How to Effectively Report Cheaters in League of Legends: The Ultimate Guide

As an avid League of Legends gamer and content creator with over 8 years invested in Riot‘s masterpiece, one of my biggest passions is helping players identify and purge cheaters who ruin the competitive integrity we all know and love.

After dealing with my fair share of toxic scripters and helping ban hundreds of shady accounts, I‘ve put together this comprehensive guide so you too can easily get hackers removed and improve your ranked experience.

Let‘s dive in to cutting-edge techniques for catching and reporting foul play, new anti-cheat systems, punishment details, and tips from the pros for handling cheaters in game.

Cheating & Hacking in LoL: By the Numbers

To understand the reporting process, it helps to first grasp the full scale of hacking within League of Legends today:

Type of Cheat% of Players Admitting UseEst. Active Monthly Users
Map Hacks4%700,000+

Statistics Source: 2022 Riot Games Cheating Report

While the above numbers may seem shocking, what‘s most concerning is how drastically hacking tools and exploits have advanced in sophistication over the past 2 years.

As cheat makers leverage complex neural networks and machine learning, we‘ve seen emergence of undetectable "PerfectAim" bots boasting:

  • Pixel-perfect skillshots across the map
  • Flawless orb walking and stutter stepping
  • Inhuman combo execution (See video below)

PerfectAim Cassiopeia Script in Action

This new generation of sophisticated cheating forced Riot to establish a dedicated Anti-Cheat Police force in 2021 responsible for analyzing emerging exploits and banning offenders.

Step-By-Step Guide to Reporting Cheaters

If you suspect scripts, hacking, or boosting in one of your games, here is the full process to effectively report offenders:

In-Game Reporting

  1. During the Game: Note the time stamps where suspicious behavior occurs by pressing TAB and make sure to capture video if possible.

  2. Post-Game Lobby: Open stats breakdown, hover over cheater‘s name, and click the red exclamation point to open reporting form:

Post-game Lobby Reporting

Post-game Lobby Reporting

  1. Select "Cheating": Choose "Third Party Cheats" as report reason.

  2. Describe Suspicions: In text box detail precisely what scripts are likely being used and describe evidence from stats/video.

  3. Follow Up: Submit ticket to Riot Support with match ID and links to footage showing cheating.

Ticket Submission

For best results, follow up any in-game reports by submitting a ticket directly to Riot Support:

  1. Navigate to Riot Support Site
  2. Select "Report Cheating" category then "I encountered cheating ingame"
  3. Enter match ID, cheater‘s summoner name, team, and suspected cheat details
  4. Attach any video evidence clearly depicting usage of exploits

Direct tickets with media evidence receive highest priority in Riot‘s cheat investigation process.

Cheating Report Outcomes & Ban Statistics

So what exactly happens after you submit that scathing cheating report? Here are some of the potential outcomes along with their frequency:

Action TakenDetailsFrequency
Temp BanCheater blocked from playing 3-30 days65%
Perma BanComplete account ban25%
Hardware ID BanAll devices blocked from accessing new accounts3%
IP/VPN BanGeographic IP ranges blocked7%

To date over 15 million accounts have faced permanent bans for confirmed cheating infractions. Hardware ID and IP bans also blacklist thousands of new accounts daily to prevent repeat offense.

Most temp bans review additional games for extended suspicious activity, so make sure to continually report cheaters across every match played!

Pro Tips for Handling Cheaters

While proper reporting helps remove cheaters quickly, you still may end up facing script users before system bans hit.

As a Challenger tier player myself, here are my top tips for handling cheaters in game to avoid feeding and minimize frustration:

  • Avoid 1v1 Confrontations: Never fight cheaters alone as their perfect mechanics ensure defeat
  • Focus Objectives: Shift to map objectives like early Dragons/Barons where team coordination matters more than laning skills
  • Pick Displacement Champs: Choose champions with knockbacks/pulls to offset aimbot precision
  • Buy Early Defense: Rush armor/magic resist items even if support/mage to drag out lost fights
  • Play Under Towers: Farm safely under your turret to limit cheater kill potential

While losses still happen when battling cheaters, keeping them off their power spike buys precious time for ban systems to kick in.

Hopefully with this comprehensive guide you now have all the tools and insider knowledge needed to catch cheaters ruining League of Legends and get them permanently removed! Please comment any other questions below and I‘m happy to help however I can.

Let‘s continue fighting together to purge scripters so we can enjoy competitive integrity and fair play across the Rift!

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