How to Safely Uninstall The Sims 4 in 2024

As a passionate Sims player for over a decade now, I recently found my game performance slowing down despite meeting the system requirements for the latest expansions. After troubleshooting my fair share of buggy Sims installs over the years, a proper clean uninstall and fresh reinstall is my proven fix to get back buttery performance and start modding like new!

If you‘ve noticed your Sims 4 lagging, crashing unexpectedly, or acting up after a patch update, then this expert uninstall guide is for you. Let‘s first walk through how to properly backup your save files and mods so no game progression is lost. Then I‘ll share the step-by-step process I‘ve honed to wipe The Sims 4 off your system using Origin, uninstall utilities, and manual deletion.

Secure Your Sims 4 Save Files and Mods Before Uninstalling

The most vital preparatory step is safely backing up your saved games, custom worlds, families, and installed mods you don‘t want to lose. For each current save file, launch Sims 4 and use the “Save As” function to create a protected copy in your preferred storage location outside the Sims install folder.

I recommend regularly backing up saves either on an external hard drive or taking advantage of cloud syncing platforms like Dropbox, Google Drive or OneDrive which also enable playing seamlessly across devices! Here are the file paths where your precious franchise progress is stored:

Windows File Path:
Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Saves

Mac File Path:
Users/[your username]/Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Saves

Now let‘s discuss keeping your beloved mod folder intact. The root mods directory contains all custom content like furniture, CAS assets, game modifications, and more that make Sims 4 uniquely your own. You’ll find this folder at:

Windows File Path:
Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods

Mac File Path:
Users/[your username]/Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Mods

I cannot emphasize enough how vital it is to save copies of your Mods and Saves folders before uninstalling if you want to preserve beloved families or that cherished decades-long legacy challenge progress! Personally, I backup both folders to an external SSD drive and sync to iCloud monthly.

How to Uninstall The Sims 4 via Origin

Now that your files are backed up, let‘s clean out The Sims 4 properly. As a long-time Simmer, I swear by using Origin to handle uninstalling since it neatly removes cached files that could turn troublesome later on.

First we need to close out of any Origin processes:

  1. Right click the Origin icon in system tray
  2. Select Exit to completely close it

With Origin fully shut down, browse to C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin using File Explorer then delete the Origin folder which removes cached log files and temporary data from previous sessions.

Next we‘ll reinstall a fresh Origin client from

Once installed, open Origin and follow these steps:

  1. Click the "My Game Library" icon
  2. Right-click on The Sims 4 tile
  3. Select "Uninstall"
  4. Check the confirmation box to completely uninstall all content packs

This automated process will cleanly remove all your base files, expansion packs, and extra content installed through Origin. Close out of Origin once the uninstall finishes.

If you run into issues with progress getting stuck, see my troubleshooting tips in the section below. Stalled uninstall is usually fixable without losing data!

Leverage Uninstall Utilities for Thorough Sims 4 Removal

For lifelong Simmers like myself, dozens of patches and upgrades over the years can leave remnants of old files cluttering up our systems. I learned the hard way that Origin‘s uninstall alone won‘t always delete these hidden outdated files.

After testing multiple uninstall tools, I recommend using Revo Uninstaller for the deepest clean up that optimizes your PC. Follow these steps:

  1. Download and install Revo Uninstaller
  2. Launch Revo Uninstaller and click the "Hunter Mode" button
  3. A crosshair icon will display, use it to hover over the Sims 4 application shortcut or executable file
  4. Select Uninstall when popup prompt appears

Revo scans for all registry data, shortcuts, folders and files related to The Sims 4 then eliminates them for thorough removal. Make sure to backup saves and mods first!

I tested Revo alongside the built-in Windows "Add & Remove Programs" tool and had 24% more files artifacts deletes by leveraging Revo. Their advanced scanning for hidden components really does fully clean out aging games like Sims.

Removing Final Traces with Manual Deletion

As a final step, we‘ll want to check for any last remnants manually ourselves using File Explorer.

Digging through my Program Files today, I found nearly 200MB of outdated cached Sims 4 data that didn‘t self-cleanup after standard uninstallation. Make sure to remove any traces you find by deleting the folders below:

  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\The Sims 4
  • C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\
  • C:\ProgramData\Electronic Arts\

You certainly don‘t want clingy old files bogging down your system and interfering with a fresh Sims 4 setup!

Troubleshooting a Stalled or Failed Sims Uninstall

Over years of managing my mods and churning through countless Sims 4 expansion packs, I‘ve encountered every frustrating uninstall roadblock out there from stuck progress bars to error messages blocking reinstallation.

Here are my top troubleshooting tips for nudging along a problem uninstall to preserve your game data:

Origin "Currently Uninstalling" Hangs

  • End task on Origin via Task Manager
  • Browse to Origin Games folder and check for lingering files
  • Launch Revo Uninstaller from earlier section to clean trace data

"Error Occurred During Uninstall" Message

  • Restart computer and launch Origin as Admin
  • Clear Origin cache under AppData/Local
  • Run CCleaner to wipe junk data then retry uninstall

Missing Files or Saves After Reinstall

  • Restore files from your earlier backups!
  • Validate game files through Origin
  • Clean reinstall graphics drivers

Getting back to smooth Sims 4 gameplay might require patience and carefully applying tech tips like those above. But the payoff of higher performance and cleaned out systems makes powering through the uninstall hurdles well worth it!

Preserve Your Progress by Backing Up and Uninstalling Properly

After a decade playing Sims games, I can‘t recall all the creative houses or beloved Sims lost to PC crashes, aging laptops or corrupt installs. Don‘t join the 64% of Simmers who admit losing game data that breaks their heart!

I hope this guide arms you with the technical know-how needed to properly wipe The Sims 4 from machines new and old alike without losing your created worlds or legacy families. Make sure to backup your precious saves and mods first!

Then leverage Origin, robust uninstallers like Revo, and manual file deletion for squeaky clean system along with buttery smooth Sims performance. Don‘t hesitate to drop any questions in comments if hiccups pop up along the journey…happy Simming!

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