game logic/physics
  • Crashing around the 144 FPS mark
  • Screen tearing without Vsync
  • Stutters as engine bogs down
  • Script lag and delays

From my testing, the High FPS mod avoids most of these. But quirks still occasionally crop up, so quicksave often just in case!

If you run into crashes or unplayable physics, try slowly lowering max FPS until it stabilizes. 120 FPS seems to be the sweet spot before the jank hits.

Is It Worth Unlocking FPS?

At the end of day, is removing Fallout 4‘s frame cap worthwhile? I firmly believe so when paired with a high refresh display that can properly take advantage of the extra performance headroom.

Unlocking FPS transforms the buttery smoothness to a whole other level for appreciating all the tiny details Bethesda crammed into this retrofuturistic world.

That said, those happy with 60 FPS and planning to stay at 1080p may not find as much benefit. If you haven‘t already upgraded monitors, I‘d suggest investing there first before worrying about unlocking frames!

Have any other tips for removing Fallout 4‘s FPS cap? Let me know in the comments! I‘m always experimenting with new performance-boosting tweaks for my favorite games.

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