How to Scrape Airbnb: The Ultimate Guide for 2024

If you‘re looking to gather data from Airbnb for market research, competitive analysis, or any other purpose, web scraping is the way to go. In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll explore how to scrape data from Airbnb‘s website using Python, as well as how tools from provider Bright Data can dramatically simplify the process.

Whether you‘re a beginner or an experienced programmer, by the end of this guide you‘ll have all the knowledge you need to extract valuable insights from Airbnb‘s treasure trove of data. Let‘s dive in!

Understanding Airbnb‘s Website Structure

Before we start scraping, it‘s important to familiarize ourselves with how Airbnb‘s website is structured. When you perform a search on Airbnb, the results page displays a list of listings with key details like:

  • Name of the property
  • Location
  • Price per night
  • Thumbnail image
  • Review score and number of reviews

Clicking on a listing takes you to an individual listing page with much more detailed information, such as:

  • Full description of the property
  • Host name and details
  • Full list of amenities
  • Availability calendar
  • Guest reviews

All of this information is incredibly valuable for market research, competitor analysis, pricing strategy, and more. The challenge is efficiently extracting it, which is where web scraping comes in.

However, scraping Airbnb data isn‘t always straightforward. The site employs various anti-scraping measures like CAPTCHAs and IP blocking to prevent bots from harvesting data. In the next section, we‘ll look at how to build a basic web scraper in Python and discuss some of the limitations.

Building an Airbnb Scraper with Python

To scrape data from Airbnb, we‘ll use Python along with the following libraries:

  • Requests for making HTTP requests
  • BeautifulSoup for parsing HTML
  • Pandas for working with data

Here are the basic steps to build our scraper:

  1. Send a GET request to an Airbnb search results page
  2. Parse the HTML response using BeautifulSoup
  3. Extract the relevant listing details (name, location, price, etc.)
  4. Store the extracted data in a Pandas DataFrame
  5. Repeat for each page of search results

Here‘s a code snippet that demonstrates these steps:

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import pandas as pd

url = ""
response = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, ‘html.parser‘)

listings =‘div._gig1e7‘)

data = []
for listing in listings:
    name = listing.select_one(‘a > div._qg1e3fx‘).text
    location = listing.select_one(‘div._hxt6u1e‘).text 
    price = listing.select_one(‘div._1jo4hgw‘).text
    data.append([name, location, price])

df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=[‘Name‘, ‘Location‘, ‘Price‘])

This script visits the search results page for "New York, NY, United States", parses the HTML to find all the listing elements, extracts the name, location, and price for each one, and stores the data in a DataFrame which is then printed out.

While this approach works for simple data extraction, it has some limitations:

  • It only scrapes the first page of search results (usually 18-20 listings)
  • It doesn‘t handle pagination to scrape subsequent pages
  • It doesn‘t extract data from individual listing pages
  • It‘s susceptible to getting blocked by Airbnb‘s anti-bot measures

In the next section, we‘ll see how Bright Data‘s tools can help us overcome these challenges and take our Airbnb scraping to the next level.

Supercharge Your Airbnb Scraping with Bright Data

Bright Data is a leading web data platform that offers a suite of powerful tools for collecting data from websites. Two of their key offerings – proxy servers and the Scraping Browser – are especially useful for scraping Airbnb data.

Using Bright Data Proxies

When you send requests to Airbnb‘s servers from a single IP address in rapid succession, Airbnb may flag it as bot behavior and block your IP. This is where proxy servers come in.

A proxy acts as an intermediary between your computer and the target website. It routes your requests through a different IP address, making them appear to come from the proxy server rather than your actual machine. Bright Data offers a large pool of proxy IPs to choose from, allowing you to rotate between them to avoid detection and blocking.

Here‘s how you can integrate Bright Data proxies into your Python scraping script:

import requests

url = ‘‘

proxies = { 
    "http": ‘http://username:password@domain:port‘,
    "https": ‘http://username:password@domain:port‘,

response = requests.get(url, proxies=proxies)

Simply define a proxies dictionary with the required authentication details provided by Bright Data, and pass it to the requests.get() function. Now your requests will be routed through the proxy, significantly reducing the risk of getting blocked.

Bright Data‘s Scraping Browser

For an even more streamlined scraping experience, Bright Data offers the Scraping Browser – a powerful browser that mimics human behavior to avoid detection by anti-bot systems.

With the Scraping Browser, you don‘t need to worry about CAPTCHAs, IP blocks, or building complex Selenium scripts. It handles all of that automatically, allowing you to focus on extracting the data you need.

Here‘s an example of how to use the Scraping Browser in Python:

from brightdata import BrightData

bd = BrightData(‘your_brightdata_email‘, ‘your_brightdata_password‘)
browser = bd.browser(‘your_browser_id‘) 

url = ‘‘
content = browser.get(url).content 


After installing the Bright Data Python SDK and authenticating with your account details, you can create a browser instance and use it to fetch the HTML content of any Airbnb URL, whether it‘s a search results page or an individual listing. The Scraping Browser will automatically solve CAPTCHAs and retry if blocked.

Airbnb Scraping Best Practices and Considerations

While scraping Airbnb data can provide incredibly valuable insights, it‘s important to do so responsibly and ethically. Here are some best practices to keep in mind:

  1. Respect Airbnb‘s terms of service and robots.txt file. Don‘t scrape any data that Airbnb has explicitly forbidden.

  2. Limit your request rate to avoid putting undue strain on Airbnb‘s servers. Tools like Bright Data‘s Scraping Browser can help by automatically throttling requests.

  3. Use the scraped data only for legitimate purposes. Don‘t use it to spam hosts or guests, or to gain an unfair advantage over competitors.

  4. Store and process the data securely, especially if it contains any personally identifiable information (PII).

  5. Consider the social impact of your scraping activities. Airbnb data has been used to study the impact of short-term rentals on housing markets and local communities. Ensure your data collection and analysis is not contributing to any harmful effects.

Custom Datasets – An Alternative to DIY Scraping

If you don‘t have the time, technical skills, or resources to scrape Airbnb data yourself, Bright Data offers another option – pre-collected custom datasets.

Their team of web data experts can collect and deliver the exact Airbnb data you need, in the format you require, on a one-off or recurring basis. This can be a great solution if you need a large volume of data, have very specific data requirements, or simply want to focus on analysis rather than data collection.

Some examples of Airbnb datasets that Bright Data can provide include:

  • Listing data for specific cities or regions
  • Historical price and availability data
  • Host and guest review data
  • Sentiment analysis of reviews
  • Booking trends over time

Reach out to Bright Data‘s team to discuss your Airbnb data needs and get a custom solution tailored to your goals.


Airbnb‘s website contains a wealth of valuable data for anyone involved in the short-term rental industry, hospitality sector, or urban planning and policy. Web scraping allows you to collect this data at scale and gain insights that would be impossible to uncover manually.

In this guide, we‘ve covered the fundamentals of scraping Airbnb data using Python, as well as how tools from Bright Data can greatly simplify and enhance the process. Whether you choose to build your own scrapers or leverage Bright Data‘s proxies, Scraping Browser, or custom datasets, you now have the knowledge to start collecting Airbnb data and putting it to work.

Remember to always scrape ethically and responsibly, and consider the potential impact of your data collection and analysis. With the right approach, Airbnb data can help you make smarter business decisions, understand market trends, and even contribute to important urban policy discussions.

Happy scraping!

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