How to Report a Venmo Scammer in 2024 (What You Need to Know)

Venmo is used by over 60 million people to send money, but scammers are targeting users more than ever before. According to recent research, over $80 million was lost to mobile payment app scams last year, and Venmo was one of the top targets.

If you receive a suspicious message claiming to be Venmo or think you‘ve fallen victim to a scam, it‘s important to take action right away. This guide will explain exactly how to spot and report Venmo scammers, dispute fraudulent charges, and avoid becoming a victim.

Common Venmo Scams to Watch Out For

Here are some of the most frequent scams that target Venmo users:

Fake payment scams – A stranger asks you to accept money on Venmo to "test" the app, then reverses the deposit from their bank before you can withdraw.

Item sale scams – After "selling" an item, the buyer claims you never shipped it and demands a refund. They may have even used a stolen credit card to make the purchase to begin with.

Account verification scams – You get a message asking for personal details to "verify your account" or avoid closure. The message isn‘t from Venmo at all.

Venmo employee scams – Someone pretends to work for Venmo, possibly asking you to add a fake service charge or transfer settlement funds.

Be wary of any unsolicited messages, deals that seem too good to be true, or requests from strangers.

How to Report Suspicious Emails, Texts, and Calls

If you receive a text or email you think could be a phishing scam:

Be sure to include details on why you think it‘s fraudulent. Venmo‘s security team will review and take appropriate action.

What to Do If You‘re the Victim of a Scam on Venmo

If you sent money to a scammer or think your account was compromised:

  1. Contact Venmo support immediately: Let them know you think your account was scammed. Provide relevant transaction details and user profiles. Venmo likely can‘t reverse the charges, but reporting helps catch scammers.

  2. Dispute the payment: Go through the official dispute process by filling out Venmo‘s dispute form. There‘s no guarantee here either, but it documents the issue.

  3. Remove linked cards / bank account: This will prevent additional withdrawals by the scammer. Temporarily freezing the account may also help.

  4. Inform your bank / credit card provider: They have fraud protections too and may help dispute unauthorized charges or transactions.

The quicker you report fraudulent Venmo activity and lock down your account, the better chance you have at minimizing losses.

Can You Get Your Money Back if Scammed on Venmo?

Recovering lost money if scammed ultimately comes down to how payments were funded:

  • Bank account / debit card payments are tough to dispute. Banks must resolve unauthorized transfers, but proving fraud can take months.

  • Credit card-funded payments can more easily be disputed and reversed by the card issuer. According to law, consumers have max $50 fraud liability if reported promptly. Inform your card provider right away!

Venmo also provides limited purchase protection for payments made to authorized business accounts only. There are no special protections around personal profile transactions.

While less likely, Venmo support may also be able to ban a scammer or fraudulent account if properly reported.

Expert Tips to Avoid Venmo Scams

Here are some key tips to stay secure when using Venmo:

  • Only transact with trusted friends / family Avoid payments to people you don‘t personally know, no matter the context.

  • Beware links and attachments Don‘t click suspicious links in messages claiming you must "verify account" or "process payment."

  • Review account profiles Does the user profile seem legitimate, with proper name, photos, and friend activity? Newly created or empty profiles are red flags.

  • Use credit over debit payments This gives you the most flexibility to dispute fraudulent charges if scammed.

Stay vigilant! Report anything suspicious to Venmo right away to get ahead of the problem. Recovering lost funds is extremely difficult otherwise.

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